开心英语小学五年级下册复习资料 下载本文

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Uint One

1) here comes ……来了 _____________________ 2) come from 从……来 _____________________ 3) last week 上周 _____________________ 4) last month 上一个月 _____________________ 5) come on 来吧 _____________________ 6) last Saturday 上个周六 _____________________ 7) visit friends 探望朋友 _____________________ 8) plant a tree / trees 种树 _____________________ 9) walked a long way 走了一段长长的路 _________________ 10)painted a picture 画了一幅画 _____________________ 11)cook some food 煮一些食物 _____________________ 12)listen to music 听音乐 _____________________ 13)summer holiday 暑假_____________________ 14)in hospital 在医院 _____________________ 15) on vacation 在假期_____________________ 16) had a bad summer 度过了一个糟糕的夏天___________ 17) play badminton 打羽毛球_____________________ 18) on the top 在顶部_____________________ 19) in the shop 在商店_____________________ 20) go for a walk 去散步_____________________ 21) go for a jog 去慢跑_____________________ 22) come in 进来_____________________ 23) in China 在中国_____________________ 24) this morning 今天早上_____________________ 25) many places 许多地方_____________________ 26) last night 昨晚_____________________ 27) play basketball 打篮球_____________________ 28) at home 在家_____________________ 29) every day 每天_____________________ 30) have a good time 过得愉快_____________________ Uint Two

1) a beautiful desert 一个漂亮的沙漠 ____________________ 2) Let’s rest. 让我们休息_____________________ 3) feel sick 觉得不舒服_____________________

4) drink something 喝一些东西_____________________ 5) a bottle of water 一瓶水_____________________ 6) read comic books 看漫画书_____________________ 7) go to the beach 去沙滩_____________________ 8) go to the park 去公园_____________________ 9) this afternoon 今天下午_____________________ 10) go to the swimming pool 去游泳池游泳_____________________ 11) go on a trip 去旅行_____________________ 12) go to Spain 13) sing a song /songs 14) play in the rain 15) dance around 16) go to France 17) read a book 18) ride a bike 19) learn to dance 20) eat pizza 21) write to a friend 22) go home 23) a busy day 24) wash (my) face 25) eat breakfast 26) go to work 27) go to school 28) on the bus 29) in English class 30) practice the piano 31) in music class 32) eat some cookies 33) drink some milk 34) make a mess 35) clean the table 37) wash/do the dishes 38) take a rest 39) on Saturday afternoon 40) last Sunday afternoon 41) at school 42) in . class 去西班牙_____________________ 唱一首歌_____________________ 在雨中玩_____________________ 转着圈跳舞_____________________ 去法国_____________________ 读一本书_____________________ 骑自行车_____________________ 学习跳舞_____________________ 吃馅饼_____________________ 写信给朋友_____________________ 回家_____________________ 忙碌的一天_____________________ 洗脸_____________________ 吃早餐_____________________ 去上班_____________________ 去学校_____________________ 在公共汽车上____________________ 在英语课上_____________________ 练钢琴_____________________ 在音乐课上 _____________________ 吃一些曲奇饼 _______________ 喝一些牛奶 ___________________ 制造混乱 _____________________ 清洁桌子 _____________________ 洗碗 _____________________ 休息 _____________________ 在周六下午 __________________ 上周日下午 ____________________ 在学校 _____________________ 在体育课上 _____________________

43) walk back home 走路回到家 __________________ 44) study English 学习英语 ___________________ 45) get up 起床 _____________________ 46) ten past twelve 十二点过了十分 ________________ 47) It’s time for lunch 是吃午餐的时候了 _____________ 48) a good day 愉快的一天 ___________________ 49) ride a skateboard 踩滑板车 _____________________ Unit 3

1)What a mess! 多么混乱啊 _____________________ 2)What happened? 发生什么事了? _____________________ 3)in the air 在空中 _____________________ 4)stuffed animals 布制玩具 _____________________ 5)blew away 吹走 _____________________ 6)in a tree 在树中 _____________________ 7)many trees fell 许多树倒下了 _____________________ 8)took my hat 拿走了我的帽子 _____________________ 9)the window broke 窗口破了 _____________________ 10)swept the glass 扫了玻璃 _____________________ 11)fell over 摔了一跤 _____________________ 12)go to the hospital 去医院 _____________________ 13)take a nap 小睡一下 _____________________ Unit 4

1)go to the beach 去海滩 __________________ 2)ride a bike骑自行车 __________________ 3)drink some juice喝果汁 __________________ 4)sing songs唱歌 __________________ 5)write a letter写一封信 __________________ 6)the chair broke椅子破了 __________________ 7)in China在中国 __________________ 8)in Sichuan去四川 __________________ 9)after that在那之后 __________________ 10)visit a museum参观博物馆 __________________ 11)many interesting things许多有趣的东西 __________________ 12)on Monday night在周一晚上 __________________ 13)many windows broke许多窗口破了 __________________ 14)the next day第二天 __________________