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学生姓名:王仕昕 指导教师:王本存副教授 专 业:宪法学与行政法学 学科门类:法学



On the Phenomenon of Trusting

Petition not Law

A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Master,sDegree of Law


Wang Shixin Supervised by

Ass.Prof.Wang Bencun

SpecialtyrConstitutionalLaw and Administrative Law

College of Law Chongqing University,Chongqing, China May,

2012摘 要

建立半个多世纪以来的信访制度,在我国的社会生活中发挥若屯要作用。公 民通过信访活动参政议政,对国家公权力行使监督权,寻求权益保陣。党和政府 则通过信访渠逍倾听公民意见,化解公权力与公民间的冲突,接受公众监督,以 此來保障国家和谐稳定。然而随着改革开放引发的利益调整和社会转型,信访所 承载的期望远远超过了这一制度的功能和性质。信访是一项司法救济程序外的救 济方式,既可能促进公民实体正义的实现,又同时引发公民对其的过度依赖,导致 社会信访


重庆人学硕士学位论文 中文摘要

不信法现象。信访不信法现象主要表现为信访人寻找诚有权力的机构或 人员,希望它们用权力解决问题,而不是依靠法律程序解决纠纷。

我国目前处于人治社会向法治社会的转型期,尚存在法制不完善、司法不公 和司法腐畋等问题。这些问题在一定程度上可能导致公民诉诸司法机关时无法得 到权益的保障,造成司法权信任缺失。一些历史原因和基本国情也加剧了这种信 任缺火,使得公民过度依赖信访途径来保隖自身权利,最终造成信访制度的功能 错位,其主要功能由连接党和政府与公民间的桥梁转变为对公民权利的救济。特 别是近些年出现的涉诉信访,表明公民在穷尽司法救济方式后的努力或直接不诉 诸司法机关来寻求实体IF.义的实现,也更实质地体现了社会信访不信法问题FI趋 严重化。

法治是现代国家的治理基础,司法是维护公民权益的域终机制。而社会信访 不信法现象表明信访是依靠行政权威、通过行政权力的介入来化解冲突和矛质。 这在一定程度上促进个体实质爪义实现的同时+吋避免地造成公民将信访视为优 于其他程序的救济方式,致使公民、党和政府过度依赖信访的纠纷解决功能。信 访不信法现象对法律至上、司法终局等现代法律观念造成极大冲击,不利于在社 会上树立法律信仰,更可能造成行政机关干涉司法机关H常屯判工作,破坏司法 部门的独立性,损害司法权威,圾终阻碍我国实现法治。所以解读信访不信法现象 具有重要的学术和实践意义。本文以综合分析信访制度为韃点,剖析信访不信法 现象的现状和危害性,探寻信访不信法现象的产生原因,并提出解决这一问题的 途柃构想,以期扭转公民信访不信法趋势,把公民对信访救济的依赖转变为对司 法救济的依赖,推动我国法治的实现。



fi庆大卞硕士学位论文 英文摘耍

重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘耍


Petition institution,established for more than half a century, has been playing a significant role in China's social life. On the one hand, it is through petition activities that citizens participate in and deliberate politics,supervise nation’s public power as well as seek the protection of rights and interests. On the other hand, by the channel of petition, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the government listen to opinions of citizens, solve social conflicts and conduct social supervision so as to promote social harmony and stability. However, according to the adjustment of interests and social transformation caused by the reform and opening up, expectations for petition is far beyond its functions and nature. For petition, as a relief method out of judicial relief procedures, can promote the realization of civil rights to a certain degree while cause the phenomenon that social excessive depend on the petition but neglect the law. Now, as China is in the transitional period from the rule by man to the rule by law. there are still some problems such as imperfections of the legal system, juridical bias and corruption. These problems lead to the functional dislocation of petition institution as its main function transforms to be a relief of civil rights instead of being the bridge to connect the Party and the government with citizens. Petition has an advantage of solving disputes and conflicts with the help of administrative authority and involvement of administrative agencies. To some extent, it achieves the substantive justice of citizens. However, it also inevitably misleads citizens to regard petition relief as a right superior to juridical relief, resulting in citizens’ over-reliance on the relief function of petition.Therefore, this situation has led the party and government over-reliance on the relief functions of petition. Finally, it will inevitably bring interference to the judicial power with the administrative power as well as undermine the independence and authority of the judiciary.

Just like rule by law is the basis of modem nations, administration of justice is the finial barrier to upholding civil rights. However, the phenomenon of trustin petition not law has a great impact on legal concepts such as the supremacy of law and judicial finality. What is worse, it is not conducive to establishing the legal beliefs in the society and realizing the government by law in China. Therefore, there is a need to interpret such phenomenon. On the basis of this situation, the paper organizes a comprehensive analysis of petition system, illustrated the current situation and dangers of the phenomenon of trusting petition not law, and explore reasons of this phenomenon. Finally, solutions of this problem are proposed with the expectation of reversing such trend of trusting petition not law and transforming citizens' reliance of petition relief to the reliance of juridical relief so as to promote the realization of rule by law in China.

Keywords: Petition; the Phenomenon of trusting petition not law; Rights relief; Government by law

目 录 申;






茧庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要