云南省九年级英语全册 Units 1112考前强化训练 (新版)人教新目标版 下载本文

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Units 11~12


“Bring extra clothes, Simon! Trust me. You will need them sometime in the future.” That was the only warning I got from my manager __1__ I became a little green alien.

It was my first year working at Playland. I spent nearly a __2__ at Playland, two weeks training and two weeks working.

On my second to last shift(轮班), I was told that all the employees in the same department would give a little initiation(入会仪式) on the __3__ shift. Of course at the time, I was told to bring extra __4__, but I didn't.

Finally, on my last shift, after finishing work, I went __5__ the ‘Employee Only ' door. Suddenly, ten guys poured flour(面粉) on me. The flour was followed up by many other strange things. The initiation was now complete. Everyone __6__, and ran away. I looked down at myself. I was completely__7__, looking like a green alien. I tried my best to __8__ all these materials off, but I failed. I had to work for another six hours __9__ an alien. When I went home by bus, everyone that went by looked at me. I ran home as soon as I __10__ the bus.

( B )1.A.when C.after ( C )2.A.day C.month ( D )3.A.first C.second ( C )4.A.gifts C.clothes ( B )5.A.over C.between ( A )6.A.laughed C.pointed ( A )7.A.green C.blue ( B )8.A.draw

B.before D.since B.week D.year B.next D.last B.prizes D.tools B.through D.across B.said D.cried B.red D.black B.wash



( C )9.A.looking at C.looking like ( D )10.A.got on C.got back


B.looking for D.looking after B.got up D.got off



1.B 考查连词辨析。when“当……的时候”;before“在……之前”;after“在……之后”;since“自从……以来”。由下文可知,经理告诫他是在他变成绿色的外星人“之前”。故选B。

2.C 考查名词辨析。由后面的“two weeks training and two weeks working”可知,他在Playland待了四周,也就是将近一个月的时间,故选C。

3.D 考查副词辨析。由最后一段第一句“Finally, on my last shift…”可知,入会仪式发生在“最后一个”轮班。故选D。

4.C 考查名词辨析。gift“礼物”;prize“奖品”;clothes“衣服”;tool“工具”。由第一段的“Bring extra clothes, Simon!”可知,他被告知带多余的“衣服”。

5.B 考查介词辨析。由下文语境可知本句意为“最终,在我的最后一个轮班,结束工作之后,我穿过了那道只有员工才能进入的门。”go through“穿过”。故选B。

6.A 考查动词辨析。laugh“笑”;say“说”;point“指着”;cry“哭泣”。由下文提到的他狼狈的样子可推断,每个搞恶作剧的人都“笑”了。

7.A 考查形容词辨析。green“绿色的”;red“红色的”;blue“蓝色的”;black“黑色的”。由后面的“looking like a green alien”可知,此处是指他浑身都是“绿色”。

8.B 考查动词辨析。draw“画画”;wash“洗掉”;throw“扔掉”;put“放置”。因为他浑身都是绿色的东西,所以他应该竭尽所能把它们“洗”下去,故选B。

9.C 考查动词短语辨析。look at“看到,看着”;look for“寻找”;look like“看起来像”;look after“照顾”。由上文提到的他看起来像一个绿色“外星人”可知选C。

10.D 考查动词短语辨析。get on“上(车)”;get up“起床”;get back“回来”;

get off“下(车)”。句意为“一下车我就跑回了家。”故选D。


There are different kinds of TV programs. Violence on TV influences people. In fact, when I watch killing and fighting on TV, it breaks my heart.

Sometimes I can't open my eyes to watch them. If I watch violent programs every


day, I may feel nothing relaxing and bright. I think it's not such a big problem with adults. They know the differences between TV programs and real life clearly, but it's still not good to watch too much.

We watch many acts of violence on TV, and then we_don't_feel_violence_is_violence. I think it's time for us to spend more time doing other things than watching TV.

It's important to communicate with the family, go outside and do exercise, enjoy a hobby, think about something, and so on. TV is only one part of our life, and we must choose TV programs wisely. If we watch TV violence this way, it's not a problem.

I think TV violence has too much bad influence on children. For example, a little boy suddenly says violent things. He doesn't know whether this word is good or not. So I am afraid of saying about violence to children.

Maybe I think it is bad to watch violent programs while children are still awake. Violent shows are bad not only for children but also for adults because people who watch violent TV shows want to do something like the TV shows.

( C )1.What does the writer feel when he watches killing and fighting on TV? A.Excited. C.Scared.

B.Surprised. D.Pleased.

( A )2.What does the writer think of adults' watching violent programs? A.Adults can watch some violent programs. B.Adults can't watch violent programs at all. C.It is still such a big problem with adults. D.Watching violent programs is good for adults.

( B )3.“We don't feel violence is violence” means “________”. A.we watch only a few violent programs B.we have watched too many violent programs C.we can still watch violent programs D.we haven't watched violent programs at all ( D )4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.We can't watch violent programs before children go to sleep. B.Violent programs are bad for both children and their parents. C.TV violence has more bad influence on children than adults. D.TV violence isn't bad for adults because adults are old enough. ( B )5.From the passage, we mainly know ________. A.we can't watch violent programs too much