内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/17 18:09:39星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
摘 要
关键词: 杠杆零件,加工工艺,夹具,定位,夹紧
CA6140 Release Lever Processing Craft and Jig Design
This paper is to design the craft processes of making the CA6140 lever spare parts and some specialized tongs in the process. The CA6140 lever spare part primarily processes the surface and bores. Generally speaking, to guarantee the accuracy of the flat surface process is easier than that of the bore. Therefore, this design follows the principle that surface first and then the bore, and definitely divides the process of flat surface and bore into coarse processes and precise processes to guarantee the bore processes. The basic choice is to consider 45 outside circle as rough basis and to consider 25 bore and its next surface as precise basis. The bottom is first processed out to be fixed position basis, and process the bore using the bottom as the precise basis. The whole processes choose the machine bed. In the aspects of tongs choosing, specialized tongs are used. In consideration of the simple construction size of the spare parts, clipping by hands is adopted. It is simple, and the organization design is simple, and can satisfy the design request.
KEY WORDS: Lever spare parts, Craft proces , Tongs, Fixed position, Tight clip
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