人教版九年级下册英语Unit13 Section A(3a-4c)优质教学设计(含教学反思) 下载本文

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Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!

The Second Period—Section A(3a-4c)

Teaching Important Points 【教学重点】 Key words & phrases:


be harmful to,at the top of,the food chain,take part in,turn off,pay for,take action

Key sentences:

1.Many have heard of shark fin soup.

2.If their numbers drop too low,it will bring danger to all ocean life.

3.The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.

4.So far,no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health,so why eat them?

Key structure:

Review of tenses:be+doing;used to+do;have/has+done;be+done;should+do

Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】

★Practice the structures to talk about pollution and environmental protection in reading.

Teaching Aids 【教学工具】

A tape recorder,CAI or multimedia courseware.

Teaching Steps 【教学过程】 ★Step 1 Leading in 【新课导入】 1.Greeting 2.Brainstorming

Quickly ask questions about how to protect the environment.Like this:

What are your ideas for solving the air/waste pollution problem?… 3.Ask students to role-play the conversation in 2d. ★Step 2 Cooperative inquiry 【合作探究】 1.Finish the task in 3a

①Talk about the protection of endangered animals in our country. ②Show pictures of sharks.

Ask questions and think about these things: What do you know about sharks?

Do you know sharks are endangered?Why?

What might have caused a fall in the number of sharks?

Discuss with students and present the new words.shark,fin,method,be harmful to,the food chain,ecosystem

③Quickly read the article and check their answers to these questions.Help students to learn the new items.

④Pay attention to the details of the passage.Get the students to find the sentences that have the information about the fact sheet.

2.Finish the task in 3b

①Read the instructions.Scan the five sentences with blanks. ②Read aloud the passage carefully.Fill in the blanks on their own.

③Check the answers.Show the complete sentences on the board.And read aloud them.Discuss the use of the conjunctions:so,although,if,but,when.

④Play the recording for the students to read aloud the passage. 3.Finish Grammar Focus

①Read aloud the sentences in the grammar frame until fluently.Think about the tenses,modal verbs,the structure of used to,and the passive voice.

②Ask students to say how to use the tenses,the structure of used to,modal verbs and the passive voice.

③Give some exercises.Practice with students. 4.Finish the task in 4a