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教学内容及过程 教学内容与教学设计: Teaching Procedures: Color I. Warm-up Questions No one when he uses a word has in main exactly the same thing that another has, and the difference, however tiny, sends its tremors throughout language. The limits of my language are the limits of my world. 1. Ask the students to read the above two proverbs and try to guess who said them. 2. Have them think over the question What conclusions do you draw from the above two proverbs. II. Pre-reading 1. Have the students read the reading material. 2. Ask them to find out the main points. 3. Ask them to think over: why different cultures have different symbols for similar colors? III. Same Color in Different Cultures 1. Ask the students to find out people’s same feeling toward the same colors. 2. Ask the students to find out the people’s different feelings toward the same colors, and try to find out the reasons. 3. Ask the students to summarize the elements that affect people’s cognition into color. IV. Case for Practice Read the material and translate (p. 84) with your group members and try to find the relation between the meaning and the color of color words. Then present your opinion in front of the class. . V. Further reading 1. Analyze the color words in economy and their relation between literal meaning and connotative meaning. 2. Discuss the meaning of color words in English and Chinese culture. Number I. Presentation II. Pre-reading 1. Have the students read the reading material. 2. Ask them to find out the main points. 3. Ask them to list the different attitudes toward number in China and the west. III. Numbers Penetrate into Every Aspect of Human Life
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1. Ask the students to find out how national psychology affects peoples attitudes towards number. 2. Ask the students to find out how religious belief affects peoples attitudes towards number. 3. Ask the students to find out how mythology affects peoples attitudes towards number. IV. Case for Practice Read the material and discuss the questions with your group members: ? Do you believe in “lucky numbers”? Why? ? What do you think is the key to success? V. Further reading 1. What numbers are lucky ones? 2. What are the suitable attitudes towards numbers? VI. Self-Study 4. Associative Target. 5. Taboo VII. Assignments: 1. Ex (pp. 114- 115) 2. Understand the main points of culture differences in connotative meanings. 补充资料 在中国文化中有“七日来复”、“正月初七为人日”、“山中方七日,世上已千年”之说。不过,“七”在汉语中却是被人们常常忌讳的数字。给人送礼时忌七件或七样,饭桌上的菜绝不能是七盘。人们在挑选吉日良辰时不挑七、十七或二十七。其原因一是与中国人崇尚偶数的心理有关,二是与中国祭奠死者的传统有关。 在西方“seven”却是个神圣的数字。西方人讲究七种美德,七次圣餐,人生有七个时期。这是因为它与神圣有关。例如,上帝用六天创造了世界,第七天为休息日;耶酥劝告人们原谅别人要七乘七四十九次之多;圣母玛丽亚有七件快乐的事,七件悲哀的事;主祷文共有七部分;圣灵有七件礼物。 在中国“六”是一个时空谐和数,我们常说“眼观六路,耳听八方”,六路即前、后、左、右、上、下,或天地四方,亦即三维空间的六个方向。“六”在中国人看来是个最吉祥不过的数字。俗语“六六大顺”即是最好的印证。英语中的“six”却不是一个受欢迎的数字,人们视6为大凶数或野兽数,这从以下习语中也可见。如:at sixes and sevens(乱七八糟;糊涂的;迷茫的)、hit sb. for six / knock sb. six(给敌人/某人以毁灭性打击)、six penny(不值钱)、six of one and half a dozen of the other(半斤八两,差不多)等。 课后小结:
跨文化交际 课程教案
授课题目:Unit 5 Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication 教学时数: 教学目的、要求: 1. To get to know the status and the study area of non-verbal communication; 2. To get to know the cultural differences in nonverbal communication; 3. To get to know the time language, space language and body language; 4. To get to know the cultural differences implied in posture, gesture, facial expressions, eye contact, smell and paralanguage. 10学时 授课类型: ■ 理论、实践课 教学重点: 1. The status and area of non-verbal communication 2. The cultural differences in nonverbal communication 3. Time language, space language and body language 教学难点: Cultural differences implied in posture, gesture, facial expressions, eye contact, smell and paralanguage. 教学方法和手段: 主要采用交际法,任务法和讲授法的结合,既重视形式和结构,更要重视内容和功能,培养学生的能力要兼顾语言形式、结构及语言表达的内容 与功能。在具体教学方法上不拘一格,灵活多样。 交际练习主要为引导学生分role-play和presentation等活动达到练习的目的; 整体把握上结合使用归纳法和演绎法,既可在归纳中演绎,又可在演绎 之后再归纳;坚持教师为主导,学生为主体,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。 参考资料: 1. CCTV “希望英语”节目; 2.《跨文化交际》顾曰国,外语教学与研究出版社,1997年.
教学内容及过程 教学内容与教学设计: Teaching Procedures: Nonverbal Communication I. Warm-up Questions There’s language in her eyes, her cheek, her lip, Nay, her foot speaks. In human intercourse the tragedy begins not when there is misunderstanding about words, but when silence is not understood. 1. Ask the students to read the above two proverbs and try to guess who said them. 2. Have them think over the question What conclusions do you draw from the above two proverbs. II. Pre-reading 1. Have the students read the reading material. 2. Ask them to find out the main points. 3. Ask them to think over: why nonverbal communication causes miscommunication. III. We Communicate with More than the Words We Speak 1. Ask the students to find out how people’s emotions are reflected in their gestures. 2. Ask the students to find out how nonverbal communication varied from culture to culture. 3. Ask the students to think over: Is nonverbal communication universal? IV. Case for Practice Read the material and translate (p. 120) with your group members and try to discuss the following questions. Then present your opinion in front of the class. . Why did the principal decide the girl was guilty? What should the girl do when she talked with the adult according to Puerto Rican culture? V. Further reading 1. Read the text. 2. Summarize the functions of nonverbal communication. Body Language I. Presentation II. Pre-reading 1. Have the students read the reading material. 2. Ask them to find out the main points. 3. Ask them to list the different reflections toward the same gestures in China and the west.
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III. Body Language—Transmits Information Through Gestures, Actions, Facial Expression… 1. Ask the students to find out the meanings of different postures. 2. Ask the students to find out the meanings of different gestures. 3. Ask the students to find out the function of eye contact. 4. Ask them to find out the meanings of different facial expressions. IV. Case for Practice Read the material and discuss the questions with your group members: ? Why did Jiang Yumei keep silent? ? What false assumptions did Linda make? ? Can you give any advice to each of these women to help them avoid similar misunderstandings in the future? V. Further reading 1. Have the students to list the finger gestures used by the Americans. 2. Discuss the different meanings of each sign. VI. Self-Study 5. Paralanguage. 6. Object language. VII. Assignments: 1. Ex (pp. 154- 156) 2. Understand the main points of culture differences in nonverbal communication. 补充资料 Basic Expressions about Establishing Business Relations 1. We’ve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in London. 我们从中国驻伦敦大使馆的商务参赞处得知你们的名字和地址。 2. By the courtesy of Mr. Black, we are given to understand the name and address of your firm. 承蒙布莱克先生的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址。 3. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm. 我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。 4. Your firm has been introduced (recommended, passed on) to us by Maple Company. 枫叶公司向我方介绍了贵公司。 5. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business. 我们之间的相互了解与合作必将促成今后重要的生意。 6. We express our desire to establish business relations with your firm. 我们愿和贵公司建立业务关系。 课后小结: