上外翻译I笔记(第九讲) 下载本文

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第九讲:增减 重复 ? 结构上的增补:主语 久仰久仰!

I heard so much about you! 恐怕他不会来了

I’m afraid he will not come 进来了就休想出去

Once you are in, you would not be allowed to get out. ? 结构上的增补:谓语


at the news, her face turned pale and her hands (turned) cold. He has been broadcasting for 4 hours without any mistakes. 他连续播音四个小时,中间没有出现任何差错 The dean had a lot of work to do before the meeting. 主席在出席会议之前还有很多工作要做

“Truly Allah has blessed us” Ahmed exclaimed piously. “Soil, water, sun—we can grow anything” “真主真是保佑我们哪”,阿赫麦德虔诚地说道,“我们有土地,有水,有阳光—种什么都行” ? 结构上的增补:宾语


The more the teacher elaborates on empty theories, the more the students disgust them. First you borrow, then you beg. 头一遭借钱,下一遭就讨饭 ? 结构上的增补:修饰语


She closed her eyes and put her hand into his.


How can we get young people to increase their consumption of iron-rich food? ? 结构上的增补:状语

Blue is such a pretty. Jim had always liked her in blue.


The ancient sites, which had the important political, economical and religious things going on, are almost all gone.

这些遗址,过去曾是重要的政治、经济和宗教活动场所,现在几乎荡然无存了 ? 增补时间状语

完成时:曾,已经,过,了 进行时:在,着,正

将来时:将,就,要, 会,便 ? 结构上的增补:连词 不努力就不会成功

One will not succeed unless one works hard. 早知这样就不来了

If I had known it earlier, I would not come. The best cook can not please all the diners. 即使最好的厨师也不能让所有的食客满意

? 结构上的增补:量词和表示复数的词

a full moon 一轮满月 a bad dream 一场噩梦 have a rest 休息一下

the king of animals 百兽之王

the mountains 群山

all the presidents of the nation 历任总统

? 结构上的增补:省略成分

He did not really represent their opinions to the higher-ups although he insisted he did. 他并没有把他们的意见真正反映给上级,尽管他坚持说已经反映过了 Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own.

从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训更好(比较) Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man. 读书使人充实;讨论使人机智;写作使人准备(排比)

At the time of Kennedy’s assassination, Kissinger felt that a second term would have led either to greatness or to disaster.

肯尼迪遇刺时,基辛格认为,如果肯尼迪再任一届总统的话,大概不是立大功,就是闯大祸 (虚拟条件)

? 语义上的增补 谁都知道那里很艰苦

Everyone knows life there is rather difficult.

Today the school-leaving age is 16, but many girls stay at school after that age.

如今允许离校的年龄定在16岁,许多女孩过了这个年龄还要继续留在学校里学习 The crowds melted away as the police arrived. 警察赶来后,人群渐渐散开了

He regarded the National Day edition of the Yangtze Evening Post as a collector’s item. 他把国庆节的那份扬子晚报视为收藏家的珍品 ? 语义上的增补:动词

After a whole day’s work, they would sit in front of a wayside shop, enjoying three of the best things in life along the Nile—tea, conversation, and the water pipe. 忙碌一整天,他们会坐在路边商店的门前,享受尼罗河沿岸人们生活里的三件最大乐事—喝茶、聊天、抽水烟

For the international community the most striking consequence of these changes is that China has grown to be the third largest economy in the world, and is set to grow further. 对国际社会来说,这些变化带来的引人注目的结果就是中国已跃居为世界第三经济大国,而且今后定会更强大

? 语义上的增补:范畴词

We have got great achievements militarily, politically and economically. 我们在军事、政治、经济等方面取得了巨大的成绩

stability 稳定性 transparency 透明度 remedy 补救措施 retreat 休养地 exchange 交易所 fillings 填充物 ? 修辞的增补

At the age of 35, she had first learned what it is to be a mother.


It is a bit fishy that the old man should have given away a villa like that.

那么好端端的一幢别墅,那个老头儿竟然白白地送了人,其中颇有蹊跷 As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完

Hearing the death of his son in the front, the old lady sank down with her face in her hands. 获悉儿子在前线阵亡的消息,老太太一屁股坐了下去,两手捂住了脸

? 增补必要的背景

In our country we say “Beehouse” as you say Adams or Cecil.


The archaeologists discovered thousands of previously unidentified rock art sites across Arnhem Land.

在澳大利亚北部地区阿那姆地,考古学家发现了成千上万个以前从未有人识别的石艺场址 ?


In “IOU” I represents I, O owe, and U you. 在“IOU”中字母I代表“我”,O代表“欠”,U代表“你” (省略)

I’m always very aware of everything that is going on around the street, even in my own neighborhood, where I used to feel safe. 现在我在街上总是十分注意周围的动静,就连在家门口附近也是一样,虽然过去我觉得家门附近是安全的 (关系词)

When it comes to writing, if richness needs gifts with which everyone is not endowed, simplicity by no means comes by nature. To achieve it needs rigid discipline.

谈到写作,如果说写华丽的文章需要有天资,而这(份天资)并不是人人都具备的,简洁则决不是天生的。要做到简洁(这一点),必须经过严格的训练 (代词) ?


As regards health, I have nothing useful to say since I have little experience of illness. I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I cannot keep awake.


People use natural science to understand and change nature. 人们利用自然科学去了解自然,改造自然

They have been victimized so often that they have lost their fear and anger. 他们屡次受害,已经不觉得害怕,也不感到气愤了 ?


The local people’s response to the new security measures was enthusiastic. 当地居民对新的安全措施反应强烈

His room is small but cozy, with a fireplace, a soft chair and a sofa. 他房间里有壁炉、软椅和沙发,虽然小些,但挺温馨 ? 代词的省略

It is very important to learn English well. 学好英语非常重要

It is me. / It is raining. 是我 / 下雨了