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Flame detector/火检


Pressure differential



2\2 ?\1 ?\2

Y - -

Y - Y

- - -

Y - -

Y Plug/封堵 N

- - -

?\5 - - - - N -

Remark/备注: Counter flanges of the nozzles on the burner and nozzles for acid gas , air and fuel gas will be provided by sellor together with bolts, nuts and gasket. Counter flange for the mounting flange together with bolts, nuts and gasket are not in the scope of Seller./燃烧器本体上的管嘴及空气、酸性气和燃料气管嘴的配对法兰及其连接用螺栓、螺帽和垫片包含在卖方供货范围内。燃烧器连接安装法兰的配对法兰及其连接用螺栓、螺帽和垫片不包含在卖方供货范围内。

Duiker(杜克)Combustion Engineers b.v. -全球业绩最多的硫回收燃烧器厂商 TEL:13911772951 Page 16/25


Gas/electric pilot burners with ignition/ionisation boxes /燃气电离点火器 For each Main burner Duiker offer: /每台主燃烧器配备一个点火器

Pilot burner/点火器

1 Pce. gas/electric pilot burners type 35 Ex(d) according drawing 20.602.81, with ignition/ionisation rod, including:/ 一件。参见图20.602.81,燃料气/电离点火器型号为35Ex(d),带有点火/电离棒,包括:

? Gas- and airhose, length 1 mtr. / 气体管,长度为1米

? Ignition/ionisation cable, length 10 mtr. / 点火/ 电离线,长度为10米

Remarks/备注: 1. Fuel gas capacity : approx. 1.0 Nm3 /hr (approx. 10 000 Kcal /hr ). / 燃料气流量:

约1.0Nm3 /小时(约10000 Kcal/小时) 2. Fuel gas pressure : approx. 1.0 barga. / 燃料气压力: 约1.0 barga

3. Air consumption : approx. 10 Nm3 /hr dry air. / 空气:约10Nm3/小时的干燥空气 4. Air pressure : approx. 1.2 barga. / 空气压力:约1.2 barga

5. In case other gases or pressures are available, please give us the applicable

information. / 如果采用其他气体或压力,请提供相关信息

6. Next to the nozzle purge, the pilot burner needs an internal purge of approx. 2 Nm3

/hr. / 在 吹扫口,燃气点火枪需要约2 Nm3/小时的气体吹扫 7. Pilot gas and air supply lines with control equipment for the gas/air flow and

gas/air pressure to the pilot burner are not included in our scope of supply. / 燃气点火枪所需的燃气和气体供应管线及压力控制设备不在卖方公司的供货范围内。 Ignition/ionisation box /放电/电离箱

1 Pce. ignition/ionisation boxes in explosion proof execution according drawing 20.604.54, comprising: : 1个,参见图件20.604.54,防暴点火器/电离箱,包括 ? ignition transformer/点火变压器 ? ionization relay/电离继电器

? start and stop push button/启动和停车按钮 ? running light/运行指示灯 Enclosure/外壳 : EEx d IIC T5 Protection category /保护级别 : IP 65 Supply/供电 : 220V - 50 Hz ?

Duiker(杜克)Combustion Engineers b.v. -全球业绩最多的硫回收燃烧器厂商 TEL:13911772951 Page 17/25


Flame detecting equipment, make B.F.I. /B.F.I.提供的火焰检测仪

Duiker offer Buyer the flame monitoring system, BFI Automation, T.ü.V.-tested to DIN 4787, DIN 4788 and TRD 411 to 414. 19\(14 TE)-DIN 41612:/卖方提供BFI自动火焰监测系统符合标准为DIN 4787、DIN 4788 及 TRD 411 to 414. 19\、(14 TE)-DIN 41612。包括:

Four (4) Pcs. Flame scanner type BFI Automation IRX 7.0 (electronic monitoring)

For sulphur-recovery (H2S) gas flame detection. The flame will be detected by sensing the flame temperature and temperature flickering.

The scanner is mounted in an explosion proof housing, class: EEx d IIC T6/IP65./四台BFI自动IRX7.0型火焰检测仪用于硫回收(H2S)气体火焰监测。通过火焰的温度和温度波动来监测火焰信号。火焰检测仪安装盒符合EEx d IIC T6/IP65的防爆标准。

Four (4) Pcs. Flame amplifier module type BFI Automation 3001/四个BFI3001型火焰放大器模块

With one (1) flame evaluation and one (1) monitoring channel and two (2) switchable analogue evaluation channels./每个模块包括1个火焰评估检测道、1个火焰监测道和2个可转换的模拟信号检测道。

Built in luminous bar indicator, 0 - 20 mA output./ 内置式发光管指示器,输出电流为0-20 mA

Supply: 24 V DC +/- 20%/供电:24 V DC +/- 20% Two (2) Pcs. Power supply module/两个供电模块 To supply flame amplifier module 3001 with 24 V DC /用于给火焰放大器模块3001型提供24V DC电源

