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圈出相应的规则字母,然后写一写听到的单词。 Teacher:Now, please listen, circle and write. Write the word that you heard. Five, is it i or i-e? It’s i-e. So circle i-e, then write the word five. 设计意图:学生先根据听到单词的发音判断其属于闭音节还是开音节,圈出相应的代表符号,再在四线三格上写一写单词。一方面体会单词在四线三格中的书法方式,另一方面也在书写中进一步体会字母在单词里的发音。 5. 编写语音小韵句,学生学唱。
Teacher: It’s chant time. Listen first, then say it. I,I, I; I, I, I, I is in like, /a?/, /a?/, /a?/. I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in nice, /a?/, /a?/, /a?/. I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in nine, /a?/, /a?/, /a?/. I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in big, /?/, /?/, /?/. I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in pig, /?/, /?/, /?/. I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in six, /?/, /?/, /?/.
6. 表演韵句。给学生练习的时间,鼓励他们加入自己的动作,也可以小组合作,选择小组展示韵句节拍的方式,来有创意地表演韵句。
Teacher:Now,let’s work in groups. Please act the chant out. You can choose the way to show it. 设计意图:通过韵句来完整呈现本课的重点语音知识。在逐句的跟读中,学生不知不觉地在重复、强调字母i在单词中的发音,为总结、巩固其发音规律奠定了基础。 Step 5 Summary
展示语音例词图片,学生快速抢读单词,之后再齐唱韵句。 Teacher:I’ll show some words quickly. Please say it loudly. Teacher: Well done. Let’s chant together.
设计意图:通过抢读单词和齐唱韵句的小活动,再现了本课的语音例词和语音知识,起到了总结所学的目的。 课堂作业
一、按正确顺序排列以下字母,将组成的单词写在四线三格上。 1. v i e f 2. i k e l 3. n i e n 4. i c r e
二、判断以下单词中划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)一致。 ( ) 1. big six ( ) 2. hi ice ( ) 3. five six ( ) 4. kite rice ( ) 5. it is ( ) 6. like big 三、判断以下句子是否与图片一致。
( ) 1. This is a kite. ( ) 2. I like rice.
( ) 3. I have nine books. ( ) 4. I have five books.
一、1. five 2. like 3. nine 4. rice 二、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 三、1.T 2. F 3. F 4. T 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag A. Let’s spell
like kite five nine rice
第四课时 课时内容
B. Let’s talk, Let’s play 课时分析
本部分在A部分的单词及句型学习的基础上,继续学习如何询问某处有什么东西的句式:What’s in it? 并学习句式:What colour is it? 来询问物品的颜色,并使用It’s blue and white.来回答或描述物品的颜色 。教材中,Zhang Peng来到失物招领处(Lost & Found)寻找自己丢失的书包。招领处的老师开始询问相关的信息,首先确定它的颜色,接着确定其中装着的物品,从而帮助Zhang Peng找回了书包。在这个过程中,帮助学生理解对话:What colour is it? It’s blue and white. What’s in it? An English book, two toys and a notebook.
Let’s play活动中,桌子上放着一排各种颜色的书,一名学生认定自己的目标书,另一个学生通过询问其颜色,来确定前一名学生认定的目标书目是哪一个。在这个过程中,学生会不断使用重点句式:What colour is it?从而达到在相对真实的语境中操练重点句式的目的。 课时目标
1. 能够听懂、会说句式:What colour is it? It’s ...
2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然
3. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问或回答物品的颜色 课时重难点 1.重点:
能够听懂、会说句式:What colour is it? It’s ...
能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然 2. 难点:
能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问或回答物品的颜色 教学准备
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 2. 颜色单词卡、各种颜色的书、笔 教学过程
Step 1 Warm up
1.游戏:Look, look, I see something... 教师和学生拍手说,look, look, I see something... 教师说出颜色,学生指向教室里具有相应颜色的物品。
Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. Say look, look, I see something... with me. And please clap your hands like this. (老师拍手示范)When I say red, please point to something red. When I say yellow, please point to something yellow. Are you ready? Let’s play. Look, look, I see
something blue. Look, look, I see something white...
设计意图:游戏能够极大地激发学生的学习兴趣,激起他们参与的热情。使他们能够迅速地将注意力转移到英语学习中来。此游戏以颜色为主要内容,与本课重点内容相关,为本课的学习奠定了知识上的准备。 Step 2 Lead in
1. 与学生谈论其书包,为学习课文做准备。 Teacher:(展示手里的书)What’s this? It’s an English book. What colour is it? It’s ... (自己回答颜色,使学生明白What colour is it?的含义)I put the book in the schoolbag. Do you have a schoolbag? What colour is your schoolbag? What’s in your schoolbag? (与多个学生进行交流、讨论,使学生充分理解新句式的含义)
设计意图:延续游戏中的颜色话题,以谈论学生的书包的方式引出本课的重点句式,在真实的交流中使学生理解句式的含义及用法。 Step 3 Presentation
Teacher:Look,where is it? Lost & Found. If can’t find your schoolbag. That means your schoolbag is lost. You should go to the Lost & Found. IF someone got it, you can find again. Read after me, Lost & Found.
