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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案
and play while playing.
The last and most crucial principle is involving ourselves in our study. Learning is not only an acceptance, but a digestion and absorption. We can?t improve ourselves without serious attitude.
第六课 从天窗中消失
以汽车为例即可非常清楚地证明这一点。诸如流线型或全焊接式车身结构一类的技术革新,一开始可能不被人接受,但假如 这种技术革新在提高汽车制造业的工作效率和经济效益方面确有巨大作用,它便会一再地以各种变异的形式出现,直到最终它不仅会被接受,而且会被大家公认为是一种宝贵的成果。今天的汽车再也找不出某个汽车公司或某个民族文化的标志性特征了。一般的汽车,不管产于何地,其基本特征都大同小异。
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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案
现代文化是一个显示人的特点的世界,但又不是人们想象的那种模样。它所表现的形象不是列奥纳多自画像上那种倦怠憔悴的面容,更不是每天早晨从浴室镜子里见到的模模糊糊、平平淡淡的面孔。这些都是历史的本来面目了。现代文化是一种永远具有玩耍性而又朝气蓬勃的力量;这种力量可以创造出某种秩序,不管这种秩序是否客观存在于现实世界之中;而且,在创造出一种秩序后,又完全有可能打破这种秩序,再创一个完全不同的新秩 序,就像一个小孩玩积木时已经拼造出一种结构后又毫无恶意地以纯粹的玩耍态度拆散重拼一样。这就是它使人类显示其特点的形象。
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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案
Ⅰ . 1. Lysenko : Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (1898-- 1976), Russian agronomist. As president of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences he became the scientific and administrative leader of Soviet agriculture. In 1937 he was made a member of the Supreme Soviet and head of the institute of Genetics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He first became known for his process (vernalization) of moistening and refrigerating the seed of spring wheat thereby reputedly imparting to it the characteristics of winter wheat. He became the leader of the Soviet school of genetics that opposed the theories of heredity accepted by most geneticists and supported the doctrine that the characteristics acquired through environmental influences are inherited. Lysenko rejected neo-Mendelism and was a disciple of the Russian horticulturist I. V. Michurin. Ly senkol s theories were offered as Marxist orthodoxy and won the official support (1948) of the Soviet Central Com- mittee. However, they were severely criticized after the death of Stalin in 1953, and in 1956 he was removed as director of the Institute of Genetics, which resulted in there turn of Soviet biological thought to the mainstream of international scientific ideas.
2. Leonardo. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 -- 1519), Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist, born near Vinci, a hill village in Tuscany. In 1466 he moved to Florence, where he entered the workshop of Verrocchio. Early in his apprenticeship he painted an an-gel, and perhaps portions of the landscape, in Verrocchio' s Baptism of Christ. The culmination of Leonardo' s art during his first period in Florence is the magnificent unfinished Adoration of the Magi commissioned in 1481 by the monks of San Donato a Scopeto. In this work is revealed the integration of dramatic movement and chiaroscuro that characterizes the master' s mature style, He went to Milan around 1482 and remained at the court of Ludovico Sforza for 16 years. In 1483, Leonardo, with his pupil Ambrogiode Predis, was commissioned to execute the famous Madonna of the Rocks. Leonardo' s fresco of the Last Sup-per (Milan) was begun around 1495 and completed by1498. After the fall of Ludovica Sforza (1499) Leonar do left Milan and returned to Florence. Here he engaged in much theoretical work in mathematics and pursued his anatomical studies at the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova. In 1502 he entered the service of Cesare Borgia as a military engineer. In 1503 he was commissioned to execute the fresco of the battle of Anghiari but was never completed. From about this time dates the celebrated Mona Liza, the portrait of the wife of a Florentine merchant. The old master spent his last years in France at the castle of Cloux, near Amboise. Here he was left entirely free to pursue his own researches until his death. The versatility and creative power of Leonardo mark him as a supreme example of Renaissance genius. The richness and originality of intellect expressed in his notebooks reveal one of the greatest minds of all time.
Ⅱ.1. There are broad agreemants about the basic concepts of science, for example, there is only a single science of thermodynamics whose basic concepts are accepted by all countries, including such diverse countries as China, Americaor the Soviet Union. For a short time there were two genetics, a Soviet genetics as proposed by Lysenko and a Western genetics. However, Soviet Lysenko' s theories were refuted and in 1956 the Soviet Union accepted the Western genetic concepts.
2. It makes the world look more and more uniform. Different styles in architecture, dress, music and eating that exist in various countries and among different people are tending to disappear. They are being replaced by more uniform styles or world styles. The houses the people live in, the cars they drive, etc. , are becoming more alike.
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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案
3. A technological innovation in the manufacture of automobiles like streamlining or all-welded body construction may be initiated by one company in one country, but when it proves to make cars more efficient and cheaper, it is soon adopted universally by all automobile manufacturers. Today, the basic features of an automobile are to be found in automobiles in general, no matter who makes them. Besides this feature, all large automakers are now international companies. Americans have auto plants in Europe, Asia and South America, and Europeans and Japanese have plants in America and South America, and so on.
4. He drives cars that have the same basic features. When he goes shopping, he finds the climate in all the shops is the same because they are all similarly air-conditioned. When he travels he finds all the airports to be familiar because they are all constructed along similiar lines and the hotels to have the same amenities. In a word, he finds himself at home in all countries and places.
