飞利浦MP5监护仪故障维修处理 下载本文

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[摘要] 目前,在全国各大医院中必不可少的一项电子仪器就是监护设备了。针对现在的监护设备,现在市场上主要的品牌有金科威、HP惠普(飞利浦)、迈瑞、太空和GE等。但是考虑到医院患者的身体差异,不同患者对设备品牌的需求也不同。比如,在该院病房所使用的基本都是国产品牌迈瑞监护设备,然而在一些手术室或者是监护室,采用的一般都是飞利浦和GE品牌的监护设备。进口的监护设备,在正常使用的情况下,一般5年之内都不会出现任何故障,相对而言,在监护室的监护仪是比较出现故障的,因为处在监护室的病人一般病情都是比较严重的,需要监护仪一天24 h都要不停地工作,因此也就产生了较高的故障率。 [关键词] 监护仪;飞利浦;故障;维修

[中图分类号] R318 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2015)07(b)-0088-03 [Abstract] At present, the essential in hospitals in the country is an electronic instrument monitoring equipment.In view of the monitoring equipment now, the main brand in the market now have jinke, HP HP (philips), mindray, space, GE and so on.In hospitals, due to the differences of patients' condition in the various departments, also makes the monitoring equipment used in different department also have different brands.In our hospital, for example, in the general ward are mostly used in the monitoring equipment is homebred brand mindray, as in some care unit or the operating room, is the philips and GE are generally used the brand of monitoring

equipment.Import monitoring equipment, in the case of normal use, generally will not appear any fault within 5 yaars, relatively speaking, in the care unit of the monitor is a failure, because in the care of the patient general condition is relatively serious, need to monitor 24 hours a day do you want to work constantly, thus produce the high failure rate. [Key words] Monitor; Philips; Failure; Maintenance

各临床科室中心电监护仪是必不可缺的医疗设备,应临床科室不一样的功能需求,科室也有不同的心电监护品牌,如我院普通科室大多使用国产监护仪,而像重症监护室和手术室使用的是一些进口品牌的监护仪。在该院心内科CCU就购置了一批飞利浦MP5监护仪,监护工作性能长时间保持稳定,故障也少有发生,不过,近来开始出现无法开机、血压测量失败、开机后屏幕不亮等故障有几台机器。现报道如下。 1故障1 1.1故障现象