新世纪综合教程3 第二版 Unit 3 答案 下载本文

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Keys-Unit 3


I. 1. pleasant/comfortable, practically 2. very long, (places of) physical exercises 3.was made to realize this

4. decided not to have coffee and instead to go (to the bookstore) 5. held in mind

II. 1. negotiated 2. debonair 3. dodging 4. notion 5. compact

6. contortion 7. thrive 8. undertaking

III. 1. disagreeable 2. eccentricity 3. acquainted 4.ridicule 5. triumphal 6. deficiencies 7. woefully 8. contorted IV. 1. going about 2. going through 3. pops out 4. pace off

5.pulled up 6. dug out 7. stroll up to 8. habituated to V. 1.bustling, exciting 2. old, time-honored 3. depressed, downhearted, low-spirited 4. absurd, ridiculous 5. indifferent, unconcerned 6. infuriating, irritating 7. failure, defeat 8. again

VI. 1. encountered 2. cause 3. agreed to 4.limited to 5. idling about 6. relied on 7. tolerate 8. deserted/abandoned


I. 1. had been talking 2. had been working 3. had worked 4. had been applying 5 had broken 6. had been standing 7. had swallowed 8. had been II. 1. has been empty

2. had been working for the company

3. had been waiting for me for half an hour 4. had had lunch 5. had left

6. had been living

7. had repaired the engine 8. had told

III. had seen, returned, didn’t have, didn’t have, had…done, was, didn’t have, did, left, had, was, decided, picked, went, slammed, felt, had reminded, had searched, found, remembered, were

IV. 1. will 2. shall 3. Should 4. would 5. will 6. shall 7. should 8. should 9. would 10. would V. 1. nowadays 2.ages ago 3. lately, just 4. soon, after a long time 5. immediately, Eventually 6. once 7. recently 8. for weeks Translation

I. 1. 我几乎每天都步行到邮局或图书馆或书店,心情特别不错的时候,路过Rosey


2. 为了避免走路,我们愿意承受反常的扭曲之苦。

3. 我肯定,他会慢跑很长的距离,会打壁球,会进行各种各样有益健康的运动,但我同样也肯定,他一定是开车去那些运动场所的。

4. 当时,这一切显得多荒唐、多令人恼怒,但过后我意识到,我或许是唯一一个有过步行穿过十字路口想法的人。

II. 1. The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher learning in the world.

2. If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hardly make himself a success with only what he has acquired in class.

3. I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing the monograph by the end of this week.

4. He feels that it is ludicrous to write on a contemporary theme in an ancient style. 5. The Bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples liked to come to coo in the 70s and the 80s of the last century.

6. His daughter is very sedate for a girl of about ten, for she likes reading more than playing.

7. The couple strolled hand-in-hand along the country road when the sun in its first splendor steeped the earth.

8.The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric romantic genius when alive. III. 大约三年前,我和我妻子对大城市的嘈杂生活感到厌倦,因此,决定在一个小镇落户,那里安静宜人。现在我们的生活很好,因为这地方方便,办点事步行去就行。我经常四处走走,心情好的时候,在咖啡店歇一下,喝杯饮料,或在洲际戏院停住脚步,看一场戏。但是,有些人似乎不理解我的怪癖行为。我喜欢尽可能地多走路,这是大部分人所不能理解的,因为他们太过于依赖车子了。有时,几乎到了荒唐滑稽的程度,即便只是10分钟步行的路程,他们仍然喜欢驾车。有时,我在独自散步,他们会问我是否需要搭车。但我认为,车子使腿脚功能退化。在这个社会里,多数人占据主导地位。我意识到,我或许是唯一主张短距离步行的人,这也就是我不是地遇到麻烦的原因。比如:许多商店把门前清理出来,只容顾客停车,店家关心的只是商业成功。

Exercise for Integrated Skills

I. Recently in the United States, / there has been a debate / concerning old drivers. / There have been a series of accidents / committed by elderly drivers / and they have given rise to new debates on the old issue: / how old is too old to drive? / Some people point to statistics/ showing that older drivers are safer than teenagers, / at least until they reach seventy-five. / Moreover, elderly drivers are less likely to drive drunk / than other drivers. However, at least twenty-one states / have special requirements on older drivers: / those over sixty-five and older/ are required to renew their driving license every year / and undertake vision tests. / Taking away a license can rob older people of their independence / and force them to rely on others/ for trips to the grocery store or doctor’s office. / Some people argue / whether someone continues to drive or not/ should be based on performance / not just simply age.

II. (1) more (2) around (3) free (4) leave (5) programs (6) ease (7) it (8) signed (9) environmental (10) handing (11) only (12) With