上海海事大学《国际航运管理》期末试题(答案) 下载本文

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一、 单项选择题 (每题1分,共20分)

1.航次租船由 A 负责船舶营运管理。 A.船东


C.无船承运人 D.船务代理人

2.载箱能力为10000TUE的集装箱船的满载吃水大概在 D 左右。 A.12m B.13m C.14m D.15m 3. A 具有纵向隔舱壁。

A.油轮 B.集装箱船 C.普通杂货船 D.散货船 4.以下费用中,不属于固定费用的是 B 。

A.船员工资及附加费 B.船舶吨税 C.企业管理分摊费 D.船舶保险费 5.对船东来说, A ,出租可以盈利。

A.C/B > H/B B.C/B < H/B C.C/B = H/B D.C/B - H/B > 固定成本 6.LPG船是指 B 。

A.冷藏船 B.液化石油气船 C.液化天然气船 D.液体化学品船

7.当前,世界航运业应付供给过剩的方法有:闲置船舶、控制购船、 B 和拆除旧船。

A.加速航行 B.减速航行 C.加速折旧 D.减速折旧 8.下列货物积载因素最大的是 C 。

A.圆钢 B.水泥 C.棉花 D.玉米 9.载重量45000吨,吃水11.5m的散货船属于 B 散货船 A. HANDY B. HANDYMAX C. PANAMAX D. CAPESIZE 10.VLOC是 B 。

A.集装箱船 B.散货船 C.杂货船 D.油船 11.FIO表明,卸船费由 B 付。 A.船东




12.COA是指 C 。

A.定期租船合同 B.航次租船合同 C.包运租船合同 D.航次期租船合同


13.舱容系数()是用以表示 B 的比值。

A.货舱容积与总载重吨; B.货舱容积与净载重吨; C.货舱容积与总吨位;


14.下列吨位大小相同的不同类的船舶,在港装卸效率最高的通常是 D 。 A.集装箱船 B.散货船 C.杂货船 D.油船 15.2008年集装箱吞吐量前三名的排名是 B 。

A.香港港、新加坡港、上海港 B.新加坡港、上海港、香港港 C.上海港、香港港、新加坡港 D.新加坡港、香港港、上海港



两条航线上运输。如果海运运价提高,哪种情况下运量最受影响? A

A.[2]与[4]搭配;B.[1]与[3]搭配; C.[1]与[4]搭配; D.[2]与[3]搭配

17. There is now a A demand for passengers wishing to take voyages,

particular over long distances. A.much diminished; B.much increased; C.slightly diminished; D.unchanged

18. The D will be the large size vessel .

A.large the voyage in terms of nautical miles, the less efficient ;

B.smaller the voyage in terms of nautical miles, the more profitable ; C.smaller the voyage in terms of nautical miles, the more efficient, D.larger the voyage in terms of nautical miles, the more efficient

19. Shipping industry can make a significant contribution to the balance of payments when C .

A.bunkers are purchased in foreign ports;

B.both shippers and carriers are the same nationality; C.charter fees are received by home shipowners; D.home ships carry “FOB” exported cargo

20. Labor costs , in shipping sector, are usually considered as part of D costs.

A.general overheads; B. capital costs; C. voyage costs; D. operational costs.


二、 论述题(第1、2、3题每题10分,第4题20分,共50分)

1. A new colleague asks you to provide an explanation of the various types of costs associated with ship-owning.

a) Explain the difference between Capital costs(or fixed costs),Daily Running costs (or daily operating costs) and Voyage costs.

b) Under which headings would you allocate the following costs? i. Lawyer’s fees for drafting financing documentation. ii. Travel costs for superintendent’s periodic ship inspection. iii. Deductible on a cargo claim. iv. Supply of Fuel Oil.

v. Supply of Lubricating Oils and Greases. vi. War Risks Insurance premium.

vii. War Risks Insurance Additional Premium. viii. Installation of Voyage Data Recorder. ix. Annual Ship Registration fees.

x. Conversion of ship’s provision rooms refrigeration plant. 答:a)(5分)

Capital costs 船舶资本成本:这是船舶最基本的成本,即船舶购置资金(也叫资金成本),它包括贷款利息、税金和折旧。从短期看,可以视为固定成本。船舶资本成本可以通过“租赁”或光船租船的手段转化为可变成本。为了进行航次估算,年度资本成本可以看作是等值“折旧”。

Daily Running costs 经营成本:船舶经营成本是为保持船舶适航状态所需要的经常性维持费用。它包括船员工资、保险费、保赔费、船舶维修费、润料费、物料费、供应费、管理费等项目组成。 Voyage costs 航次成本:航次成本是船舶为从事特定航次的运输所发生的费用。它包括燃料费、港口及运河费,货物装卸费和其他费用。对集装箱运输来说,航运成本中还应包括集装箱使用成本。 b) (5分,每点0.5分) i. Daily Running costs ii. Daily Running costs iii. Voyage costs iv. Voyage costs v. Daily Running costs vi. Daily Running costs