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冀教版 四年级上册 Lesson 18 Lost in the City


本单元的话题就是问路与指路。这个故事的核心内容,就是对本单元问路指路话题的一个回顾和应用。它让学生在体会故事有趣的基础上,复习本单元问路指路的习惯用语。同时老师可以借助于这个故事教学,进一步培养学生的阅读能力和技巧,让学生进一步体会成功的喜悦和阅读的乐趣。 教学目标: 语言知识:

读懂这个小故事。回忆并能够运用问路指路的这些语言。 语言技能:

培养小组合作的能力。(两人一组) 看图获取信息的能力。

猜词,找读,略读等阅读能力。 培养他们大胆表演的勇气。 情感态度:

当别人迷路时,你要热心帮助他。 学习策略:

通过猜是什么动物,激发学生读故事的兴趣;通过lead in环节,激活学生已有的指路经验;通过图片环游培养他们的观察力,帮助学生了解故事的大概内容;通过快速找读,回答提出的选择题,培养学生找读的阅读技巧,并策略的处理了故事中的难点;通过贴词条,检查学生对故事的理解和掌握程度;通过教师导读,让学生学习阅读技巧,比如替换的技巧,猜词的技巧,找读的技巧等等; 教学重点:

学生能够借助于图片读懂故事,并能把故事演一演。 教学难点:

阅读策略渗透以及阅读策略的运用 教学准备:课件 录音机 头饰 记分牌


Step1 Greetings (1 minute) T Hello! S Hello!

T:Now, let’s play a Guessing game What is it? S It’s a …

[设计意图:利用孩子们的好奇心,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。] Step2 Revision(1 minute) Free-taling

T(小猫消失)The cat is lost. Where is the cat? Can you help me? T-S交流

[设计意图:利用课间操作,猫咪不见了,你能帮我找一找吗?出示地图,进行师生交流,复习问路的知识,为故事的学习做准备。] Step3 New concepts (40minutes) Before Reading

T Today we will read a story about the cat? Lesson 18 Lost in the City Loo through the pictures ,What animals do you see in the story?

[设计意图:快速读图,找到故事中的主要人物,培养他们从图上捕捉信息的阅读策略。] While Reading

The first reading Listen to the story and follow it ,then find the relations between them.

T What’s the relations of them? (老师用PPT 给学生提供三个词:sister , helps , helps让学生填空。)

S Listen and read, then fill in the blans.

T Read the sentences They are sisters. The dog helps the cat. The bird helps the dog.


The second reading read the story and find the answers. Circle the answers.

T Please read the story and find the answers.(学生通过选择的方式选出每道题的答案。) Questions

? What’s her name? He name is ______? ? Who is lost?

? Who lives (住) in the city?

? Which house(哪间房子)is her house?

? The dog and the bird help the cat. Who is right?(谁是对的?) S read the story quicly and find the answers, then circle them. T Can you find the answers? What’s her name? S Her name is itty. T Do you lie itty? S Yes.

T Let’s say hello to itty. T&S Hello!

T&S How are you, itty? T&S Nice to meet you, itty. T&S I lie you, itty.

T&S You are nice, itty. I love you, itty.

[设计意图:通过和可爱的itty打招呼,巧妙地让学生练习了itty这个名字的发音。] T Who is lost? S choose B T How do you now?

S Read the sentences in the story I’m lost. Where is the NICE house? T Who lives (住) in the city? S choose A T How do you now?

S Read the sentence in the story She lives in the city. T itty lives in the city.

T Which house(哪间房子)is her house? S choose B

T&S A is the MICE house. B is NICE house. itty’s house is NICE house. T The dog and the bird help the cat. Who is right? S choose B T How do you now?

T&S But when I get there, I see the MICE house, not the NICE house. Oh no!

T Guess Which house is it?(老师拿两个房子的卡片,抽出一张,让学生猜一猜是那个房子,学生猜对,给奖励,学生猜不对,老师重复:This is … house, not … house.) Ss Guess.


T 课件出示第一幅图What is the cat thining of?小猫正在想什么? S 想itty

T 老师带上头饰,手拿itty 的图片。I miss her. I miss her very much. S read follow the teacher.

