湖南中考英语一轮复习(练习):七年级(下) Units46核心词汇训练 下载本文

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Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. The mother always sets a good example to her children and wants them to _______ her.

A. follow B. praise

C. warn

2. When I studied in London, I _______ my parents so much that sometimes I couldn’t fall asleep. A. forgot

B. remembered

C. missed

3. China Daily is a popular daily _________. We can read the latest news from it every day. A. notebook

B. magazine

C. newspaper

4. Recycling means waste can be put into ________ again. So it’s meaningful to recycle. A. use

B. advantage

C. practice

5. There are lots of people talking in the room. It’s very ________. Let’s go outside.

A. exciting B. noisy C. crowded Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思填写所缺单词

1. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China. Many ________ (年轻的) people prefer to go there to achieve their dreams.

2. Whenever Tom has an exam, his mother always says “Good _________ (运气)” to him.

3. As is known to us all, doing exercise in the morning can _________(带来) us good health.

4. Choosing the right circle of friends will ________(节省)us a lot of troubles.

5. You have to wash potatoes first before eating them because their surface may be_________ (脏的). Ⅲ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. The boy often enjoys________ (read) in the library, so he knows more than others.

2. Nowadays, English is of great___________ (important), and we should try to learn it well.

3. My favorite foreign singer is Taylor Swift, because her voice is very__________(beauty).

4. There are some ___________ (America) coming to our school to study every year.

5. Robots can help us with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or____________(danger)places. Ⅳ. 英汉互译

1. It’s necessary for us to save energy and reduce pollution to make the world better.

___________________________________________________________ 2. This morning I got up a little late, but finally I hurried to school on


___________________________________________________________ 3. Policemen are always there to help those who are in danger.

___________________________________________________________ 4. 昨天我到家时妈妈正在客厅看电视。

___________________________________________________________ 5. 尽管莉莉只有五岁,但是她已经学会自己铺床了。

___________________________________________________________ 6. 王老师总是对我们要求严格,但是我们知道她只是为了让我们更加优秀。

___________________________________________________________ 7. 我们英语老师总是要求我们尽可能多地练习说英语。


参考答案 Ⅰ. 1. A 【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:那位妈妈总是为她的孩子们______树立好的榜样,并想让孩子们她。follow跟随,遵循;praise表扬;warn警告。根据前句“为孩子们树立榜样”可知是想让给孩子们“遵循”她,follow符合语境,故选A。

2. C 【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:当我在伦敦留学的时候,我非常______我的父母亲以至于有时无法入睡。forgot忘记; remembered记住; missed思念。根据句意及所给选项可推知在外求学时因思念父母而无法入睡。故选C。