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第一课时 Section A(1a~2d)


1. We've got lots of time. You don't need to ________(仓促). 2. Mike's favorite hobby is collecting ________ . 3. Lucia is taking a shower in the ________(浴室).

4. I'm going to send my pen pal a ________(明信片) as his birthday present. 5. Are there any ________(洗手间)in the neighborhood? Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 beside,normal,bookstore,past,two

6. The reading room for children is on the ________ floor. 7. Go ________ the library and then you can see the supermarket. 8. Sally chose a room ________ mine. 9. We can find a lot of ________ in our city.

10. I ________ go to bed early,but I stayed up last night. Ⅲ.单项选择。 ( ) 11. I wonder ________ there is a bank ________ the store.

A. if;cross B. if;between C. whether;beside D. how;near ( ) 12. —Could you please tell me where the nearest hotel is?

—________.Go straight and turn left. You can find one on your right. A. Sorry,I can't B. Yes,I could C. Sure D. I can tell you

( ) 13. Go ________ the museum,and ________ the second turning to the right.

You'll find the post office.

A. pass;take B. past;take C. pass;get D. past;get ( ) 14. —Excuse me,could you tell me where the bookstore is?

— ________?I didn't hear clearly.

A. Pardon B. How are you C. How do you do D. Yes,please ( ) 15. Excuse me,could you tell me ________?

A. where's the teachers' office B. where's the bus stop C. what's she doing D. where the post office is


请仔细阅读第16-20题中五项关于遵循指令的活动,从A-G中选择出相应的活动名称, 其中有两项为多余选项。

Children need to learn to follow directions. It's useful in many areas. Many activities teach kids to follow directions in an entertaining way.

( )16.The activity works well in a group. Each kid needs the same blank picture and a box of crayons. Give directions for coloring each part of the picture. For example, the kids are asked to color the flower red, the sun yellow and the grass green. If they follow the directions, each picture should look similar.

( )17.Picture or word cards can help kids finish a task easily. Write or draw each step in a process. The kids look at each card and finish the corresponding step in order. If they follow the steps exactly, they will be able to finish the whole task. ( )18.Create a set of directions for kids to follow to find treasure. These directions lead kids to the end of the treasure hunt. If the kids follow the directions correctly, they will be rewarded with the treasure in the end.

( )19.Line the kids up. The first person is the leader. The teacher gives an instruction (指令) to the leader. If the teacher says, “Raise your right foot,” the leader must raise the right foot. The rest of the kids follow the leader. If the leader fails to lead the line, he or she will go to the end of the line and a new leader takes over.

( )20.In the activity, the teacher gives instructions with or without “Simon says”. For example, the teacher says, “Simon says touch your nose.” Then the kids must touch their noses. However, if the teacher says, “Touch your nose,” the kids shouldn't touch their noses, or they'll lose.

A. Direction Cards B. Treasure Hunt C. Simon Says D. Red Light, Green Light

E. Coloring Pictures F. Map Routes & Directions Game G. Follow the Leader

第二课时 Section A(3a~3b)


1. My friends ________(建议) that we should go to Dalian by ship. 2. Why not ask the ________(管理人员) person over there? 3. There is a new ________(饭店) near the beach.

4. What is ________(独特的)about the program I'm a Singer?Why do so many people enjoy it?

5. A rock ________(乐队)will play in that square this evening. Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 shop,wonder,real,staff,seem

6. The bus is ________ crowded. There are too many people on it. 7. All the ________ in the company played a part in the meeting. 8. I ________ why you came here so late.

9. Ten kilometers ________ a long way for the old people to walk. 10. I happen to meet my old friend in the ________ center. Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 11. 莉莉的老师昨天的确来我家了。

Lily's teacher ________ ________ to my home yesterday. 12. 迈克在上学路上发现了一个钱包。

Mike found a wallet ________ ________ ________ ________ school. 13. 我建议去巴黎度假,但是他不同意。

I ________ ________ to Paris for a holiday,but he didn't agree. 14. 明天我们为什么不去博物馆呢?

________ ________ ________ ________ to the museum tomorrow? 15. 当我经过他的房间的时候,我看到他正在读书。 I saw him reading a book when I ________ ________ his room. 02能力提升 Ⅳ.完形填空。

On a Saturday morning,I went camping in Green Natural Park with some friends. We were happy because it was a sunny day. All the way there,we sang songs and made jokes.

16 ,in the afternoon,when we finished our picnic(野餐)at one o'clock,it was dark and windy. Soon,it started to rain. Unluckily,none of us brought a(n) 17 .We ran about but couldn't find any places to 18 . Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining. There was a long way to go 19 we reached the campsite(野营地).It was 20 worse because our compass(指南针)showed that we went the wrong way.

We had to make a quick 21 because it was raining heavily. Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in,so Mary and Tom 22 to set up the tent. Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm. But we were not able to light the fire,because everything was 23 .We dried ourselves,talked and waited inside the tent. At

about five o'clock,it stopped raining. We decided to 24 the camping trip because all of us were very tired.

This camping trip might not be very 25 but we got to know each other better. And the most important thing I've learned from this trip is the importance of team spirit.

( ) 16. A. Instead B. Usually C. Luckily D. However ( ) 17. A. tent B. book

C. umbrella

D. coat

( ) 18. A. live B. cat

C. hide

D. sleep ( ) 19. A. after

B. before C. since D. when ( ) 20. A. nearly B. hardly

C. still

D. even

( ) 21. A. decision B. call

C. wish D. change

( ) 22. A. continued B. began

C. forgot

D. refused

( ) 23. A. wet

B. dry

C. dark

D. bright ( ) 24. A. take up B. get up

C. give up D. put up ( ) 25. A. useful B. successful C. truthful

D. helpful

第三课时 Section A(4a~4c) Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。

1. Go ________(向东)along this street and you'll find the band. 2. The ________(葡萄)in the box taste very sweet. Please try some.

3. Yesterday Mr. Smith took me to ________(中心的)London. It was busy there.