内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/17 20:59:05星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
期刊英文名 中文名 影响因子 Nature自然31.434 Science科学28.103
Nature Material自然(材料)23.132
Nature Nanotechnology自然(纳米技术)20.571 Progress in Materials Science材料科学进展18.132 Nature Physics自然(物理)16.821
Progress in Polymer Science聚合物科学进展16.819 Surface Science Reports表面科学报告12.808
Materials Science & Engineering R-reports材料科学与工程报告12.619 Angewandte Chemie-International Edition应用化学国际版10.879 Nano Letters纳米快报10.371
Advanced Materials先进材料8.191
Journal of the American Chemical Society美国化学会志8.091 Annual Review of Materials Research材料研究年度评论7.947 Physical Review Letters物理评论快报7.180
Advanced Functional Materials先进功能材料6.808 Advances in Polymer Science聚合物科学发展6.802 Biomaterials生物材料6.646 Small微观?6.525
Progress in Surface Science表面科学进展5.429 Chemical Communications化学通信5.34
MRS Bulletin材料研究学会(美国)公告5.290 Chemistry of Materials材料化学5.046 Advances in Catalysis先进催化4.812
Journal of Materials Chemistry材料化学杂志4.646 Carbon碳4.373
Crystal Growth & Design晶体生长与设计4.215 Electrochemistry Communications电化学通讯4.194 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B物理化学杂志,B辑:材料、表面、界面与生物物理4.189 Inorganic Chemistry有机化学4.147 Langmuir朗缪尔4.097
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics物理化学4.064 International Journal of Plasticity塑性国际杂志3.875 Acta Materialia材料学报3.729
Applied Physics Letters应用物理快报3.726 Journal of power sources电源技术3.477
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids固体力学与固体物理学杂志3.467 International Materials Reviews国际材料评论3.462 Nanotechnology纳米技术3.446
Journal of Applied Crystallography应用结晶学3.212 Microscopy and Microanalysis 2.992
Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science固态和材料科学的动态2.976 Scripta Materialia材料快报2.887
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A物理化学杂志,A辑2.871 Biometals生物金属2.801
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials多孔和类孔材料2.555 Composites Science and Technology复合材料科学与技术2.533 Current Nanoscience当代纳米科学2.437
Journal of the Electrochemical Society电化学界2.437 Solid State Ionics固体离子2.425
IEEE Journal of Quantum ElectronicsIEEE量子电子学杂志2.413 Mechanics of Materials材料力学2.374
Journal of nanoparticle research纳米颗粒研究2.299 CORROSION SCIENCE腐蚀科学2.293
Journal of Applied Physics应用物理杂志2.201
Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition生物材料科学—聚合物版2.158 IEEE Transactions on NanotechnologyIEEE 纳米学报2.154
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials晶体生长和材料表征进展2.129 Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics物理杂志D——应用物理2.104 Journal of the American Ceramic Society美国陶瓷学会杂志2.101 Diamond and Related Materials金刚石及相关材料2.092
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data化学和工程资料杂志2.063 Intermetallics金属间化合物2.034
Electrochemical and Solid State Letters固体电化学快报2.001 Synthetic Metals合成金属1.962
Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing复合材料 A应用科学与制备1.951 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology纳米科学和纳米技术1.929 Journal of Solid State Chemistry固体化学1.91
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter物理学学报:凝聚态物质1.9
Urnal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymer生物活性与兼容性聚合物杂志1.896 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer传热与传质1.894
Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing应用物理A-材料科学和进展1.884 Thin Solid Films固体薄膜1.884
Surface & Coatings Technology表面与涂层技术1.860
Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems材料科学与工程C—仿生与超分子系统1.812
Materials Research Bulletin材料研究公告1.812
International Journal of Solids and Structures固体与结构1.809
Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microst材料科学和工程A—结构材料的性能、组织与加工1.806
Materials Chemistry and Physics材料化学与物理1.799 Powder Technology粉末技术1.766
Materials Letters材料快报1.748
Journal of Materials Research材料研究杂志1.743 Smart Materials & Structures智能材料与结构1.743 Solid State Sciences固体科学1.742 Polymer Testing聚合物测试1.736
Nanoscale Research Letters纳米研究快报1.731 Surface Science表面科学1.731 Optical Materials光学材料1.714
International Journal of Thermal Sciences热科学1.683 Thermochimica Acta热化学学报1.659
Journal of Biomaterials Applications生物材料应用杂志1.635 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry1.63
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry固体电化学杂志1.597 Journal of the European Ceramic Society欧洲陶瓷学会杂志1.58
Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Tech材料科学与工程B—先进技术用固体材料1.577
Applied Surface Science应用表面科学1.576
European Physical Journal B欧洲物理杂志 B1.568 Solid State Communications固体物理通信1.557 International Journal of Fatigue疲劳国际杂志1.556 Computational Materials Science计算材料科学1.549 Cement and Concrete Research水泥与混凝土研究1.549 Philosophical Magazine Letters哲学杂志(包括材料)1.548 Current Applied Physics当代应用物理1.526
Journal of Alloys and Compounds合金和化合物杂志1.51 Wear磨损1.509
Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine材料科学杂志—医用材料1.508 Advanced Engineering Materials先进工程材料1.506 Journal of Nuclear Materials核材料杂志1.501
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology应用陶瓷技术1.488 Chemical Vapor Deposition化学气相沉积1.483
COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING复合材料B工程1.481 Composite Structures复合材料结构1.454
Journal of Non-crystalline Solids非晶固体杂志1.449
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B真空科学与技术杂志B1.445 Semiconductor Science and Technology半导体科学与技术1.434
Journal of SOL-GEL Science and TEchnology溶胶凝胶科学与技术杂志1.433 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining焊接科学与技术1.426
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Material冶金与材料会刊A——物理冶金和材料1.389
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering材料科学与工程中的建模与模拟1.388
Philosophical Magazine A-Physics of Condensed Matter Structure Defects and Mechanical Properties哲学杂志A凝聚态物质结构缺陷和机械性能物理1.384