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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案

5. This essay gives a new insight into imperialism. Yes, he has succeeded in showing that imperialism is an \

6. Orwell is good at the appropriate use of simple but forceful words and the clever choice of the scenes he describes. His lucid style and fine attention to significant descriptive details efficiently conveyed to the readers the central idea \empires are in reality founded upon this fact\

IV. 1. The buring-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.

2. All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals (by not treating the people in the colonies as human beings).

3. They are born. Then for a few years they work, toil and starve. Finally they die and are buried in graves without a name.

4. Sitting with his legs crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is making. 5. Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews rushed out wildly excited. 6. Every one of these poor Jews looked on the cigarette as a piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford. 7. However, a white-skinned European is always quite noticeable.

8. If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.

9. No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas (for these trips 42V.Ⅵ.Ⅶ. would not be interesting).

10.life is very hard for ninety percent of the people.With hard backbreaking toil they can produce a little food on the poor soil. 11.She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in the community,that。she was only fit for doing heavy work like an animal.

12.People with brown skins are almost invisible.

13.The Senegales soldiers were wearing ready—made khaki uniforms which hid their beautiful well—built bodies. 14.How much longer before they turn their guns around and attack us?。

15.Every white man,the onlookers,the officers on their horses and the white N.C.Os.marching with the black soldiers,had this thought hidden somewhere or other in his mind. Ⅴ.See the translation of the text.

Ⅵ.1.chant:words repeated in a monotonous tone of voice

2.navvy:abbreviation of “navigator”,a British word meaning an unskilled laborer,as on canals,,roads,etc. 3.Stow:put or hide away in a safe place 4.warp:bend,curve,or twist out of shape

5.self-contained:self—sufficient;having within oneself or itself all that is necessary 6.wretched:poor in quality,very inferior

7.mummified:thin and withered,looking like a mummy

8.reach—me—down:(British colloquialism)second—hand or ready—made clothing 9. charger:a horse ridden in battle or on parade

Ⅶ.cry指因痛苦、忧伤或悲哀而发出悲切的声音,并伴以流 泪。weep更具体,强调流泪;sob指呜呜咽咽、一吸一顿 地哭泣;wail指无法抑制悲哀而拖长声调痛哭;whimper43 指像受惊的小孩一样声音压抑地、时断时续地哭;moan 则指因悲伤或痛苦而低声地、拖长声调地哀叹。

2.mania本指狂郁精神病所表现出的症状,具体表现为喜怒无常,时哭时笑,行为不能自制;delirium指暂时性精神极端错乱(如酒醉发烧时),具体表现为烦躁不安、语无伦次和产生幻觉;frenzy是非医学用语,指狂暴不能自制。 hysteria在精神病学上指心因性紊乱,表现为容易激动、焦躁不安、感官和运动功能紊乱以及不自觉地模拟眼瞎、 耳聋等。用于引申义时,mania指对于某事的爱好达到狂热的程度,成为癖好,如a mania for drinking(嗜酒);delirium 指极度兴奋,如a delirium of joy(狂喜);hysteria指强烈的、不可控制的感情爆发,如:She laughed and cried in her hysteria.(她又是笑又是哭,感情难以控制。)。

3.flash指突发的、短暂而耀眼的闪光;gleam指黑暗中闪现出的一束稳定的光线;sparkle指星星点点的闪光;glitter 指由物体反射出的星星点点的闪光;glisten指外部亮光反 射于沾水的平面上而显出的光亮;shimmer指由微波荡漾的水面反照出的柔和的闪光。 Ⅷ.1.burying—ground(verbal noun in— ing + noun):drinking cup, hiding place,diving board,waiting room,freezing point, carving knife,writing desk,typing paper,swimming suit

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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案

2.gravestone(noun +noun):oilwell,silkworm,shirt— sleeves,girl—friend,gaslight,bloodstain,frogman,win— dow—pane 3.mid—air(adjective +noun):half—brother,black—market, half—pay。darkroom,madman,double—talk,hothouse, handy man 4.orercrowding(adverb +verbal noun in—ing):dry-cleaning,overeating,oversleeping,deep—freezing, underpricing, underrating,down—grading,up—dating

5.nine—tenths(adj.from a cardinal number +noun,from an44ordinal number) : one-fifth, two-sixths, three-eighths, one-ninth

IX. 1. \read\d that the crowd could hardly pass through.

2. \nameless mounds of the graveyard\

3. \man walked carefully.

