现代大学英语精读2课后答案 下载本文

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3) Determined to win the competition, we pressed hard.

4) We are not going to check in a hotel. We will just pitch a tent in the mountain. 5) It was pitch-dark outside.

6) She pitched the ball as fast as she could.

7) We all pitched in and finished the task ahead of time. 8) Sugar is sold by the pound.

9) Mary pounded the door with her fists.

10) Nellie was very nervous. She could almost hear her heart pounding. 11) This dress cost me 100 pounds. / 12) He seemed odd in some ways.

13) He gets an odd job sometimes, but he can never make enough money to support his family. 14) We have Intensive Reading on odd days.

9. Give the verb pattern of the underlined part in the sentence below, list other possible verbs, and then put the Chinese Into English, using the pattern and the verbs in the brackets.

... it takes the act of the man in the water to remind us of our true feelings in the matter, (para. 8) Verb pattern:

Other possible verbs:

1) 你们有没有把他的健康状况通知他的家人?(inform) 2) 剧中主要人物的故事使我想起了我的童年。 (remind) 3) 他骗到了他叔叔的财产后不久就死去了。 (cheat) 4) 她相信按摩能治好她的头疼。 (cure)

5) 警方提供了确凿证据,指控他杀了自己的父亲。(accuse) 6) 最后我们是他信服将出现的问题。 (convince)

7) 我在回家的路上帮忙抓住了一个抢老人钱包的小偷。 (rob) 8) 罗伯特被怀疑参与了这起阴谋。. (suspect) 12. Put in the missing words,

Cynthia Costelle, a full-time student at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia was shocked

to (l)______ that three out of five people in Bibb County were functionally illiterate. So she (2)______ Wesleyan Volunteers Against Illiteracy. ?

A man Cynthia (3) _________was Gary, a 42-year-old carpenter. He was (5) ______ eager to leam that Cynthia (6) ______ to prepare extra homework for him. (7)______ he missed a word, he (g)______ get angry with himself and say, \

After six months (10)_______ plowing through lessons, Gary made his dream (11) ___—&-—_ true. With the help of a dictionary, he (12) three pages about the time he (13)_______ down a mountainside in Germany and clung for life on a (14) ______branch.

Usually shy, Gary was (15) ________ to show Cynthia his story this time. (16) ______rolled down her cheeks (17) she read it. In (18)______ interview, Cynthia told the reporter that (19) ______Monday,

Wednesday and Friday after a 10-hour shift (20) ______ work, he met her at Project Re,ad in Macon. What (21) ______ in Germany was moving, but (22) ______ as moving as what was happening (23)______there. III. Grammar

1. Complete each of the sentences with an indefinite pronoun beginning with any/ some / every /no, add ―‘s‖ or ―else('s)‖ where necessary.

1) ? anybody/anyone ? somebody/someone ? everybody/everyone ? nobody/no one (1) A boy rushed into the police headquarters and demanded to see \ important\

(2) \ (3) Next time you need money, dont snatch my purse, nor______.

(4) ______on campus except me knew that the professor had five sets ofexaminations, which he used in turn.

(5) I looked up and found that ______had stopped talking, and was staring at me silently. ______stirred. (6) She went to her room alone. She would not let ______follow her. (7) She opened the window and heard ______singing far away.

(8) From now on there would be ___to live for, she thought. She would live for herself alone. (9) ______in my family ever told me that I was fat and that I should be on a diet.

(10) At that time, I had a good job, a nice apartment and a happy family. What more could ______want?

(11) I didn‘t want ______to become suspicious.

(12) There's______shameful about being wrong. ______can be right all the time. (13) ______is of some use, even if ______more than to serve as a negative example. (14) No opportunity is lost— ______picks up the ones you miss.

(15) ______in our class went to-the new movie but _______enjoyed it very much. 2) ? anything ?something ?everything ?nothing

(1) I was disappointed, but I said _______and began to work immediately.

(2) Before my interview with Ms. Chen, I read ______I could find about her legendary life story. (3) Could you change my red hair to ______less noticeable? (4) Doing______means death. Activity means life.

