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Introduction to 48 SCI Journals on Dentistry and Related Disciplines
2004年,共有9个国家的48种口腔医学期刊被SCI收录,30种口腔医学期刊的影响因子超过1.0,7种期刊的影响因子超过2.0,CRIT REV ORAL BIOL M的影响因子最高,为3.642;J DENT RES 的影响因子其次,为3.131,其他口腔医学期刊的影响因子均有提高。48种期刊按出版国字母顺序排列,分别是:Australia(1)、Denmark(11)、England(12)、Japan(1)、Norway(1)、Scotland(1)、Sweden(1)、Switzerland(1)、USA(19)。详细情况,列于下表(按期刊字母顺序排列)。
Rank Subject Category Nation Abbreviated Journal Title Full Journal Name 杂志缩写及全名 ISSN Impact Factor 影响因子 序号 学科专业 国家 刊号 1 Orthodontics Norway ACTA ODONTOL SCAND Acta odontologica Scandinavica AM J DENT American journal of dentistry AM J ORTHOD DENTOFAC 0001-6357 0.884 2 Comprehensive USA 0894-8275 1.032 3 Orthodontics USA American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics ANGLE ORTHOD The Angle orthodontist ARCH ORAL BIOL 0889-5406 0.880 4 Orthodontics USA 0003-3219 0.782 5 Oral Biology England Archives of oral biology AUST DENT J 0003-9969 1.158 6 Comprehensive Australia Australian dental journal BRIT DENT J British dental journal BRIT J ORAL MAX SURG 0045-0421 0.305 7 Comprehensive England 0007-0610 0.647 8 OMS England British journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 0266-4356 0.689 9 Caries Switzerland CARIES RES Caries research CLEFT PALATE-CRAN J 0008-6568 1.262 10 OMS USA The cleft palate-craniofacial journal 1055-6656 0.861 11 Implants Preventive Dentistry OMS and Orthodontics Denmark CLIN ORAL IMPLAN RES Clinical oral implants research COMMUNITY DENT ORAL 0905-7161 2.139 12 Denmark Community dentistry and oral epidemiology CRANIO 0301-5661 1.138 13 USA Cranio : the journal of craniomandibular 0886-9634 0.507 practice CRIT REV ORAL BIOL M 14 Oral Biology USA Critical reviews in oral biology and medicine 1045-4411 3.642 15 Dental Materials Dental Materials Dental Traumatology England DENT MATER Dental materials DENT MATER J Dental materials journal DENT TRAUMATOL Dental traumatology DENTOMAXILLOFAC RAD Dento maxillo facial radiology EUR J ORAL SCI European journal of oral sciences EUR J ORTHODONT European journal of orthodontics 0109-5641 2.057 16 Japan 0287-4547 2.511 17 Denmark 1600-4469 0.827 18 Oral Radiology England 0250-832X 0.924 19 Comprehensive Denmark 0909-8836 1.387 20 Orthodontics England 0141-5387 0.788 INT DENT J 21 Comprehensive England International dental journal 22 Endodontics England INT ENDOD J International endodontic journal INT J ORAL MAX IMPL 23 Inmplants USA The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants INT J ORAL MAX SURG 24 OMS Denmark International journal of oral And Maxillofacial surgery INT J PERIODONT REST 25 Periodontology USA The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry 0198-7569 0.901 0901-5027 1.106 0882-2786 1.772 0020-6539 0.504 0143-2885 1.470 INT J PROSTHODONT 26 Prosthodontics USA The International journal of prosthodontics J AM DENT ASSOC 27 Comprehensive USA Journal of the American Dental Association (1939) 28 Periodontology Denmark J CLIN PERIODONTOL Journal of clinical periodontology J CRANIO MAXILL SURG Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery J DENT Journal of dentistry J DENT RES Journal of Dental research J ENDODONT Journal of endodontics J ORAL MAXIL SURG Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery J ORAL PATHOL MED Journal of oral pathology & medicine J ORAL REHABIL Journal of oral rehabilitation J OROFAC PAIN Journal of orofacial pain J PERIODONTAL RES Journal of periodontal research J PERIODONTOL Journal of periodontology J PROSTHET DENT The Journal of prosthetic dentistry J PUBLIC HEALTH DENT Journal of public health dentistry OPER DENT Operative dentistry ORAL DIS Oral diseases 0303-6979 1.644 0002-8177 1.086 0893-2174 1.486 29 OMS Scotland 1010-5182 0.991 30 Comprehensive England 0300-5712 1.512 31 Comprehensive USA 0022-0345 3.131 32 Endodontics USA 0099-2399 1.323 33 OMS USA 0278-2391 1.154 34 Oral Pathology Denmark 0904-2512 1.476 35 Prosthodontics England 0305-182X 0.692 36 Oralfacial Pain USA 1064-6655 1.477 37 Periodontology Denmark 0022-3484 1.831 38 Periodontology USA 0022-3492 1.569 39 Prosthodontics USA Preventive Dentistry 0022-3913 0.735 40 USA 0022-4006 1.266 41 Endodontics USA 0361-7734 1.341 42 Comprehensive Denmark 43 Oral 1354-523X 1.585 0902-0055 1.759 Denmark ORAL MICROBIOL IMMUN