2018年北京市东城区高三英语一模试卷与答案(Word清晰版) 下载本文

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英 语



第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)


例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. _____, we last met more than thirty years ago.

A.What’s more C.In other words 答案是D。

1. Scientists are building a powerful instrument, which ______ them see deep into space. A. has helped A. unless A. allow A. add

B. will help

C. helped

D. would helped

2. Large groups that want to visit the museum have to get permission ______ they visit.

B. where B. allowed

C. as

D. before

D. had allowed

D. being added

3. Since 18th January, 2018, some airlines in China ______ mobile phone use on their aircrafts.

C. have allowed

4. The dictionary has 100 new words _________ into its latest edition.

B. adding

C. added

5. Moving abroad means entering a culture ______ the customs and the language are different. A. where

B. when

C. which

D. whose

6. —Could you tell me ______ the train from New York will be arriving on time? —Yes, sir. It should be arriving in 10 minutes. A. when

B. how

C. why

D. if

7. The snowstorm ______ several days before it hit the northern areas. A. would predict A. may

B.That’s to say D.Believe it or not

B. had predicted B. must

C. would be predicted D. had been predicted

D. need

8. I ______ not have her new telephone number; let me check.

C. shall


9. Once Jason becomes interested in some topic, he can’t help thinking about it ______ he goes. A. however

B. wherever

C. whenever

D. whomever

10. The book ______ next year is supposed to be a best-seller. A. publishing A. what him. A. so

B. but B. by

C. or C. for

D. for D. with

13. Electric cars produce about 80 percent less pollution than cars ______ gas-powered motors. A. from A. Realized

14. ______ that he had fallen behind, Peter started to quicken his pace.

B. To realize

C. Having realized A. were

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


My brother Gene was four years older than me. By the time I turned four, I was upset that he could read but I couldn’t. I burned with 16 to read a book like my brother. I begged: “Teach me to read, Mom! Please, please?!” Finally, Mom set aside time after lunch 17 reading lessons, and soon after my fifth birthday, I was reading.

I longed for my father, who was a great storyteller, to read me the books that I couldn’t yet read on my own. But my father worked three jobs to feed the family. He didn’t have the time or 18 in the evening to read to me. 19 , every Sunday morning, my brother and I lay next to him in bed, waiting for him to tell stories about his 20 . I can still hear my father’s voice 21 the cold winters on the family farm in Poland. His family didn’t have enough money to burn wood in the fireplace all night. He told us that he always volunteered to help with 22 . I can smell the soup made by my grandma and 23 my father cutting onions, carrots and tomatoes for salad, and when no one was looking, putting a piece into his mouth. “I was always 24 ,” he explained. Hearing my father’s stories 25 me closer to the books and the stories they held.


B. being published C. to be published D. to have published B. how

C. when

D. why

11. The trouble is ______ we can reach the conference center within twenty minutes in the rush hour.

12. Mike hasn’t appeared for two weeks, ______ his friends are wondering what has happened to

D. Having been realized C. had been

D. would have been

15. Can you imagine what the modern world ______ like without smartphones?

B. would be

One Saturday afternoon when I was seven, we walked two blocks to the small 26 in our neighborhood, and my dad filled out forms for a card. That Saturday 27 my life: I met Mrs. Schwartz, the librarian, and my dad said, “You’re 28 enough to walk to the library yourself.” And so I did—almost every afternoon.

In my mind, Mrs. Schwartz was “the keeper of books and the guardian of stories.” Some days she read aloud to a small group of us 29 . Most of time, Mrs. Schwartz let me 30 myself with books I pulled from the shelves and look through them to see which ones I’d 31 out. I remember that sometimes she’d 32 a book and tell me a part of the story. But she always let me choose. Books became my 33 who were my comfort when I felt lonely.

Yes, reading changed me. It gave me the 34 to study hard so I could become a teacher, and share my 35 of reading with my students. And inside my head, I can still hear the voices of my mother, father, and Mrs. Schwartz, which are with me every time I open the first page of a new book. 428

16. A. anger 17. A. for 18. A. ability 19. A. Still

B. worry

C. desire C. in

C. courage C. Therefore

D. interest D. until D. energy D. Finally D. neighborhood D. interpreting D. cooking D. picture D. tired D. left D. club D. controlled D. free

D. communicators D. reward D. sign D. reserve D. companions D. chance D. plan

B. before B. Then

B. ambition B. childhood B. describing

B. discover B. poor

20. A. workplace 21. A. explaining 22. A. living 23. A. catch 24. A. busy 25. A. laid 27. A. saved 28. A. near

C. farmland C. introducing C. farming C. notice C. hungry C. taught C. office C. tested C. old

B. reading

B. drew

26. A. library B. bookstore B. changed B. ready

29. A. graduates 30. A. surround 31. A. find 32. A. write 34. A. drive 35. A. lesson

33. A. teachers

B. regulars B. familiarize

B. lend

C. candidates C. examine C. check C. study C. order C. love


B. recommend B. assistants B. dream

B. time

C. listeners