新概念33课练习 下载本文

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一. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1.She is (dust) the dressing table. 2.Please (sharp) the pencil.

3.The dog is running (cross) the grass. 4.I beg (you) pardon?

5.Now he is putting on his (cloth).

6.This bedroom Is not clean .And it’s (tidy). 7.There are some (fork) on the shelf. 8.There are some glasses near (that) bottles. 9.What’s the matter with these (child)? 10.Come and meet our (employ)

11.What your mother (do).She is making the bed. 12.Must we (sweep) the floor? 13.Look,Sandy (shut) the door.

14. Sally (sit) under the tree? Yes,she is. 15.Tim (climb) the tree now.

16. not (read) this magazine. 17. (put) on your new shoes ,please.

18. Emma (cook) a meal? No, she isn’t

19. the dog (eat) a bone . Yes, it’s eating a bone. 20.What is Mrs.Jones doing? She (take) off her coat. 21 They (wash) the dishes? Yes, they are. 22.Look,the man and the woman (wait) for the bus.



23.They (shave) now.

24.What Mr.Jones (do). 25. not (climb) that tree. 26.Must Amy (sweep) the floor?

27.Listen! The aeroplane (fly)over the river. 28.Where the dog run? 29. We mustn’t (jump) off the wall.

30.It is eight o’clock. The keyboard operator (type) a letter. 31.These (cook) are cooking a meal in the kitchen.

32.The keyboard operators are typing (letter) on the computers. 33.The housewives are washing the____________(dish). 34.Mr.Jones and his wife are looking at____________(they). 35.Tim is ____________(sharp)a pencil.

36.The dog is running____________(cross) the grass. 37.He is cleaning his ____________(tooth).

38.There is an electric ____________(cook) in the kichen. 39.A ____________(clean) is sweeping the floor. 40.He is putting on his ____________(trouser). 二、单项填空

( )1. Look!Tom _____in the garden.

A.walk B.is walking C.is walking D.are walking ( )2.-- _____?----I’m drinking my milk.

A.What am I doing B.What I am doing



C.What are you doing D.What you are doing ( )3.---What is Mary’s cat doing? It’s_____.

A.typing a letter B.drinking its milk C.putting on her dress D.cooking ( )4.The postman is _____him a letter.

A.putting B.giving C.catching D.reading ( )5.The tourists _____the picture on the wall.

A.is looking B.is looking at C.are looking at D.are seeing ( )6.The children _____the blackboard.

A.is cleaning B.are cleaning C.are sweeping D.are dusting

( )7.There is a boat _____the river_____the bridge,and some men are walking_____the bridge. A.over under over B.on over on C.on under over D.over under on

( )8. _____the table there is a refrigerator,and _____the table there are two glasses. A.In on B.Over under C.Near on D.Near over ( )9.A policewoman is _____him.

A.running after B.walking on C.walking under D.running over ( )10.Tim is_____the bus .Some bird are _____the bridge A.waiting for,flying on B.waiting,flying on C.waiting for,flying over D.waiting,flying over ( )11. _____is Sally? She’s in the garden.

A.What B.How C.Where D.What color ( )12.---What__________she__________?----She is dancing.



A.is ,do B.is,doing C.does,do D.does,doing ( )13.Look,tim_____the tree.

A.climb B.climbs C.climbing D.is climbing ( )14. _____the cats_____cakes on the floor?

A.Do ,eating B.Are ,eating C.Are ,eat D.Is,eating ( )15.There are some _____and two_____in the room.

A. Child,woman B.Children,woman C.Child,women D.Children,women

( )16. _____the door please,It’s cold.

A.Shut B.To shut C.Open D.To open ( )17.What is John doing?He is_____the blackboard.

A.looking at B.reading on C.taking off D.putting off ( )18.What is the dog doing ?It’s running _____the grass.

A.at B.across C.of D.on ( )19.Is Jim reading a magazine? __________

A.Yes,he read a magazine. B.No,he isn’t

C.Yes,he reading a magazine. D.No,he is

( )20.You must_____the shoes.

A.putting on B.put on C.puts on D.to put on ( )21.There _____some clouds in the sky.

A.be B.is C.are D.am ( )22.The sun _____in the sky now.

A.shine B.shining C.is shining D.shines ( )23.Where _____the ship_____?It is going under the bridge.



A.is ,go B.does ,go C.is,going D,is ,goes ( )24.Emma is cooking a meal_____us.

A.to B.for C.at D.on ( )25.We’re_____books in the classroom.

A.looking B.reading C.seeing D.looking at ( )26.Jean begs Jack_____ after the children.

A.look B.looking C.to look ( )27.Mr.Jone with his family _____over the bridge.

A.walking B.is walking C.are walking ( )28.What about _____our homework?

A.do B.doing C.to do ( )29.They are waiting_____a bus at the bus stop.

A.at B.on C.for ( )30.The housewives are washing _____.

A.dish B.dishs C,a dish 三、句型转换。

1.The cat is drinking its milk.(变为一般疑问句) __________the cat __________its milk? 2.Jack is reading a magazine.(变为否定句) Jack is __________ __________a magazine . 3.The boy is putting on his shirt.(变为同义句) The boy isn’t _____ _____his shirt. 4.Nicola is typing a letter.(就划线部分提问)


D.is looking D.aren’t walking D.does D.with D.the dishes