2007年中考英语模拟试卷(含答案) 下载本文

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2007年中考英语模拟试卷 第I卷


( ) 1. ----- _____ to Beijing?

----- Yes, and I will be back next week. A. Have you gone B. Have you been ----- _____ . A. Not at all ----- _____ . A. Yes, please ----- _____ . A. I like it, too ( ) 5. ----- _____ ? ----- Orange, I think.

A. What is it


( ) 6. There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but _____ of them is useful to him.

A. both

B. all

C. neither

D. none

( ) 7. The lift _____ , so we had to walk up the stairs.

A. was broken down B. were broken down C. broke down D. broke ( ) 8. They were very happy to _____ the League. A. take part in A. has begun A. put on A. How an

B. join

C. go in for

D. join in

D. started

( ) 9. They’re late. The film _____ for 5 minutes.

B. has started B. dress

C. has been on

D. wear

D. What

( )10. Many girls would like to _____ shirts in summer.

C. have

( )11. _____ important news you’ve told me!

B. How

C. What an

( )12. These exercises are not difficult.

This is ______ I can finish doing them in a short time.

A. because

B. because of

C. why

D. as

( )13. We find _____ important to use a foreign language well.


C. Are you going D. did you go

( ) 2. -----Your dress is very beautiful, Mary.

B. Just so-so

C. No, it isn’t

D. Thank you

( ) 3. ----- That’s $50, please.

B. Not today, thanks C. Here you are D. Fine, thanks

( ) 4. ----- What do you think of the song?

B. I like music very much

C. With pleasure D. It sounds sweet

B. How is the food

D. Is there any fruit around here

C. What colour do you think of it

A. that A. at

B. it B. of

C. this C. on

D. its D. in

( )14. Sandy’s pictures will be _____ exhibition in our school next week. ( )15. This pair of trousers is _____. Can I _____?

A. enough cheap, try on them C. enough cheap, try on it A. won too much. A. pay A. weaker A. when

B. spend

C. take

D. cost

( )18. The more exercise you take, the ______ you will be.

B. healthier B. while

C. luckier C. until

D. worse D. if

( )19. The dinner didn’t start ______ all the friends arrived. ( )20. -----Could you tell me ______________?

----- It’s about ten minutes’ ride. A. where is your school C. when do you go to school ----- Yes, it's _____.

A. two-sixths

B. three-fourths

C. one-three D. three-sixths

D.a /the

( )22. This is song I’ve told you about. Isn’t it beautiful one?

A.the /the B.a/a

C.the /a

( )23. I like this silk dress ,and it so soft and comfortable.

A.is feeling B.feels C.has felt D.is felt

A.don't eat

B.not to eat C.not eat D.to not eat

( )24. Aunt Li often asks her son too much meat. It's bad for his health. ( )25. Please don’t stand up in class until you _________.

A. were told to B. are told C. are told to D. were told


Bill Gates’ friends knew that he was different even when they were children. One of them said, “We all knew that Bill was 26 than us. Sometimes we could not understand him.”

Bill was also 27 of his classmates in maths and science, 28 his parents sent him to Lakeside—a boy’s school for 29 students. It was Seattle’s 30 school.

In 1968, the school made a decision that changed 31 Bill Gates’ life. In that


B. cheap enough, try them on D. cheap enough, try it on

D. failed

( )16.Our team ______ theirs by the score 2-1 in the final football match.

B. hit

C. beat

( )17.Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, but some still ______

B. how far your school is from here D. how far is your school from here

( )21. -----What's one -fourth and a half, do you know?

school, money 32 mainly by parents, which could make the school 33 and use it through a teletype machine(电传打字机). The students typed in a few words on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the computer typed back to students. Bill Gates 34 it at once. From then on, 35 could stop Bill 36 it. 37 he was free, he would run to the computer room to use the machine. He became 38 excited about it that he soon was much better than his teachers in knowledge of computer.

At fourteen, Bill was already writing 39 for the computer. And they 40 in what was to become Bill’s second language, BASIC. ( )26.A.worse

B. richer

C. cleverer D. bright

C. weak D. well

D. excellent

C. yet D. when C. rich

C. biggest D. most beautiful

C.13-year-old D. 13 year old

D. was sent

( )27. A. top B. worst ( )28. A. but B. so ( )29. A. American B. poor ( )31. A.13 years old ( )32. A. are given

( )30. A. farthest B. most famous

B. 13-year old

B. is given C. was given

( )33. A. having a computer

C. have a computer

B. to have a teletype machine

B. was afraid of

D. have a teletype machine

D. looked forward to

( )34. A. becomes interested in

C. was interested in

( )36. A. to study ( )38. A. such

( )35. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

B. study C. for studying D. from studying

D. However

B. very

C. so

D. much

( )37. A. Sometimes B. Whenever C. Wherever ( )39. A. American fables

C. funny stories

( )40. A. were made

B. short programmes C. were writing

D. were written

D. some words

B. wrote


When most people think of the Olympics, they don’t think of science. But in the USA, each year, students take part in a kind of competition called the Science Olympiad. It has a lot of different events. Students go there to show how much they know about the science of music, biology, chemistry and others. My best event is forestry (森林学). This time, I went to the Olympiad with my school’s team. We had worked hard, but this was the state competition. It would be hard to win.

The Olympiad was out of town, so we got to ride on a bus and stay in a hotel for a night. The Olympiad was in three big rooms. When we got there, we set up our team’s “camp” off to one side. The big day had come at last! First, I went to watch the tower building competition. That’s when students build small towers and put heavy things on top of it. They hope they can hold them up. One of my schoolmates was