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题目: 基于龙格-库塔法的电路仿真 学生姓名: 杨从锋 学号: 0321002068 所在系院: 信息与通信技术系 专业: 电子信息工程 入学时间: 2010 年 9 月 导师姓名: 傅有亮//朱亮 职称/学位: 副教授/硕士//讲师/硕士 导师所在单位: 完成时间: 2014 年 5 月
安徽三联学院教务处 制
摘 要:在工程领域中,连续系统是种比较常见的系统,对应的方针方法也是系统仿真技术中最基本、最常见、最成熟的技术。进行数字仿真首先要建立次仿真系统的数学模型,并将此模型转换为计算机可接受的、与模型等价的仿真模型,最后编制仿真程序,并在计算机上运行。如何将连续系统的模型转换成等价的计算机仿真模型,采用什么方法解决此仿真模型,这就是连续数字仿真算法所要解决的问题。关于连续系统的数学模型,大多数情况下可以用微分方程的形式给出,因此连续系统仿真算法大多也可以归结为计算机求解微分方程的问题。本文将研究龙格-库塔数值积分法的电路仿真模型。
Circuit simulation based on Runge Kutta method
Abstract: Rontinuous system is more common, the policy simulation technology is the most basic system exposure, the most common, the most mature in the engineering field. The digital simulation mathematical model should be established for simulation system, the model is converted into the simulation model of computer acceptable, and the equivalence of the models, and then the simulation program, and run on your computer. How will the continuous system model into acomputer simulation model of equivalent, which method is adopted to solve this model, which is the continuous digital simulation algorithm to solve the problem. The mathematical model of continuous system, most can be given by the form of differential equations, therefore continuous system simulation algorithms can be reduced to the problem of solving differential equations of the computer. Circuit simulation model. This paper will study the numerical Runge Kutta integration method.
Keywords: continuous system; digital simulation; differential equation; the Runge Kutta numerical integration