江苏省南通地区2018-2019年上学期七年级英语12月月考试卷分类汇编:完形填空(含答案) 下载本文

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One day, a teacher goes into the classroom. He tells the students about a test. Then he gives the test __36__ to all students. But there is not a __37__ but just a black dot(圆点) in the paper. All the students are very surprised. The teacher tells them, “__38__ can you see in the paper(试卷)? Please write about it. ”

The students start with the test. After class, the teacher __39__ all papers and starts reading every answer in class. All of them write about the black dot. After the teacher __40__ reading, no one speaks.

Then the teacher __41__, “I just want you to think about __42__. You can only see the black dot and write about it. __43__ no one writes about the white paper. The white paper is like our life and the black dot is like problems in our life. We just think about __44__ day after day. But these are very small because we still have many __45__ things. Let’s enjoy beautiful things in life. 36. A. papers

B. machines C. things D. tool(工具)

37. A. key B. question C. exercise D. words 38. A. Where 39. A. takes 40. A. starts 41. A. speaks

B. How C. Who D. What B. brings C. writes D. raises B. begins C. finishes D. forgets B. tells C. talks D. says

42. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing 43. A. And B. Or C. But D. However 44. A. problems B. questions C. happiness

D. answers

45. A. lucky B. famous C. friendly D. beautiful 36-40:ABDAC 41-45:DBCAD


Hello, my name is Jenny. I like __31___ with my friends at a square (广场). It is a __32___ square near my home. People like to go to this square after work. Many of them are my friends and neighbours. We __33___ each other well.

This Sunday my friend Alice and I go to the square again. There are a lot of people __34___

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a great time there. They are doing __35___ things! Look! That is Mr. King, my maths teacher. He is sitting on a chair, playing chess (棋) with an old man. Some girls are playing a game. Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing ___36__ a tree. They are talking __37__. Some children are __38___ kites. Listen! Who is singing over there? They are Anna and her friends. They are going to perform (表演) a __39___ next Monday. It is really a small __40___ square. I love it very much. ( ) 31. A. studying

B. watching

C. staying

D. playing D. round D. treat D. wishing D. smart D. in D. happily D. flying D. match D. poor

( ) 32. A. small B. large C. long ( ) 33. A. help ( ) 34. A. getting ( ) 35. A. special

B. know B. waiting

C. enjoy

C. having

B. clever C. different

( ) 36. A. on B. under C. with

( ) 37. A. carefully B. finally C. really ( ) 38. A. making B. taking

C. buying

( ) 39. A. show B. game C. part ( ) 40. A. boring B. nice C. modern

31-35 DABCC 36-40 BDDAB


When Millie gets up this morning, she finds it is a beautiful spring day. She sees some 16 in the sky,but she doesn’t think about them.She wakes up her dog,Eddie,and puts him in the 17 .Then she drives out into the country 18 a picnic with her dog.

When they get to a big tree, Millie stops her car and tells Eddie to get off the car. They begin to play games under the 19 . How happy they are! An hour later,the wind begins to blow(刮风) and it turns 20 .Millie and Eddie are warm from running,so they don’t feel cold.

When Eddie ___21__ with the ball,Millie 22 snowflakes (雪花)in the sky.She calls Eddie,picks up the picnic things and get 23 in the car.As she is driving home,the 24 becomes heavier and heavier.Soon all Millie can see is white all around 25.The road becomes slippery(滑的)and she has to drive very 26 .Then the car hits into a piece of ice and it goes around in circles(圈). She gets her mobile phone and asks for 27 quickly.They wait for about an hour because it is __28_ for the police to drive in the snow.

At last,the police come to save them. Millie was very ___29__, she says she will 30 the weather report(预报) before going on a picnic next time.

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( ) 16. A. birds B. kites C. snows D. clouds ( ) 17. A. room B. desk C. car D. bag ( ) 18. A. on B. for C. with D. in ( ) 19. A. car B. tree C. bridge D. desk ( ) 20. A. warm B. hot C. cold D. cool ( ) 21. A. play B. plays C. is playing D. playing ( ) 22. A. looks B. sees C. finds D. puts ( ) 23. A. up B. back C. off D. around ( ) 24. A. rain B. snow C. dog D. car ( ) 25. A. him B. us C. her D. it ( ) 26. A. slowly B. easily C. quickly D. happily ( ) 27. A. apple B. fire C. water D. help ( ) 28. A. easy B. nice C. difficult D. lucky ( ) 29. A. thankful B. helpful C. carful D. beautiful ( ) 30. A. wait for B. look for C. hear D. listen to 16-30 DCBBC CBBBC ADCAD


I am Sandy. Today the clothes at Betty’s Clothes Shop 36 on sale. So I want to buy some clothes 37 my grandparents, my parents and myself. Let 38 have a look. This yellow sweater is at a very good 39 —only 16 dollars. And it is OK for my 40 . For my grandmother I want to buy those black 41 . They are comfortable. 42 about this white T-shirt? Oh, my father can wear it for 43 basketball. And there are many socks in all kinds of colors. I know my mother 44 green very much. So I will buy these green ones. For me I 45 a pair of blue shorts. ( )36. A. is ( )37. A. at ( )38. A. I ( )39. A. price ( )40. A. sister ( )41. A. hat

B. are B. on B. me B. color

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C. am C. for C. my C. look C. grandfather C. shirt C. How’s

D. be D. with D. him D. dollar D. friend D. sweater D. Where

B. uncle B. shoes B. What’s

( )42. A. How