牛津上海版(深圳)六上Unit 11《Trees》word教案 下载本文

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Unit 11 Trees


教学目标 1、知识目标


(2)、通过Listen and say树的重要性的对话,帮助学生掌握核心句型We get … from …,We use … to make … 2、能力目标

(1)、能读懂和朗读文本。 (2)、谈论人们将做什么。 (3)、能初步运用核心句型表达。 3、情感目标

激发学生热爱和保护大自然的热情,节约资源。 教学重难点 1、词汇:wood

2、句型:We get wood from trees. We use wood to make pencils. 3、日常用语:That’s wonderful. 教学过程 1、猜谜导入

They are green and brown. They are important. They can keep the air clean.

They can make our city beautiful. In summer, we like to stay under them. What are they? 2、导学检测

(1)、播放Listen and say的视频,学生观看思考:What do we get from trees?

We get wood from trees. We get fruit from trees.


(2)出示图片,运用词组get … from … We get fish from sea. We get milk from cows. (3)听音并朗读,理解use … to make … (4)分组练习We use … to make …

分组完成任务,这是培养学生合作学习的意识和相互交流的能力。 (5)、对比学习,以旧引新。 Trees can cool the air. In autumn, it is cool.

(6)、Listen and read听录音是为了语音、语调正确地道。大声跟读和朗读是课标要求和学习语言的必要内容。人人参与,充分体验。 (7)、Peter and Joe are making a poster. Help them complete it. 很自然地激发了同学们想植树的欲望,所以老师用When is Tree Planting Day in China ?引出 It’s on 12th March.


We get wood from trees. What do we use wood for? Give a report. We use wood to make a lot of things. We use wood to make … We also use wood to make … 4、归纳总结


1). Listen to and read Student’s Book pages 74 and 75. 2). Make two sentences with key patterns: We get … from … We use … to make… 五、说课板书设计 Unit l1 Trees get … from … use … to make … keep … clean