英语专四练习sublist 6 exercise with keys 下载本文

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Sublist 6 abstract assigned capable diversity exceed flexibility incidence input migration nevertheless recovery trace

accurate attached cited domain expert furthermore incorporated instructions minimum overseas revealed transformation acknowledged author cooperative edition explicit gender index intelligence ministry preceding scope transport aggregate allocation bond brief discrimination display enhanced estate federal fees ignored incentive inhibition initiatives interval lecture motivation neutral presumption rational subsidiary tapes underlying utility Exercise 1 tape minister presume abstract flexible attach instruct incidence cooperate enhance 1. Be sure you _______________ a recent photo to your passport application. attach

2. There has been a noticeable drop in the _______________ of crime in the area since the teen centre opened up. incidence

3. If we all _______________, I'm sure we'll be able to finish on time. cooperate

4. It can be quite difficult to really define _______________ ideas, such as love or friendship. abstract

5. My wife is quite _______________ because she practises yoga, and she does all these poses to stretch her muscles. flexible

6. A group of volunteers _______________ to the needs of the victims of the tornado. ministered

7. I _______________ she was talking to me because she was looking right at me when she said it. presumed

8. The boss _______________ him to send the report out as soon as it was completed. instructed

9. Reading in English is an excellent way to _______________ your vocabulary. enhance 10. We made a _______________ of our baby's first sounds to send to my parents. tape 11. The _______________ for the DVD are too complicated, and I can't figure out how to set the timer. instructions

12. Research suggests that women are _______________ to social relations at work. attached

13. You could _______________ the value of your house considerably by having it repainted. enhance

14. The suspect _______________ fully with police when questioned about his role in the incident. cooperated

15. It is best to teach arithmetic to children using solid objects such as apples or toys in order to introduce _______________ concepts like addition and subtraction. abstract

16. One man is missing and _______________ dead after a fishing boat sank off the coast of Vancouver Island this weekend. presumed

17. Billions of dollars have been spent on cancer research in the last forty years, yet the _______________ of cancer continues to increase. incidence

18. She carefully removed the _______________ from her gift to avoid tearing the beautiful wrapping paper. tape

19. The doctor made his way through the wounded soldiers, _______________ first to those who were most gravely injured. ministering

20. Trees which are more _______________ can withstand stronger winds than those trees that are very rigid. flexible

Exercise 2 author intelligent motivate accurate trace incorporate rational exceed discriminate furthermore 1. It is illegal to _______________ against someone based on their race, sex, age or sexual orientation. discriminate

2. Students feel more _______________ to learn when they enjoy what they are doing. motivated

3. I got my book signed by the _______________ when I bought it. author

4. Reading is an excellent way to increase your vocabulary. _______________, it can also help you improve your grammar. furthermore

5. She is a very _______________ student, and is able to learn quickly. intelligent

6. I think we need to talk about this calmly and try to make a _______________ decision together. rational

7. If your son's temperature _______________ 38.9 degrees, call the doctor immediately. exceeds

8. I'm not sure of the time; my watch doesn't seem to be very _______________. accurate 9. Ewan can _______________ his family's roots all the way back to the 15th century in Scotland. trace

10. Our new marketing strategy will _______________ both Internet and e-mail advertising. incorporate

11. Tara was fined $75 for _______________ the speed limit. exceeding

12. The witness gave an _______________ description of the criminal - she even knew his eye colour! accurate

13. Seeing the film about Guatemala _______________ Charlie to travel there during his holidays. motivated

14. Perico is much more _______________ than Anatole, so his co-workers value his advice a lot more. rational

15. This new drug is able to _______________ between healthy cells and cancerous cells, and only attacks the cancerous cells. discriminate

16. The _______________ of the study hope their research findings will help prevent others from dying of the disease. authors

17. If you don't do your homework, you will get a zero, and _______________, you may be asked to leave the program. furthermore

18. It is difficult to measure the _______________ of dolphins, but we do know that they have very large brains. intelligence

19. Cars of the future will likely _______________ more than one type of fuel system. incorporate

20. Current scientific theories _______________ our first human ancestors to Africa about 5 to 7 million years ago. trace

Exercise 3 recover gender expert acknowledge display neutral bond interval transform index 1. Her marriage started to improve once her husband finally _______________ he had a drinking problem, and began to take counselling. acknowledged

2. They _______________ their children's artwork on the walls of their living room. displayed

3. It took my grandmother a long time to _______________ from the death of my grandfather. recover

4. I looked in the table of contents and the _______________, and I couldn't find anything about it. index

5. Switzerland has long prided itself on remaining _______________ during the war. neutral 6. Most of the couples who took part in a recent survey in Thailand said that if they could choose the _______________ of their unborn child, they would prefer a boy. gender

7. The patient had to be woken at regular _______________ to take his medicine. intervals 8. My cousin is an _______________ tennis player who has won tournaments all over Canada. expert

