2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Fine Arts-Western, 下载本文

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D.Limit their children's screen time.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“if people spend too much time on one technology ... prevent the development of certain communication skills”可知,长时间使用电子设备有碍于孩子们一些沟通技能的发展,因此家长应该限制孩子使用这些设备的时间。

12.What is Sherry Turkle worried? A.Children are afraid of taking risks. B.Children try to escape from the real world. C.Children can't live without electronic devices. D.Children can't deal with companion-less situations.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“She fears that children ... will come to know a world where perfect, shiny screens give them a false sense of intimacy (亲密) without risk.”可知,Sherry Turkle担心孩子们习惯了电子设备的陪伴,认为真正的人际交往也是如此,随时随地有人陪伴,因此他们会受不了孤单。


More than 2,500 tiny glass jars — each containing brightly colored powders — line the walls of a museum at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.The pigment (颜料) samples make up the Forbes Pigment Collection.Art experts rely on the collection for an important scientific purpose — the colors act as standards to help them conserve and authenticate artists' paintings.

About a century ago, Edward Forbes, an art historian and art museum director at Harvard, noticed that the paint on some 14th-century paintings in his museum's collection was deteriorating.To figure out how to save the paintings, he realized he would have to learn more about the materials used to make their paint.

Today, people can buy paint in every color of the rainbow.But variety in paint colors — and the ability to purchase those paints at a store — wasn't always possible.For centuries, artists collected and crushed (碾碎) everything from shells to rare stones to create the pigments that colored their artworks.They also used metal oxides (氧化物).

From 1910 to 1944, Forbes traveled the globe collecting powdered pigments.The samples helped art conservators understand how paint behaves on a chemical level.Paint might react to changes in light, temperature, or humidity, depending on its pigments' compositions.This can affect the colors of a painting over time or even cause paint to come off the painted surface.

Today, Narayan Khandekar, a senior conservation scientist at the Harvard Art Museums, is building on Forbes's work by adding newer, chemically made pigments to the collection.The collection also plays an important role in helping to stop counterfeiters (伪造者).In 2007, experts compared pigments from the collection with those from a painting thought to belong to abstract artist Jackson Pollock.Chemical analysis showed that a red pigment in the painting was actually made 20 years after the artist's death, proving that the artwork was a fake.

语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了哈佛大学色素博物馆的来历及其作用。 13.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “deteriorating” in Paragraph 2?

A.Dropping off. C.Cleared away.

B.Breaking down. D.Gathered together.

解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的句子“To figure out how to save the paintings”可推知,一些14世纪的绘画被损坏了,故此处的deteriorating可以用breaking down(损坏)代替。

14.What can be inferred about Edward Forbes? A.He was good at chemistry. B.He collected many pigments. C.He created pigments by himself. D.He repaired a lot of old paintings.

解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Forbes traveled the globe collecting powdered pigments”以及博物馆藏品的命名“Forbes Pigment Collection”可推知Forbes从全球各地收集了许多颜料。

15.What may be the best title for the text? A.Colorful collection B.Looking for pigments

C.Every pigment has its own story D.Edward Forbes and his collection

解析:选A 标题归纳题。文章介绍了哈佛大学色素博物馆的来历及其作用。“Colorful collection”形象准确地概括了全文的主要内容,故A项为文章最佳标题。


Some people choose to live in a flat sharing with others.Others can't imagine leaving their perfect flats to live with lots of other people.

If you live alone, you're responsible for your own space.If you need your quiet

space, you're guaranteed to have it.__1__ And you can catch up with work without being interrupted or have a long and undisturbed bath.

However, there's no one around if you need a helping hand.If something gets broken, you'll have to fix it yourself.__2__ You don't have friends at home to invite you out and help you meet people.There's no one at home to have a cup of tea with and talk about how your day was.

__3__ Sometimes when you get home, the cake your colleague gave you as a thank-you present is mysteriously gone.Whenever you want a relaxing bath, there's no hot water left and someone wants to come in every five minutes.It's also rarely quiet.Someone always seems to have a birthday party when you want to go to bed early.

But in spite of all that, there can be some wonderful moments, like waking up to the sound of the hoover (吸尘器).__4__ And when you come home after a long day, you find your housemates making pizza with leftover vegetables while you watch a film.__5__

So, what's your choice?

A.You can be alone quite a lot. B.That's when it all seems worth it.

C.You don't have to share the sofa with anyone. D.Living alone has become more popular in recent years. E.It's not all good when you live with other people, though. F.You will realize how important your friends and family are. G.You will realize someone else is doing the cleaning for a change. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了独自生活以及与别人合住的优缺点。 1.选C 本空承接上文,是对上一句“If you need your quiet space, you're guaranteed to have it.”的举例:如果你需要安静的空间,你肯定会拥有它。你不需要和别人分享沙发。

2.选A 本空后两句是对这一处内容的具体说明:你不会收到舍友的外出邀请,也没有人和你在家里边喝茶边聊天;由此可推知,本空是指你会经常感到孤独。

3.选E 根据下文内容可知,本段谈论了和别人住在一起也并不总是那么美好。 4.选G 本空承接上一句中提到的那些美妙时刻中的一种情况:在吸尘器的声音中醒来,你会意识到有人正在打扫房间。

5.选B 本空是对最后一段内容的概括:这些美妙的时刻会使你感到做出和别人住在一起这个选择是值得的。