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SM32X 1: when format MBR offset 0x1BE=0x80 PRETESTTIME 1 3 0: NO R/W 1: R/W 55 2: R/W 55 AA 3: No Erase 0:Select Default driver 1:Select Factory Driver for test 80: Plug in Led ON 82:Plug in Led OFF Led frequency 0:disable pretest 1:enable pretest 0:disable write CID 1:enable write CID 0:disable format 1:enable format 0:disable copy compare 1:enable copy compare 0:disable download ISP 1:enable download ISP 0:disable AUTORUN 1:enable AUTORUN 0:Disable Preload 1:Enable the Preload function Copy Compare schedule list 0:Failed if one byte different and return false directly. 1: Failed if one byte different but compare until finished. CCRANDOM CopyCmpPattern 0:Sequence write and sequence read 1:Random write and random read. 0:pattern with 0~255 1:pattern with 0 2: pattern with FF 3: pattern with 55 Version : 4.2 Confidential
EnableFactoryDriver LEDREADY LEDBUSY PRETEST WRITECID FORMAT COPYCOMPARE DOWNLOADISP MAKEAUTORUN PRELOAD CCSCHEDULE CCFAILCOUNT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 256 4 1 80 48 1 1 1 1 1 0 - 21 - SM32X 4: pattern with AA 5: pattern with 33 6: pattern with CC 7: pattern with 66 8: pattern with 99 9: pattern with Customize1 10: pattern with Customize2 11: pattern with Customize3 12: pattern with EF Customize1:the customize file path Customize2: the customize file path Customize3: the customize file path EndInfo ENDHEAD32:The ENDHEAD value for 32MB flash ENDSECTOR32:The ENDSECTOR value for 32MB flash ENDCYLINDER32:The ENDCYLINDER value for 32MB flash ENDHEAD64:The ENDHEAD value for 64MB flash ENDSECTOR64: The ENDSECTOR value for 64MB flash ENDCYLINDER64: The ENDCYLINDER value for 64MB flash ENDHEAD128:The ENDHEAD value for 128MB flash ENDSECTOR128: The ENDSECTOR value for 128MB flash ENDCYLINDER128: The ENDCYLINDER value for 128MB flash ENDHEAD256:The ENDHEAD value for 256MB flash ENDSECTOR256: The ENDSECTOR value for 256MB flash ENDCYLINDER256: The ENDCYLINDER value for 256MB flash Version : 4.2 Confidential
- 22 - SM32X ENDHEAD512:The ENDHEAD value for 512MB flash ENDSECTOR512: The ENDSECTOR value for 512MB flash ENDCYLINDER512: The ENDCYLINDER value for 512MB flash ENDHEAD1024:The ENDHEAD value for 1024MB flash ENDSECTOR1024: The ENDSECTOR value for 1024MB flash ENDCYLINDER1024: The ENDCYLINDER value for 1024MB flash ENDHEAD2048:The ENDHEAD value for 2048MB flash ENDSECTOR2048: The ENDSECTOR value for 2048MB flash ENDCYLINDER2048: The ENDCYLINDER value for 2048MB flash ENDHEAD4096:The ENDHEAD value for 4096MB flash ENDSECTOR4096: The ENDSECTOR value for 4096MB flash ENDCYLINDER4096: The ENDCYLINDER value for 4096MB flash ENABLEENDCHS 0:Using the system default EndCylinder, EndHead and EndSector 1:Using the manual setting in 「EndInfo」 The number of end info in the list Support production CIDPATH ROMPATH PRELOADPATH PARTIALSIZE ENABLEPARTIAL ISNR Version : 4.2 256 256 256 4 1 1 For SM340 CID existed folder For Sm340 Rom file existed path Preload file path For partial flash setting. Enable the partial flash support or not. For NR flash
ITEMCOUNT APP3IN1=0 4 1 0 Autorun+Public+Security UFD Confidential - 23 - SM32X ISMICRON ISAGAND FONTSIZE NUMOFBUTTON PROGWIDTH STATUSWIDTH CAPWIDTH SNWIDTH VIDPIDWIDTH FLASHIDWIDTH 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 For Micron flash For AGAND flash The Font size value The number of button for display The width of Progress field The width of Status field The width of Capacity field The width of Serial Number field The width of VID/PID field The width of Flash ID field The width of Bad Block field The width of Write Protect field The width of Inquiry field 0: Hide the Progress Field 1:Show the Progress Field 0: Hide the Status Field 1:Show the Status Field 0: Hide the Capacity Field 1:Show the Capacity Field 0: Hide the Serial Number Field 1:Show the Serial Number Field 0: Hide the VID/PID Field 1:Show the VID/PID Field 0: Hide the FlashID Field 1:Show the FlashID Field 0: Hide the Bad Block Field 1:Show the Bad Block Field 0: Hide the Inquiry Field 1:Show the Inquiry Field 0: Hide the Write Protect Field 1:Show the Write Protect Field 0: Show the Button 1: Hide the Button 0: Disable auto capacity function. BADBLOCKWIDTH WPWIDTH INQWIDTH ENPROG ENSTATUS ENCAP ENSN ENVIDPID ENFLASH ENBADBLK ENINQ ENWP BUTTONHIDE AUTOCAPACITY Version : 4.2 Confidential
- 24 - SM32X 1: Disable auto capacity function SNLEN SERIALMASK AUTODATE AUTODATESTART AUTODATEEND CLUSTERTYPE 4 20 1 2 2 1 1 Serial Number Length The Mask of Serial number 0: Disable the auto date in the mask 1: Enable the auto date in the mask The start position of Date in serial mask The end position of date in serial mask. If the value is 1 for normal Cluster size, if set to 0, SONY FAT32 over 4GB will fit to 32KB cluster size. DISABLEK9F2GFORCEID MSC 1 1 0 1 0:Enable the K9F2G A-Dye 2Plane mode. 1:Disable the K9F2G A-Dye 2Plane mode. 0: Disable SM321BB support Case 13 but enable the AutoRun function. 1: Enable SM321BB support Case 13 but disable the autorun function. 0: Disable automatic install/Uninstall factory driver 1: Enable automatic install/Uninstall factory driver.
ENABLEFINGERPRINTCHECK 1 0 Version : 4.2 Confidential
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