5. He no longer has a fixed home with all the emotional ties144 that are usually attached to such a home with its fixed location surrounded by well-known neighbors, etc. His home is now everywhere and he is always surrounded by all kinds of neighbors. He feels the old home limited his activities and his emotions.
6. She says in the past artists regarded machines and machinelike structures like the Eiffel Tower in Paris as ugly and irreverent. After 1949 the artists discovered a new beauty in machines which could now be shaped and moulded very easily into various artistic designs.
7. The writer doesn?t t directly answer the question. He says science has now thrown doubt on \ does not produce the material objects we see with our eyes but images, geometric and mathematical, of the reality underlying these things. It has made the world rather \in mathematics -- we can even produce convincing images of it -- but we can never know it. We can only know our own creations.
\displayed in the mosaic architecture of facadism and the playful theme parks and museum villages. It abounds in images and sounds and values utterly different from those of the world of natural things seen from a middle distance.
9. The banks are no longer the solid, ponderous buildings of the past but airy structures Of steel and glass. People need not go to the banks directly for many financial transactions which can now be carried out in stores or trailers with slot- machinelike terminals linked to the banks. Money is now recorded, erased, processed and reprocessed as digital signals by a computer.
Ⅲ.1.In the passage, the writer puts forward his central theme of \-- nature disappears, history disappears and even the solid banks disappear. Besides expressing the central theme of the book, the metaphorical phrase, \he Skylight\specifically in this chapter to describe the changed appearance of modern banks which seem to be disappearing. The second important idea he puts forward is the universalizing tendency of science and technology. The basic concepts of science are understood, accepted and adopted by scientists all over the world. There is only one science of thermodynamics, genetics, etc. This universalizing effect is reflected in architectural styles, dress styles, musical styles, etc. They all tend to become world styles. The third concept is, \shape their creators. \a unique individual, the product of a special environment and culture. The homogeneous world he now lives in universalizes him. He becomes a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world. Finally, the disappearance of history is a form of liberation and this feeling of liberation is often expressed through play. the playfulness of science has produced game theory and virtual particles, in art it has puoduced the paintings of Picasso and Joan Miro and so on.
2. The writer' s views are generally clearly and succinctly presented as a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph and then developed or illustrated in the paragraph itself. or by succeeding paragraphs. For example, the first sentence in the opening paragraph is a topic sentence that presents a very important view of the writer, \five paragraphs that follow and each paragraph that follows also has its own topic sentence. The organizational pattern is very clear and logical. 3. The writer uses tha present tense and universal statements to attain the goal of objectivity.
4. The writer uses figurative language freely to make his ideas more vivid and forceful. Readers can find many metaphors, analogies, rhetorical questions, repetition and balanced structure, etc. in this piece. The very title of this piece, \Disappearing Through the Skylight \is a metaphorical phrase that immediately stirs the imagination of readers.
5. A lot of scientific and technical terms are used in this piece, such as thermodynamics, genetics, genetic mutations, etc. Many sentences are complex and compound ones; some of them, though simple sentences, are complicated in structure, for example, \ern science \IV. 1. Science is engaged in the task of making its basic concepts understood and accepted by scientists all over the world. 2. The car model, called Fiesta, seems to have disappeared completely.
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高级英语(张汉熙)第二册 课文翻译与课后习题答案
3. The idea of a world car is similar to the idea of having a world style for architecture. /As architecture was moving toward a common International Style, it was natural for the automobile to do the same.
4. Things that are happening in auto making are similar to those happening in architecture.
5. The modern man no longer has very distint individual traits shaped by a special environment and culture. 6.The disadvantage of being a cosmopolitan is that he loses a home in the old sense of the world.
7.The benefit of being a cosmopolitan is that he begins to think the old kind of home probably restricts his development and activities. 8.The compelling force of technology to universalize cannot be resisted.
9.When every artist thought it was his duty to show his contempt for and objection to the Eiffel Tower which they considered an irreverent architectural structure.
10.a flexible and pliable quality that was beyond human powers and absolutely new
11.People used to firmly believe that the things they saw around them were real solid substances but this has now been thrown into doubt by science,
12.That,perhaps, shows how far logically modern aesthetic can go./The solid banks can become almost abstract and invisible./This is perhaps the furthest limit of how solid objective things may be disappearing. V.See the translation of the text. Ⅵ.1.Thermodynamics 2.genetic遗传学 3.stress应力
4.genetic mutation遗传突 5.streamlining(设计成)流 6.all—welded body全焊车身 7.cyclinder block气缸套 8.carburetor汽化器线 9.transmission传动;变速器 10.cells细胞热力学 11.molecules分子 变 12.galaxies星系 13.particles粒子 线型 14.black hole(天文)黑洞 15.genes基因
1 6.high—tension lines高压 17.circuit(集成)电路
18.geodesic dome用轻便和挺直建筑材料的拉力建造的圆屋顶 19.terminal终端
20.Magnetic tapes(录音等用)磁带 21.computer计算机
Ⅶ.1.homogeneous:the same in structure,quality,etc.;similar or identical 2.diversity:different;variety
3.economics:things related to the economy(of automobile manufacturing,such as production costs,consumer appeal,sale price,etc.) 4.asset:a valuable or desirable thing
5.suspect:think it probable or likely;guess;suppose 6.barring:unless there should be;excepting
7.blasphemy:any remark or action or thing held to be irreverent or disrespectful 8.proposition:a person,problem,undertaking,etc.,being or to be dealt with 9.extra:outside the scope or region of;beyond 1 0.order:category,class
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