设计意图:引导学生理解教材对话背景。使他们理解Lost & Found的意思。
2. 谈论对话情景图,引起阅读兴趣,学生带着问题倾听课文内容,并在听后尝试回答。 Teacher: Who is at the Lost and Found? Yes, Zhang Peng. Why is he here? What does he want to do? Listen and find.
Teacher: Now,can answer the questions? Why is Zhang Peng here? Yes, he lost his schoolbag. 设计意图:通过谈论情景图,使学生对即将学习的内容充满阅读兴趣。带着问题倾听,可以集中他们的注意力,并训练他们在倾听中抓住关键信息的能力。 Step 4 Practice
1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。
Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
2. 出示课文中的图片,根据课文内容与学生进行交流。
Teacher: There are so many schoolbags. Which is Zhang Peng’s bag? Is this one? No. Why? What colour is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? Yes, it’s blue and white. So, this one and this one are blue and white. Which one is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag. Now we should see what’ s in the schoolbag. What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? Yes, An English book, two toys and a notebook. Is this a notebook? No, It’s an English book. Is this a notebook? Yes, it is. What’s in this schoolbag? Is it Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? What’s in that schoolbag? Is it Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? 3. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。
Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let’s find the best pair.
4. 游戏:猜猜它是谁。学生根据颜色猜出教材内容,完成Let’s play活动。
Teacher:Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s a storybook. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this? It’s a Chinese book. What colour is it? It’s red. ...
Teacher: I have a new book. Guess, which is it? You can ask me the colour of my new book. So
you can know it.
Teacher: I have a new book. Student: What colour is it? Teacher: It’s yellow.
Student: It’s a Chinese book. Teacher: Yes.
Teacher: Now, please do a pair work like this.
Teacher: Show me your dialogue, please. I will find the best pair.
Step 5 Summary
1. 教师随意指向教室内物品,询问颜色,学生齐答。 Teacher:What colour is it? What colour is that?
设计意图:因为教师随机指物品,学生无法预测下一个物品内容,所以注意力会特别集中。以这个活动来重现、巩固本课的重点内容,帮助学生巩固所学知识,达到总结的目的。 课堂作业
一、根据图片内容选出正确的单词,将序号填入括号内。 ( ) 1. A. English book B. Chinese book
( ) 2. A. notebook B. storybook
( ) 3. A. maths book B. Chinese book
( ) 4. A. English book B. schoolbag
二、为下列问句选出正确的答句。 ( ) 1. What colour is it?
A. An English book. B. It’s black and yellow. ( ) 2. What colour is your schoolbag?
A. The book is white. B. My schoolbag is blue. ( ) 3. What’s in your schoolbag?
A. A notebook and a maths book. B. It’s white. ( ) 4. Where is your English book?
A. It’s in my schoolbag. B. What’s in it? 三、连词成句。
1. colour What is it (?)
________________________________________________ 2. blue and It’s white (?)
3.lost I schoolbag my (.)
________________________________________________ 答案: 一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 二、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 三、1. What colour is it? 2. It’s blue and white. 3. I lost my schoolbag. 板书设计 Unit Two My schoolbag B. Let’s talk
What colour is it? It’s ...
第五课时 课时内容
B. Let’s learn; Draw and say 课时分析
Zhang Peng找回自己遗失的书包后,迫不及待地打开自己的书包检查里边的物品。从而引出了三会词汇:candy, notebook, toy, key. 这些词汇所代表的物品都是学生日常生活中常见的物品,可以使用实物直观展示单词,使学生非常容易就理解其意思。在教学过程中,要注意candy的复数形式,同时要注意key的读法。
Draw and say 活动可以作为一个听力活动来进行。让学生根据自己听到的内容画出书包里的东西。也可以作为一个会话活动来时行,先让学生画出自己书包里的内容,再与同学进行会话交流,在交流中操练本课的重点词汇与本单元的重点句式。 词汇学习是句式学习的支撑,本课时的学习中要创设多种活动及情境,让学生在各种活动及情境交流中,反复操练、使用,达到完全掌握的目的。 课时目标
1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词toy, key, candy, notebook
2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s in my schoolbag? My keys... 3. 能够熟练且正确地描述书包里各种物品的名称 课时重难点 1.重点:
能够听懂、会说、认读单词toy, key, candy, notebook
能够听懂、会说认读句式:What’s in my schoolbag? My keys... 2. 难点:
能够熟练且正确地描述书包里各种物品的名称 教学准备
1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带 2. 单词图卡 教学过程
Step 1 Warm up
Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a schoolbag. If you did well, you will get