产品标识与可追溯性管理程序(中英文) 下载本文

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Product identification and traceability management procedure


1.目的 Objective

为能控制从原材料到成品出货的整个流程的质量状况及其追溯性,对各制程的产品标识 追溯予以控制,特制定本程序。

To control the quality conditions and related traceability from the raw material to the final product delivery to ensure the product identification and traceability are under control. 2.适用范围 Applicable Scope


Be applied to the identification and traceability of the raw material, semi-finished product and finished product in our company. 3. 职责Responsibilities

3.1. 生产部:负责在线产品和生产过程中原材料、半成品、成品状态的标识储存及保护。

Production department: identify, store and protect the online products

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and raw material, semi-finished product, finished product.

3.2. 品质部:负责成品、半成品、不良品、原材料等对不同检验和试验状态的产品进行标 识。

Quality department: identify the products of different inspection and test status.

3.3. 仓管部:负责原材料和成品入库的标识、保护以及出入库时都有明显的标识和记录。

Warehouse management department: identify and protect raw material and finished product in the warehouse, and identify and record the warehousing.

3.4. 工程部:负责仪器设备等物品的标识及日常点检和保养。

Engineering department: identify, inspect and maintain the equipments. 3.5. 采购部:负责供应商的来料必须有明确的标识和产品出货记录。 Purchasing department: request the supplier to mark and identify the related material purchased. 4.程序内容Procedure Contents

4.1. 产品标识 Product Identification

4.1.1. 来料标识:由供方在外包装上用标签进行标识。

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Incoming materials identification: the supplier shall identify the purchased material in the package.

4.1.2. 原材料存贮时标识。Raw Material Storage Identification 原材料来料时,用客户(客供物料)、供应商提供的相关标识或由 IQC 标明检验 状态,原材料检验完成后在包装箱盖上“IQCPASS”印,并记录该原材料的品名、 数量、供应商及检验结果,参照《进料检验管理程序》。 The purchased material and customer provided material shall be marked with the related label. After inspection, the package shall be stamped “IQC pass” and records raw material name, quantity, supplier and inspection result, refer to . 原材料入库时由仓管员根据品质部检验结果标识状态办理,且在《物料卡》记录 原材料的入库时间、品名、数量、在箱外盖上进料日期及保存期限。 The warehouse keeper shall warehouse the material according to the inspection result, and record the warehousing time, name, quantity in the and stamp the incoming date and retention period on the box. 仓库在发料时,确认标识齐全,并且物料型号,规格与《领料单》所标识内容一 致时,方可发料,并领出仓库。

When distributing the materials, the identification and label shall be