9. It is important for both parents to spend a lot of time with a newborn baby in the first few days in order to _______________ with the child. bond

10. In all natural processes, energy is never created or destroyed, but is merely _______________ from one form into another. transformed

11. Their Internet site offers an _______________ of the news stories of the past year. index 12. In French, nouns show either masculine or feminine _______________ only. gender 13. The kids on the hockey team really _______________ together during their first out-of-town tournament. bonded

14. Gorillas are known for their chest beating _______________ when in danger. displays 15. We can't do this by ourselves; we need to get some advice from the _______________. experts

16. Norbert Schmitt has noted that recent studies suggest that second language learners should review new vocabulary soon after the initial meeting, and then at gradually increasing _______________. intervals

17. He didn't agree with her right away, but _______________ that her suggestion was worth considering. acknowledged

18. Uruguay has always tried to remain _______________ in conflicts between Brazil and Argentina. neutral

19. Getting fired from his job has completely _______________ him; he went from being a very confident, outgoing person to being very nervous and reserved. transformed

20. Police have announced that they have succeeded in _______________ all the cash stolen in this week's bank robbery. recovering

Exercise 4 inhibit aggregate nevertheless explicit diverse brief reveal ignorant transport lecture 1. I'm not really interested in history, but the lecture was quite interesting _______________. nevertheless

2. A lot of people seem to be happily _______________ of the real threat of global warming. ignorant

3. Our chemistry _______________ was so boring today that I fell asleep in class. lecture 4. Let's try to keep this discussion _______________; everyone is tired, and wants to go home. brief

5. African religions were brought to Cuba by the thousands of slaves _______________ to the island by the Spanish. transported

6. With Internet technology nowadays, photos and films of _______________ sex are just a mouse click away on the home computer. explicit

7. The young woman was so shy that it _______________ her ability to make friends. inhibited

8. Just before she died, his grandmother _______________ to him that she had had a lifelong love affair with her neighbour. revealed

9. Montreal has beaten Toronto three times this season, with an _______________ score of 10 - 6. aggregate

10. Canadian society today is quite culturally _______________, with immigrants from all over the world. diverse

11. Gas and oil are very convenient forms of energy, simply because they are so easy to handle and _______________. transport

12. We stopped driving _______________ to have something to eat, and then set out again. briefly

13. In general, a body of rock consists of mixtures or _______________ of minerals. aggregates

14. Discrimination is usually based on _______________ of other cultures or lifestyles. ignorance

15. The boss gave _______________ instructions for the running of the company while he is away on holiday. explicit

16. The sugar used in jams and jellies both sweetens the fruit and _______________ the growth of bacteria. inhibits

17. The professor _______________ us on current trends in Canadian literature. lectured 18. The religion of Islam teaches the word of God as _______________ to the Prophet Mohammed. revealed

19. You may have failed the level, but your Spanish has improved a lot _______________. nevertheless

20. The former U.S.S.R. was composed of 15 very _______________ republics with strong cultural differences. diverse

Exercise 5 incentive capable initiate migrate domain scope federal overseas allocate precede 1. Grey whales _______________ down the coast of our province every year. migrate 2. The government made all kinds of impossible promises in the days _______________ the election. preceding

3. The _______________ governments of Canada and the U.S. have agreed on a plan to reduce air pollution. federal

4. He has been travelling _______________ for over a year now, but should be back in Canada about a week from now. overseas

5. The teacher gave the children little stars as an _______________ to clean up their desks at the end of each day. incentive

6. This car is _______________ of doing 0 to 100 in 3.5 seconds. capable

7. Western women are not encouraged to _______________ a handshake with men in India, as it is not customary. initiate

8. TOEFL instruction is not included within the _______________ of classes at the lower levels. scope

9. Teaching in elementary school remains largely the _______________ of women in our society. domain

10. The new budget _______________ an increase of over a billion dollars to the Ministry of Health. allocates

11. I'm already at the top of my pay scale at work so I don't really have any economic _______________ to work harder. incentive

12. The human brain is _______________ of recording over 86 million bits of information daily. capable

13. The _______________ parliament in Canada consists of the House of Commons and the Senate. federal

14. Chimpanzees in the wild have been observed using different objects to make tools, a skill previously thought to be the exclusive _______________ of humans. domain

15. The language in the text is beyond the _______________ of all but those who are experts in the field. scope

16. James Watt _______________ the Industrial Revolution in 1769 with the invention of the steam engine. initiated

17. Cancer cells can _______________ throughout the body and produce additional tumours. migrate

18. After Cortez brought chocolate back from Mexico to King Charles V's royal court in 1528, it became a profitable industry for Spain, which planted cocoa trees in its _______________ colonies. overseas

19. A plan has been outlined to _______________ a sizeable portion of the land under development to the construction of low-cost housing. allocate

20. People dream an average of five times a night, and each subsequent dream is longer than the one _______________ it. preceding