T I am going to visit her. What does visit mean?(教师通过两张图片告诉学生visit 的含义,并通过这两幅图下面的句子:The rabbit, the bear and the money go to visit the lion. My mum, dad and I go to visit my grandfather.让学生练习visit的发音。)

T Please glue the sentences on the blacboard.(四个动物的头像,两个房子)

句型词条:I’m lost. The dog helps me. I get to the MICE house. It’s not the NICE house. The bird helps me. I get to the NICE house. I’m happy to see itty.

[设计意图:通过贴词条,让学生明白故事的四五个环节,理清故事的整体脉络,巧妙的处理了get to 这一难点,同时也为最后的角色扮演做准备。] The third reading read by yourself and fill in the blans.

I have a ____. Her name is____. She lives in the ___ .I miss her very much. I am going to visit(看望) her. There are many new ______ in the city. I’m lost. I meet a ___ and a ____ .They help me. Finally, I get to the NICE house. I see my sister. We are happy. I missed her. She missed me.

Word list:city, itty, sister, dog, bird, streets S fill in the blans. T&S read it together.


The fourth reading:read the story quicly and find the dialogue among the cat, the bird and the dog. [设计意图:让学生快速找读,找到指路的对话,为接下的表演做准备。] After Reading:

Act out the dialogue among the cat, the bird and the dog [演故事,体验成就感,激发持续学习英语的兴趣。] Homewor:

Act out the story for your family. The eyboard

四个动物的头像,两个房子,七句词条: I’m lost. The dog helps me. I get to the MICE house. It’s not the NICE house. The bird helps me. I get to the NICE house. I’m happy to see itty. 教学反思

本节课我采用的是这样的教学模式:before reading激活已知,while reading阅读技巧,阅读方法的渗透,教师导读:让孩子跟着我有兴趣的读懂故事。 after reading:运用这个故事,做一些show,体现反馈。我在开课前做了一个guessing game ,一是为了激趣,二是为了引出故事中的主人公;通过lead in环节,帮老师找到the lost cat,激活学生已有的指路经验;紧接着,通过图片环游培养他们的观察力,帮助他们找到故事的主要人物,在While Reading的环节:通过听读让学生理清人物之间的内部关系,并能够把指定的单词填入到人物的关系

脉络中,这是对故事内容整体内容的初步了解;再读故事,我是找学生单个朗读故事,虽然有的学生读起有困难,但是只要他们敢读,我就给他们这个机会,逐图去读文,我可以在旁边辅助,让学生克服紧张,突破自己。学生单个读完故事以后,让学生通过快速找读,回答老师提出的选择题,培养学生找读的阅读技巧,通过教师导读,让学生学习阅读技巧,比如替换的技巧,具体体现在:让学生去猜一猜I’ll show you 等于我们学过的I can show you;猜词的技巧,比如让学生理解:visit 这个词,老师是通过两副图:动物看望生病的狮子,父母去看望生病的爷爷,先让学生去看图猜测visit 的意思,然后读图下带visit的句子,让学生去练习visit 的发音。找读的技巧,比如:让学生快速找读,填出老师缩减出的故事大意的一段文字,让学生在书中找出答案并圈出,我在下面巡视的时候,看到学生都能够轻松的完成,只是有的找得慢一些,有的找得很快,通过填空这一环节,让学生进一步概括出故事的主要内容,使学生更能够理解这一故事。 通过贴词条,检查学生对故事的理解和掌握程度,同时策略的处理:get to 这一个难点;对于Finally这个词,我没有进行处理,因为有的时候,只要这个词不影响学生去理解文章,我们就可以忽略它。通过跳读找到指路的信息,为接下的故事表演做准备。After Reading:学生带上头饰进行故事找路片段的表演。这里我没有让学生去表演整个故事,一是考虑时间不充足,二是,学生表演全故事有困难。而且我讲完课以后,还有一个想法,可以让学生看着贴在黑板上的词条,演故事可能会更好,那么词条可能还得加上两句:I meet a dog. I meet a bird.这样一,词条成了表演的辅助,同时也是对故事内容的一个缩减,学生就可以不用拿书轻轻松松复述并表演故事了。可能这是本节课的遗憾吧。