Supply /供电 : 93….260 V Output /输出 : 24 V DC Capacity/功率 : 30W

Two (2) Pcs. Local panel/两个就地控制面板

The plug-in flame amplifier modules 3001 and power supply module are housed in one local panel according EEx d IIB T4. All external connections from the flame amplifier and the power supply module are wired to a terminal row. /内置的插入式火焰放大器模块3001和电源供应模块安置于防暴等级为EEx d IIB T4的防暴面板箱内。所有火焰放大器和电源供应模块连接线连接到终端接线端子。 Special screened detector cable/特殊的带屏蔽网的监测电缆线 Special flame signal cable, length 20 m. (10 m. per flame scanner). /专用火焰信号电缆线,每根长度为20m(每个火焰检测器10米)

One (1) Pce. optical adjustment device/一个光学火焰检测仪调整器

Special tool to adjust the flame scanner with the swivel mount to obtain the best flame scanner position./用于火焰检测仪安装旋转对准调节的特殊工具。

Duiker(杜克)Combustion Engineers b.v. -全球业绩最多的硫回收燃烧器厂商 TEL:13911772951 Page 18/25



Site services (option)/现场服务

Site work and Vendor supervision during erection, commissioning and start-up are included in our offer for a period of maximum 5 continuous working days, 10 hours per day. /在开工阶段提供如下最长连续5天,每天最长10小时的现场服务。

The following for commissioning/start-up site service is included/以下是开工阶段的服务和费用包含在杜克的服务方案中:

? A total of 5 (five) working days, maximum 10 hours per day for commissioning /

start-up on clients site by a vendor’s field engineer/最长连5天,每天最长10小时的现场服务。

? Travel expenses of vendor’s field engineer from The Netherlands to nearest airport

to plant v.v. /卖方工程师从荷兰到距现场最近的机场的旅行费用。 ? Lodging costs and living expenses/宾馆食宿费。

Notes / excluded:/不包括项目及注意事项:

? Buyer will invite vendor at least three (3) weeks before start of the commissioning /

training to allow the vendor to make travel arrangements / apply for Visa etc。/买方在开工前至少提前3个星期通知卖方,以便卖方安排行程、准备签证等。 Buyer will be responsible for daily transport from hotel to plant site v.v. and food on plant/买方负责每天从宾馆到现场间的往返交通及现场饮食。

Commissioning and start-up spare parts (option)/开工备件(可选) For two (2) Duiker Main burner type 300/两台杜克300型主燃烧器

2 set Burner internal gaskets/燃烧器内部垫片 10 % Bolts and nuts/螺栓和螺母 2 Pcs. Glass for sightglass assembly/视镜玻璃

Total for all Pilot burners/燃气点火枪开工备件: Qty/ 数量 1 pce. 1 pce. 1 pce. 1 pce. 3 sets

Material description /材质

Pilot burner repair set /长明灯维修组件 Flame/ionisation relay /点火/电离继电器 Ignition transformer /点火变压器 Auxiliary relay /辅助继电器 Fuses /保险

Duiker(杜克)Combustion Engineers b.v. -全球业绩最多的硫回收燃烧器厂商 TEL:13911772951 Page 19/25

2.6 Recommended spare parts for 2 years normal operation (option)/推荐2年运行备件(可选)

For Buyer’s consideration, Duiker quote the following spare parts for 2 years operation:/卖方提供如下两年运行备件:

For two (2) Duiker Main burner type 300/两台杜克300型主燃烧器备件

Qty/数量 Material description/材质

2 sets Burner internal gaskets/燃烧器内部垫片 2 Pcs. Sightglass for sight glass assembly/视镜玻璃

For pilot burner:/燃气电离点火器备件 1Pce. Pilot repair set/点火器维修组件

1 Pce. Pilot flame/ionisation relay/点火/电离继电器 1 Pce. Ignition transformer /点火变压器 100 % Set fuses/保险

3.0 REMARKS/备注

The enclosed drawings are for information only: the final dimensions and execution of the equipment with nozzle orientation and nozzle sizes depends on detailed design and Buyer’s specific requirements. Design and plate thickness of burner internal parts will be executed as per our standard. /附图为初步图件供参考,最终的设备尺寸、管嘴方位依据贵公司的详细数据确定。燃烧器外壳厚度及内部结构依据杜克公司标准进行。

Weather shield and/or personnel protection shield, as well as necessary supports around the burners are not included in our offer: in case such shield is applicable, Duiker assume that this will be part of the overall shield for the chambers./燃烧器周围需安装的遮雨棚或人员保护设施以及其必要的四周支撑装置不在卖方供货范围内。若需要安装遮雨棚,卖方建议燃烧器的遮雨棚含盖在反应炉遮雨棚的整体之内,为其的一部分。

Duiker propose not to apply air inlet louvres on the weather shield to avoid the risc of overheating when the louvres are fully closed./卖方不建议在遮雨棚上顶端安装自摆叶片式的进风口,以避免因叶片完全闭合时导致燃烧器外壳温度过高的风险。

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