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Operating data/操作数据

Duiker confirm that the burners, quoted by us, are based on the maximum flows and maximum pressure drops, specified by Buyer in the Burner Data Sheet, enclosed with Buyer’s enquiry. Duiker also confirm that the minimum flows as specified by Buyer , can be reached./杜克在此确认所提供的燃烧器方案是依据贵公司询价文件所附的燃烧器数据表,满足要求的最大压力降和最大流量。同时杜克也确认通过燃烧器的气体最小流量能够达到要求。

The Main Burner will be suitable for continuous operation between the following conditions:/主燃烧器满足如下连续运行的工况:

Acid Gas Firing (design status)/酸性气燃烧工况(设计工况) Max(120%) Normal Turndown /最大 (100%)/正常 /最小 Quantity of Air kg/hr 11668 9723 1750.2 /空气流量 Quantity of Acid Gas/kg/hr 4936 4113.3 740.4 酸性气体流量 Air temperature °C 84 84 84 /燃烧空气温度 Acid Gas temperature/°C 75 75 75 酸性气温度 Pressure in the combustion Chamber at max. capacity 50 kPa(g) /最大处理量下燃烧室的压力 Pressure drop across the burner for air and acid gas at max. 5 kPa capacity/最大处理量下通过主燃烧器的空气和酸性气体压降 Acid Gas Composition/酸性气体的成分 Component/Mol% 成分 H2S 46.91 CO2 7.49 C2H6 1.52 N2 - H2O 19.81 CO - O2 - NH3 24.27 H2 -

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Acid Gas Firing (normal conditions)/ 酸性气燃烧工况(正常工况) Max(120% Normal Turndown )/最大 (100%)/正常 /最小 Quantity of Air kg/hr 10853 9044 1628 /空气流量 Quantity of Acid Gas/kg/hr 5975 4979 896.3 酸性气体流量 Air temperature/ °C 84 84 84 燃烧空气温度 Acid Gas °C 53 53 53 temperature/ 酸性气体温度 Acid Gas Composition/酸性气体成分 Component/Mol% 成分 H2S 61.62 CO2 18.05 C2H6 0.88 N2 - H2O 10.4 CO - O2 - NH3 9.05 H2 - Fuel Gas Firing for Main burner/主燃烧器的燃料气燃烧工况 Excess Air Combustion /过量空气燃烧 Maximum/最Minimum/最小 大 Quantity of Air/ kg/hr 3447 1723 空气流量 Quantity of Fuel Gas/kg/hr 303 152 燃料气流量 Air temperature/ °C 84 84 燃烧空气温度 Fuel Gas temperature °C 30 30 /燃料气温度 18.93 Molecular Weight Fuel Gas/燃料气分子量 Pressure drop across fuel at max. capacity 0.8 bar /最大处理量下燃料气的压降

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Mechanical design/机械设计

Burner housings, mounting flanges /燃烧器外壳,法兰连接 The design of the quoted burner housings and mounting flanges are in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1. /该方案中的燃烧器外壳和安装法兰的设计制造根据ASME锅炉及压力容器标准8.1部分进行。

Design pressure/设计压力 : 3.5 barg. Design temperature/设计温度 : 343 °C. Corrosion allowance/腐蚀容量 : 3 mm REMARKS/备注:

? In our standard burner configuration the loadings as per enclosed allowable nozzle

loads sheet can be applied./在杜克标准的燃烧器结构设计中,燃烧器管嘴允许的最大负荷参见所附表格。

? Duiker will base our stress calculations on a design pressure, equivalent to \

kg/cm2 ga at a stress of 0.9 x hot yield\杜克的应力计算基于的设计压力相当于0.9个热屈服点下7 kg/cm2;

? The burner center gun and auxiliary parts are not designed according a code, but

standard pipe schedules will be used./ 燃烧器的中心气枪及附件为特殊部件,非标设计,但使用的管子为标准管材。

? The mounting flange of the burner is designed for an asbestos free fibre gasket, no metallic gasket./燃烧器的安装法兰设计适用于无石棉纤维垫圈,不是金属垫圈。 ? Burner to be installed horizontally /燃烧器现场水平安装。


Noise data/噪音数据 For the noise data of the quoted burners, Duiker refer to enclosed Equipment Noise Datasheet./关于该报价中燃烧器的噪音数据,请参照卖方附件中的设备噪音数据表。

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1.5 Materials of construction /材质

1.5.1 Burner housings /燃烧器外壳




A 516 Gr.60

A105 Coverplate/盖板

Mounting flange and flange in A105


Nozzle pipes (carbon steel part)/A106B / A 285 Gr. C


A105, 150 Lbs. R.F. Nozzle flanges/管嘴法兰

acc. ANSI B16.5

1.5.2 Burner auxiliary parts/燃烧器部件

Description/名称 Material/材质

Gasgun tip/气枪末端 Gasgun pipe/气枪管

Gasgun flanges/气枪法兰 Airnose conical part/ 气鼻圆锥部分

Airnose remaining part/ 气鼻其它部分



Internal bolts, nuts/ 内部螺栓,螺帽

Internals, register and

non pressure parts/内部部件,导流器及非承压部分

Swivel mounts/旋转接头

Sightglass assembly/视镜组合

Igniter connection/点火器接口

AISI 310 (X15CrNiSi25.21) A106B

A105, 150 Lbs. R.F. acc. ANSI B16.5

AISI 310 (X15CrNiSi25.21)


Cert. Acc.

EN 10204:2004 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1

Cert. Acc. EN 10204:2004 -


A193-B7 A194-2H Carbon steel S235JRG2

3.1 stampling - -

A105 / A106B / S235JRG2 A105 / A106B A105/ S235JRG2

- - -

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Gaskets for burner mounting Low stress Spiral wound - flange and nozzles only /管嘴法gaskets 兰垫片



Cert. Acc. EN 10204:2004 -

Gasket for burner mounting Klinger MM-108

flange /燃烧器安装法兰垫片

Klinger Sil C 4430 (fibres) - Remaining gaskets/其他垫片

Fire safe design, full bore, 3.1 Ball valves/球阀

wrench operated

TFE Seat rings/底环

SS 316 Ball/spindle/球

150 Lbs. Flanges/法兰

A105 / A216WCB




? Material identifications are according ASTM./材料的使用符合ASTM标准。

? Equivalents to the mentioned materials might be used./制造中可能会使用与以上


Manufacturing/制造 Manufacturing of the burner housings and chambers will be carried out in accordance with the ASME Code./燃烧器外壳和内部的制造根据ASME标准进行。

ASME Code Stamp and post weld heat treatment are excluded, since Duiker have assumed that it is not applicable for this project./ 不打ASME钢印,不进行焊接的热处理,这些条款不适用于硫回收燃烧器产品。 Auxiliaries (refer to § 1.5.2 above) will be manufactured according our standard procedures for these items/附属部件(参照上述1.5.2部分),将根据杜克公司标准生产程序制造。

1.7 Testing/检测

1.7.1 Burner housings/燃烧器外壳

Hydrostatic pressure test according the applicable code./根据适用规定进行液压检测。

Pneumatic pressure test to assure that the burner housings with chambers are leaktight (test pressure approx. 300 mmWC)./气密检测。保证燃烧器外壳不会发生泄漏。检测气压约为300mmWC。

Radiographic examination: spot X-ray according the code./X射线检测:根据规定进行X射线局部检测。

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