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Defining the New Product Strategy

Robert G Cooperrobert

Abstract—New products are critical to the growth and survival of most corporations. The new product strategy is the master plan that guides the product innovation efforts of the firm, and links new product development to the corporate plan. This article looks first at what a product innovation strategy is, its role in the corporation, and why an innovation strategy is essential to an effective new product program. Next, the article focuses on the development of a new product strategy, beginning with objectives and moving to arena selection. A matrix approach to arena definition and selection is used. Empirical data from research by the author is employed in the model to prioritize new product arenas.


NEW products are central to the growth and prosperity ofthe modern corporation. Increasingly, progressive managementsrecognize that a new product or technology strategyshould be an explicit and central element of the corporatestrategy. This article is about new productstrategy at the corporate level—about the need for a newproduct strategy, and about defining and developing such astrategy.


New product development and technology bear an integralrelationship to a company's strategic thinking by helping todefine the range of that company's choices . For manycompanies, new products and technologies have become theleading edge of corporate strategy, opening up new market andnew business opportunities. The rapid growth of countlessfirms in office-of-the-future, bioengineering, microelectronics,and robotics is evidence of the growth potential of awell conceived new product strategy. Similarly, many oftoday's corporate giants, such as Xerox, IBM, Polaroid, andTexas Instruments, were fledgling companies only decadesago, but became great because of new product choices madeby management in earlier years.

New product development and technology bear an integralrelationship to a company's strategic thinking by helping todefine the range of that company's choices . For manycompanies, new products and technologies have become theleading edge of

corporate strategy, opening up new market andnew business opportunities. The rapid growth of countlessfirms in office-of-the-future, bioengineering, microelectronics,and robotics is evidence of the growth potential of awell conceived new product strategy. Similarly, many oftoday's corporate giants, such as Xerox, IBM, Polaroid, andTexas Instruments, were fledgling companies only decadesago, but became great because of new product choices madeby management in earlier years. New product development and technology bear an integralrelationship to a company's strategic thinking by helping todefine the range of that company's choices . For manycompanies, new products and technologies have become theleading edge of corporate strategy, opening up new market andnew business opportunities. The rapid growth of countlessfirms in office-of-the-future, bioengineering, microelectronics,and robotics is evidence of the growth potential of awell conceived new product strategy. Similarly, many oftoday's corporate giants, such as Xerox, IBM, Polaroid, andTexas Instruments, were fledgling companies only decadesago, but became great because of new product choices madeby management in earlier years.

wheredo new products and product innovation fit in thecompany's overall plan? This role then is translated intospecific objectives for the new product program. Statementssuch as \1990, 30 percent of our corporatesales will come from new products—products that we willdevelop and launch in the next five years \are typicalobjectives found in the PIC.

? The PIC specifies the arenas in which the game will beplayed. That is, it defines the types of markets, marketapplications, technologies, and products that the newproduct program will focus on. These arenas provide afocus to the firm's product development program.


Developing a PIC is hard work. It involves many people,especially top management. Why, then, go to all the effort?Most of us can probably name countless firms that do notappear to have a master plan for their new product program.How did they get by?

Doing Business without an innovation Charter

Running an innovation program without a PIC like runninga war without a master military strategy. There's no rudder,there's no direction, and often, we don't end up where we'dlike to be.

A new product program without a PIC will inevitably leadto a number of ad hoc decisions made independently of eachother. New product and R&D projects are initiated solely ontheir own merits, with little regard to their fit into the granderscheme. The result is that the firm finds itself in unrelated orunwanted markets, products, and technologies.

Objectives: The Link to Corporate Strategy

What types of direction does a PIC give a firm's newproduct program? First, the objectives of a PIC tie the productdevelopment effort tightly to the firm's corporate strategy.New product development, so often taken for granted,becomes a central part of the corporate strategy, a key plank inthe company's overall strategic platform.

The question of spending commitment is dealt with bydefining the role and objectives of the new product program.Too often, the R&D or new product budget is easy prey inhard economic times. In some firms, R&D is viewed as softmoney—a luxury. But with product innovation as a centralfacet of the firm's corporate strategy, with the role andobjectives of product innovation firmly established, cuttingthis budget becomes less arbitrary. There is continuity to theresource commitment to new products.

The Arenas: Guiding the Game Plan

The second facet of the PIC, the definition of arenas, iscritical to guiding and focusing the new product efforts (seeFig. 1). The first step in the new product process is ideageneration. But where does one search for new product ideas?Unless the arenas are defined, the result is a scatter gun searcheffort, undirected, unfocused, and ineffective!

A second key step in the new product process is ideascreening. The first criterion for this early GO/KILL decisionis: \the proposed product fall within the company'smandate for its new product program?\the kind of market, product, andtechnology that we as a company have decided is fair game forus? Without a definition of fair game—arenas—good luck intrying to make an effective screening decision!

The definition of arenas also guides resource and manpowerplanning. If certain markets are designated top priority arenas,then the firm can acquire resources, skills, and knowledge tobe better able to attack those markets. Similarly, if certaintechnologies are singled out as arenas, the firm can hire andacquire resources