4. \cigarettes and came crawling out, groping in the air with his hand\clear picture of a blind man desiring to get a cigarette.

5. \are in.

6. \as in\the file of old women had hobbled past the house with their firewood \indicating that these women could not walk properly because of the heavy load they were carrying.

7. \ 8. \treasured that piece of bread.

Ⅹ.1.After the British army had lost all its equipment at Dunkirk, there was only a single armored divison left to protect the home island. 2. Although the dry prairie land will drift away in dust storms, it is still being plowed for profitless wheat farming. 3. If the educational program is to succeed, it has to have more than mere financial support from the government. 4. They have wasted their natural resources, which they should have protected and conserved. 5. Soon other settlers were coming in over the first rough trail which the Caldwell family had opened.

6. The Smithsonian Institute is constantly working, with little or no publicity, for a better understanding of nature for man's benefit. 7. Queen Mary was easily shaken by passions--passions of love and of hatred and revenge. 8. For a few days I dreaded opening the door of his office.

9. Concealed by the fog of early dawn, I crawled out and made my way to the beach.

10. Leaving the door of the safe unlocked and taking the leather bag of coins, I walked down the street toward the bank.

Ⅺ.1.\of this paragraph has completely forgotten what he had started out to say. Instead of being an \ paragraph be-comes a pleasant and exciting experience--which it probably is, but that is not what the writer set out to prove. \Japanese food\opening sentence, e. g. \from the male point of view, Japanese restaurants are attractive for another reason--the beautiful little doll-like waitresses, who bow and smile shyly as they serve your food.

Ⅻ. pulled, feel, goes, went, come, fe11, altered, paralyzed seemed, sagged, slobbered, settled, imagined, fired, collapse, climbed, drooping, did, jolt, knock, falling, tower, reaching, trumpeted, came, shake ⅩⅢ. Omitted.

ⅪⅤ. Shack Dwellers in Old Shanghai

At the edge of Old Shanghai, there were some areas neglected by the splendid city: they were desolate, dirty, and lay humbly at the foot of high-rise factory chimney. From the point of view of the city residents, these places were not suit- able for men. There, however, did live crowds of creature called human beings. They dwelled in the shacks they built themselves. A shack was made up of mud and dried hay--the former being the component of walls and the latter being the roof. Usually there was a small door with a thin wooden board and seldom was there any window. One could easily touch the roof with his hand. The shack was small and dim, thus the door was seldom kept closed. When it rained or blew, there

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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案

was no more difference inside than outside.

How did they manage to live? Some of them were road builders: they dug hard with a pickaxe, pulled a huge stone roller to flatten the road, or dug gutters underground all the day. Some made a living by wheelbarrow. With a load of nearly 500 kilogrammes, they pushed forward sweating all over. Some dragged their rickshaws. And among those shack dwellers were many industrial workers, male and female. When a child grew to be thirteen, he or she started to work in a factory. In short, the vast majority of the people did toil but got a slight gain.

第三课 酒肆闲聊与标准英语











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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案



那晚闲聊过后,第二天一早便有人去查阅了资料。这个名词在16世纪已有人使用过。纳什作于1593年的《截获信函奇闻》中就有过“标准英语”(Queen’s English)的提法。1602年德克写到某人时有句话说:“你把‘标准英语’(King’s Engligh)简化了”。莎士比亚作品中是否也出现过这一提法呢?如出现过,那就证明这个词在当时即已通用。他用过一次,在《温莎的风流娘儿们》中,快嘴桂嫂在讲到她家老爷回来后将会有的盛怒情形时说,“??少不了一顿臭骂,骂得鬼哭神愁,伦敦的官话(即“标准英语”)不知要给他糟蹋成个什么样子啦。”(朱生豪译)后来的事实果然被她说中了。



