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中国石化股份公司武汉分公司 6万吨/年硫磺回收装置


Main Burners for 60kt/a SRU Sinopec Wuhan Company

合同技术协议/Technical Agreement

买方/Buyer : 中国石化股份有限公司武汉分公司

签字: 2007年 月 日


签字: 2007年 月 日

卖方/Seller : 荷兰杜克燃烧工程公司

(Duiker combustion Engineers b.v. )

签字: 2007年 月 日


SECTION A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AND SCOPE OF SUPPLY/A部分:技术参数和供货范围 4 1.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION/技术参数 4 1.1 General description of the Duiker Main Burner/杜克主燃烧器介绍 4 1.2 Operating data/操作数据 6 1.3 Mechanical design/机械设计 8 1.4 Noise data/噪音数据 8 1.5 Materials of construction /材质 9 1.6 Manufacturing/制造 10 1.7 Testing/检测 10 1.8 Surface preparation/表面处理 12 1.9 Approval and inspection/认证及检验条款 12 1.10 Refractory /耐火材料 13 1.11 Weights, volume and packing/重量,体积及包装 14 2.1 Main burners/主燃烧器 15 2.2 Gas/electric pilot burners with ignition/ionisation boxes /燃气电离点火器 17 2.3 Flame detecting equipment, make B.F.I. /B.F.I.提供的火焰检测仪 18 2.4 Site services (option)/现场服务 19 2.5 Commissioning and start-up spare parts (option)/开工备件(可选) 19 2.6 Recommended spare parts for 2 years normal operation (option)/推荐2年运行备件(可选) 20 3.0 REMARKS/备注 20 4.0 EXCEPTIONS AND DEVIATIONS/偏差和偏离 21 5.0 Guarantee/保证值 21 6.0 Documentation/文件提交 22 7.0 miscellaneous /其他 22 SECTION B: LIST OF ENCLOSURES/B部分:附件 25

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Duiker(杜克)Combustion Engineers b.v. -全球业绩最多的硫回收燃烧器厂商 TEL:13911772951 Page 3/25

SECTION A: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION AND SCOPE OF SUPPLY/A部分:技术参数和供货范围 1.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION/技术参数 1.1 General description of the Duiker Main Burner/杜克主燃烧器介绍

Since efficient combustion is one of the key parameters for optimal S.R.U. plant operation and optimum recovery rates, Duikerwould like to summarize some information about the design of the Duiker Main Burners. / 高效燃烧是优化硫磺回收装置及提高硫磺回收率的关键参数之一。在此,杜克提供一些有关杜克公司主燃烧器的设计的信息。

The main feature of the Duiker Main Burner design is the intensive swirl mixing of acid gas/SWS gas (or fuel gas at start-up) with the combustion air. /杜克主燃烧器的主要的特点在于可保证纯酸气体/SWS气体和或启动时的燃料气体与燃烧空气的超强漩涡预混合。

The Duiker Main Burner consists of an air box with a refractory lined burner combustion chamber, an air register and an acid gas gun. The combustion air acquires a strong rotating motion by passing the air register. Maximum air velocity is reached when the air leaves the air nose. Acid gas is supplied through the gun, which is provided with a diffuser. The acid gas is injected perpendicularly into the air stream, to give intimate mixing with the combustion air. /杜克主燃烧器包括一个特有的带耐火衬里的高能燃烧室、空气涡流调风器和一个酸性气/燃料气枪。燃烧空气经过气体涡流导流器后可以获得非常强劲的涡流状态。当气体离开气鼻时,气体的速度达到最大。酸性气体和燃料气体通过带有耐火锥扩散器的气枪喷出。在耐火锥的导流作用下,酸性气体/燃料气与燃烧空气垂直相交,从而达到空气与酸性气的完全预混合。

A high degree of turbulence is achieved in the zone containing the flame front, and this contributes greatly to high combustion efficiency. The aerodynamic design causes strong vortices to form in the refractory lined burner chamber, adjacent to the wall and close to the gas gun. These vortices stabilize the flame to give a high heat concentration in the front section of the reaction chamber. As a result of this, oxidation reactions take place at the maximum temperature level. /在火焰主体所处的燃烧器高能燃烧室内,混合气体获得最强的漩涡流态,从而大大提高了燃烧效率。这种空气动力学设计能够使混合气体无论是在具有耐火衬里的高能燃烧室内、还是高能燃烧室靠近室壁的部分及接近及气体枪的部位形成很强的旋涡混合。这种漩涡流态能够使火焰保持稳定,从而在燃烧器的高能燃烧室、反应炉前部形成高温、高能浓缩反应区。在此情况下,硫回收氧化反应在最高的燃烧温度条件下充分进行。

Benefits of the Duiker approach to the Main Burner design are: /杜克公司主燃烧器的设计优点在于:

1. Intense swirl mixing in a compact high temperature reaction zone giving excellent

process characteristics. Conversion rates are high, oxygen break through is prevented, catalyst life extended and high turn down ratios are possible with complete stability of the flame. /高能燃烧室形成高温、高混的浓缩反应区,从而保证非常好的工艺性能。这种设计形成稳定的火焰,从而保证高的硫磺转换率、有效消除氧气残余,延长催化剂寿命,高的设备弹性比。

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2. Reaction characteristics are reliably controlled to specification levels by including

the gun and wind box system, with the refractory lined burner chamber, in a single integral unit. The refractory lining geometry is critical in securing the performance advantages achieved with the Duiker Main Burner. /在结构上,特殊设计的气枪、风箱壳体及带有耐火衬里的燃烧室形成一个整体,从而保证了稳定燃烧反应特性。高能燃烧室内部的特殊几何空间结构,也是杜克燃烧器运行特性突出的保证。

3. The residence time in the integral burner chamber can be allowed for when sizing

the main reaction furnace, to give a consequent saving in the cost of this latter item. /燃烧器自带的高能燃烧室空间可作为计算停留时间的一部分空间,从而节省反应炉的投资成本。

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