FSMS审核涉及管事部项目 下载本文

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保持室内环境清洁,无杂物,无异味,无积水。 Keep indoor conditions clean, free from sundries, odor and water. 应按区域制定清洁计划表,明确划分区域、清洁频率,并每天对清洁效果进行确认检查记录。 The cleaning schedule must be set up by area to specify the scope of area and cleaning frequency. Daily record must be kept to verify the completion of cleaning. 员工熟悉其岗位相应的设施设备,清洁消毒标准操作程序、洗碗机/洗杯机和化学品的安全及正确使用流程。 Staff (especially stewarding staff) responsible for operating the equipement/facilites, dish/glass washer and chemicals must be familiar with the standard operating procedure and instructions. 酒店自行对使用的布草进行分类。尽量使用纸巾或一次性抹布进行消毒擦拭。不得使用未经消毒的抹布接触已清洗过的食品接触面或工/用具、制备台面。 Linens are sorted according to use. It is encouraged to use paper towel or disposable towel. Unsterilized towel must not be used for clean food-contact surface, tools/utensils and preparation table top. 清洁过程不能造成对食品或干净餐厨具的污染。 During the cleaning process, avoid contamination of food and clean kitchenware/tableware. 清洁用具应合理存放以免引起任何污染。 Cleaning equipment must be stored properly to avoid causing any contamination. 用具设备在使用后及时清洁,无旧的食物残渣、水垢或重油污。备用的或清洗好的餐具应正确储存。 Clean up utensils timely right after use. No residue, water spot scale or oil stains heavy oil. Ready-to-use or washed tableware are stored properly. 制冰机内外均保持清洁。 制冰机/冰粒箱应备有冰勺。冰勺应在非使用时浸泡于250mg/L消毒水内,使用前在清水中进行过水。消毒液每四小时进行更换。制冰机冰勺应是不锈钢材质或不易碎塑料材质,无缺损和锈点。 Ice machine must be kept clean both inside and outside. Ice machine/ice bin must be equipped with ice scoop which must be soaked in sanitizer solution 100ppm. and rinsed by water before use. The sanitizer solution must be changed every four hours. The ice scoop must be stainless steel free from rust or plastic without breakage. 排风罩和通风口应进行清洁,并包括在清洁计划表中。 Hoods and vents must be cleaned and this must be included in the Cleaning Schedule. Fsms审核涉及管事部项目

排烟罩表面需每日清洁。油烟净化器每月清洁一次。根据使用频率制定排烟管道深度清洁频率,排烟管道深度清洁频率不能少于一年两次并保留记录。 The exhaust cover must be cleaned every day. Fume cleaners need to be cleaned on a month basis. Deep cleaning schedule must be set for fume exhaust according to the estimated using frequency. Cleaning records must be kept. The pipeline for smoke exhaust must be deeply cleaned at least twice a year. 用于即食的切片机连续使用1小时,应进行清洁消毒。 A slicer used for ready-to-eat food must be cleaned and sanitized once per hour if continuous use. 在洗碗/煲机开始工作时检查主洗和过水温度,洗碗机洗涤温度>55 ℃,最后过洗温度> 85℃,盘子出机温度> 71℃。保留洗碗(杯)机温度记录。经过清洗的餐具表面洁净, 无斑点/油污等不洁物. The wash and rinse temperature must be checked and recorded when the dish/pot washing machine start working .Warewash machine wash water temperature should be >55 ℃. Temperature for final rinse > 85 ℃. The exit temperature of a plate greater than 71 ℃. Keep Dish/Glass Washing Machine Temp. Record. After wash ware shall be clean. No evidence of uncleanliness. i.e. briffs,grease. 厨房应有指定的清洗厨具区域, 且该区域不会引起食品区域的污染。 Kitchen utensils must be washed at the designated area (pot washing area) which will not cause any contamination to the food area. 厨具清洁区域的洗煲处应配置3槽池供清洗、过水和消毒以满足“一洗二过三消毒四冲洗”的清洗消毒程序。 The pot washing area for kitchen utensils must be provided with a three-compartment sink for washing, rinsing and sanitizing to meet the procedure of \如3槽池目前未配备,应有补充措施以满足“一洗二过三消毒四冲洗”的清洗消毒程序。 If the three-compartment sink is currently not available, alternative procedure must be implemented to meet the requirement of \洗锅处应配备充足的层架。所有清洁容器均倒放于层架上。 The pot washing area must have adequate shelves. All clean pots must be stored upside down on the shelves. 化学品配有相应的使用说明和产品安全资料单(MSDS)。所有化学品包装及分配器上应标有化学品用途名称标签。 Proper application instruction and MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is available for chemicals. All chemical package and dispenser must be labeled with its purpose. Fsms审核涉及管事部项目

化学品的使用应遵循化学品标签或供应商的说明,消毒剂需在使用前进行浓度检测。 Chemical use must follow the instruction from the label or chemical supplier. The concentration must be tested before using. 员工应有随手清洁的习惯,且现场应备有随手清洁用的工用具及化学品。 Staff has the habit of \食品区域内化学品的存放不应对食品造成交叉污染的风险。 Placement of chemicals in food area must not cause the risk of cross-contamination. 垃圾存储区域清洁状况良好(墙面、地面、天花板),无明显的虫害迹象。 Garbage room shall have good cleanliness condition (wall, floor, ceiling) without evidence for pest. 破损餐具应存放在固定容器内。保存破损记录。 Breakage must be stored in appointed container. Keep the breakage record. 需设置废油桶统一收集用过的废油。废油不能直接倒入下水道。 Used oil is collected in appointed container. Waste oil should not be poured in drainage directly. 废油、泔水的转出和处理应根据当地法规交由有资质的承包商进行。 Used oil & kitchen waste is collected in appointed container. Waste oil should not be poured in drainage directly. Waste oil is transferred out and handled by qualified contractor according to local regulation. 食品区域内垃圾桶存放合理,始终盖好,垃圾不过满,桶内有垃圾袋。垃圾桶每次清空后应进行清洗消毒,并在指定区域进行操作。 Garbage bins are placed appropriately and covered at any time. Regularly clean and sanitize garbage bin at designated area. 垃圾房内保持整洁,干湿分开,无异味,虫害控制设施到位。垃圾房在不收垃圾时,门保持关闭状态。 Keep garbage room clean and no odor, dry and wet garbage shall be separated. Pest control facilities are in place. Doors must be closed when no collection. 酒店食品制备区域应使用状态良好的脚踏式垃圾桶。 In the food preparation area, garbage bins with foot pedals shall be used. 备注:目前所在酒店第一次审核已经通过