不过,那个澳大利亚人所作的解释也有一定的道理。下层阶级在用这一名词时总带着一点轻蔑或讥讽的味道。我们会发现,就连快嘴桂嫂这样一个婢女也会说她的主子凯厄斯大夫会管不住自己的舌头,而讲起平民百姓们所讲的那种粗话。如果说标准英语就是所谓“规范英语”,这种看法常常会受到下层人民的嘲笑讥讽,他们有时故意开玩笑地把它说成是“规反英语”。下层人民对文化上的专制仍是极为反感的。 正如卡莱尔所说,始终存在着的一种危险是,“对我们来说。词语会变成具体的事物”。词语本身并不是现实,它不过是用以表达现实的一种形式而已。标准英语就像诺曼底人的盎格鲁法语一样,也是一个阶级用来表达现实的一种形式。让人们学着去讲也许不错,但既不应当把它作为法令,也不应当使它完全不接受来自下层的改变。





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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案





Ⅰ . 1. Carlyle : Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), English essayist and historian born at Ecclefechan, a village of the Scotch lowlands. After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, he rejected the ministry, for which he had been intended, and determined to he a writer of hooks. In 1826 he married Jane Welsh, a well-informed and ambitious woman who did much to further his career. They moved to Jane' s farm at Craigenputtoeh where they lived for 6 years (1828-1834 ). During this time he produced Sartor Resartus (1833-1834), a book in which he first developed his char- acteristic style and thought. This book is a veiled sardonic attack upon the shams and pretences of society, upon hollow rank, hollow officialism, hollow custom, out of which life and usefulness have departed. In 1837 he published The French Revolution, a poetic rendering and not a factual account of the great event in history. Besides these two masterpieces, he wrote Chartism (1840), On Heroes, hero Worship, and the Heroic in History (I841), Past and Present (1843) and others. \a compound of biblical phrases, col loquialisms, Teutonic twists, and his own coinings, arranged in unexpected sequences. One of the most important social critics of his day, Carlyle influenced many men of the younger generation, among them were Mathew Arnold and Ruskin.

2. Lamb : Charles Lamb (1775-1834), English essayist, was born in London and brought up within the precincts of the ancient law courts, his father being a servant to an advocate of the inner Temple. He went to school at Christ's Hospital, where he had for a classmate Coleridge, his life-long friend. At seventeen, he became a clerk in the India House and here he worked for 33 years until he was re-tired on a pension. His devotion to his sister Mary, upon whom rested an hereditary taint of insanity, has done al-most as much as the sweetness and gentle humor of his writings to endear his name. They collaborated on several books for children, publishing in 1867 their famous Tales from Shakespeare. His dramatic essays, Specimens of English Dramatic Poets (1808), established his reputation as a critic and did much in reviving the popularity of Eliza-be then drama. The Essays of Ella, published at intervals in London Magazine, were gathered together and republished in two series, the first in 1823, the second ten years later. They established Lamb in the title which he still holds, that of the most delightful of English essayists.

Ⅱ.1.A good conversation does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go. A good conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. When people become serious and talk as if they have something very important to say, when they argue to convince or to win their point, the conversation is spoilt.

2. The writer likes bar conversation very much because he has spent a lot of time in pubs and is used to this kind of conversation. Bar friends are companions, not intimates. They are friends but not intimate enough to be curious about each other's private life and thoughts. 3. No. Conversation does not need a focus. But when a focal subject appears in the natural flow of conversation, the conversation becomes vivid, lively and more interesting.

4. The people talked about Australia because the speaker who introduced the subject mentioned incidentally that it was an Australian who had given her such a definition of %upper class to lay down rules for \barrier existed between the Saxon peasants and the Norman conquerors.

5. The Saxon peasants and their Norman conquerors used different words for the same thing. For examples see paragraph 9.

6. The writer seems to be in favor of bilingual education. He is against any form of cultural barrier or the cultural humiliation of any section or group of people.

7. The term \\ a king. Those who are not very particular may use the term \monarch was still Queen Elizabeth.

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