现代大学英语精读3(第二版)Unit9-课文翻译及课文知识重点 下载本文

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Book 3 Unit 9

1. be seated 坐着

take a seat 坐下;就坐 save/reserve a seat 留座位 2. decorate with 以…装饰 3. light up 照亮;点亮 4. lap on 敲 5. take tea 品茶 6. flap at 拍打

7. out of proportion to sth 不成比例 8. linger over 徘徊 9. as it were 似乎

10. roll over 转过身来

11. put his head in her lap 把头枕在她腿上 12. the air of …的样子(姿态) 13. hover over 在…盘旋;俯身 14. lean over 俯身 15. break in 插嘴 16. lean back 背靠 17. carry out 实施

18. prick up its ears 竖起耳朵 19. let it go 打住;停止

20. That seemed to me so right. 正合我意。 21. in the pause 停顿 22. breathe to 吐露

23. couldn’t help doing 禁不住 24. clutch at 紧握 25. die down 消退

26. become of 使……遭遇;……降临于;发生……情况 27. be wrapped up in sb 埋头于;与……有关系;被包藏于

28. snap v. 突然折断;咯哒一声关上;厉声说;给…拍照;咬(at) 29. fix v. 扎牢;使牢固;安排,决定;修理 n. 困境

30. stretch v. 伸展,张开;时间的延续/延展开/占地面积(over);伸出 n. 连续的水域;连续,延续(时间) 31. beyond adj/adv 超过;另一边

32. apart adv.相距;拆分(take sth apart) tell apart 区分

pull apart 撕开

drift apart 飘离,疏远;各奔东西 fall apart 崩溃

come apart 破碎,瓦解

grow apart 变得隔阂;朝不同方向生长 apart from 除……之外(还有/不再有);远离

33. leap to one’s feet 一跃而起 34. add up to 合计 35. add to 增添

36. agree with 适合(身体) 37. set out 出发 38. allow for 考虑到

39. general manager 总经理

40. answer for 为…负责 = be responsible for 41. back you up 支持你

42. bear ou 证实 (bear-bore-borne) 43. blow up 爆炸

44. count sb in 把sb算在内 45. count on 指望

46. without words 没有话语 beyond words 难以言表

at a loss for words 不知说什么好 47. fade away 逐渐消失;渐渐减弱

die away (风,声,光线)逐渐减弱 fall down 跌倒;倒下

die down (火势,怒火)逐渐平息;(植物)枯萎 48. beg sb to do sth 恳求某人做 plead with sb for sth 向…恳求

49. tremble 由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或者恐惧等而发抖,站立

shiver 因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖 shudder 着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈的战栗

shake (普通,含义广)人/物不由自主地颤动,摇摆,侧重剧烈,无规律 50. content adj “满意的”强调安于现状/知足常乐 只能做表语,不能做定语 be content with /be content to do sth contented a. 满足的

satisfying a. 令人满意的,圆满的

satisfactory a.令人满意的,符合要求的(事物) 51. for all 尽管;虽然 52. break off 中断;绝交

break down (机器)发生故障;(健康,精神)垮掉,垮下来 break up 分解,驱散,离异 break away 挣脱,脱落 53. beside 在…旁边;与…不相干

on top of 在…之上;熟练掌握;另外(还有);紧接着 in addition to 除…之外还有

54. It be some time before 要过多久才能… 55. on one’s return 当某人回来时 56. be expected to do 有望做sth 57. be reported to do 据报道…

58. After what seemed a very long time 在经过似乎很长一段时间后 After what seemed a friendly exchange of greetings Translation

1. 他们都伸长了脖子想看个究竟。

They all stretched their necks to see what was happening. 2. 这沙漠绵延近一百英里。

The desert stretches for nearly a hundred miles. 3. 休息一下,出去活动活动,伸伸胳膊腿。 Take a break. Go and stretch yourself a bit. 4. 在她面前是一片美丽的开阔地。

In front of her was a beautiful stretch of open land. 5. 他就爱听自己的声音,经常说起来一说几小时。

He simply loves to hear his own voice. Often he talks for hours at a stretch. 6. 假如你超过那个限度的话,经济就会崩溃。

If you go beyond that limit the economy will collapse. 7. 他瞧了那辆损坏了的车一眼就知道它已经没法修了。

One glance at the damaged car, and he knew that it was beyond repair. 8. 她当时处境十分困难。她既无法忍受他,又不能离开他。

She was then in a terrible fix. She could neither bear him nor leave him. 9. 这次你再修不好,后果就得由你负责了。

If you still can’t fix it this time, you will have to bear the consequences.

10. 他奋力举哨棒向老虎打去。但是哨棒啪的一声断了,而老虎毫发未伤。他一急打到附近树上去了。

He swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit the tree nearby. 11. 他只停了够照几张相的时间。

He only stayed long enough to snap a few pictures. 12. “这不关你的事,”他高声叫道。

“It’s none of your business.” he snapped. 13. 他啪的一下合上了公文包,站起来说道,“那就没有什么可说的了”。

He snapped his briefcase shut, stood up and said, “Then there’s nothing more to be said.”

14. 他感到非常好奇,就把那台计算机拆开了。

He became very curious and began to take the computer apart. 15. 那两把弹簧片看起来很像。陪审员们分不清。

The two switch knives looked very much alike. The jurors could not tell them apart.

16. 事故发生的时候,我就站在离汽车几米远的地方。

When the accident happened I was standing only a few meters apart from the car.