(5) Hie woman did not ask about his family, or ______that would embarrass him.

(6) The boy wanted to say ______besides thank you to the old man, but he was too deeply moved to say ______.

(7) When it was announced that I was the winner of the award, for the first time in three months I felt that I had achieved ______.

(8) Jim's mother decided to hide ______from him about his illness -so that he could express openly whatever he feels.

(9) The factory owners were impressed by the quality of the equipment, but couldn't afford to buy ______the salesmen demonstrated.

(10) The doctors told her that her son was beyond hope and that ______could be done for him. (11) Thank you for _______ you‘ve done for us during our stay in China.

(12) If you spend most of the time dreaming of tomorrow and regretting yesterday, you won't find a great deal of time left for doing ______ today.

(13) ______ my sister was drawing attracted my \before.

(14) Another person's good opinion of you is ______ to live up to, not to lean on.

(15) I did what others would have done under the circumstances. It's ______ compared with what the four heroes did.

3) Put in indefinite pronouns beginning with any / some / every / no.

This is a story about four people called Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, and Anybody. There was an

important job to be done and ______ was asked to do it. But ______ knew ______ could do it as it was not so difficult and thought that ______ really ought to do it. As it turned out ______ did it and -______ was very angry because______ had done what______ could have done and ______ should have done. 2. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, using a that-clause. 1) Toward the end of the term students will suddenly realize _________________(时间在流逝). 2) ___________________ (他是重要人物的亲戚这一情况) wont change our opinion of him.

3) I'm not ashamed that I work for a garbage collection company. I believe we're doing a service ————————————————. (人民需要的).

4) What I told the boy was ______________________________(大学使其学生接触人类成就之精华). 5) Everyone in our school was overjoyed to hear the news


6) _________________________ (有人居然会相信这种胡言乱语) seems to me unthinkable.

7) The idea__________________ (妇女的智力不如男子) is deeply rooted in our culture and hard to shake off.

8) I have a feeling _____________________________________(有相当一些家长不喜欢自己十来岁孩子穿着).

9) He would like to have his ashes scattered over the sea—a wish————————————— ____________________(表现出他对自由与活动的热爱).

3. Answer the questions on the four heroes in the disaster, using modals. Give as many answers as you can. . 1) Was Lenny Skutnik told to jump into the water to rescue an injured woman? 2) Why did he do it?

3) Was he previously aware that he was capable of such a heroic deed?

4) How did the two men of the park police helicopter team account for their behavior? 5) How old do you think the unidentified hero was at the time?

6) Do you think he was anything out of the ordinary among the passengers?

7) Do you think he was aware of what would happen to him if he kept pushing the flotation rings to others? 8) How would you account for his behavior? 9) Can you describe what kind of a man he was?

10) How do you think it might have been possible to save the man? (use \ 4. Put In the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

1) The police ______ (examine) the room carefully and -_____ (conclude) that more than five people ——— (be) there watching a video.

2) The drug dealers —— (watch) by the Public Security men for a week before they _____. (capture). 3) When I _____ (tell) him that he (select) for the national swimming team, he _____ (not take) me seriously, and thought I (joke).

4) In an office information (sent, receive, change), and______(store). Offices _____ (not change ) much for many years after the typewriter and the telephone _____ (invent). Recently, however, computers _____ (quickly change) the look of the average office.

5) The most usual way of _____ (get) information from one place to another (be) _____ (write) it down on paper and _____ (send) it off ____ (use) the postal service. This often _____ (take) at least a couple of days. For many services such as inquiries and ordering and so on the telephone _____ (already take over) from the postal service.

6) Most High Streets and shopping centers _____ (have) at least one \

name_____ (suggest) these_____(design)____ (sell) meals or snacks quickly and cheaply to large numbers of people. They (be) able _____ (do) this because they _____ (have) only a few items on the menu, for example, chips, fried fish, hamburgers, etc., and they ____ (cook) food very quickly from _____ (prepare) ingredients.

5. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences. 1) Every one in our class went to the international book fair.

2) Everyone of their new products became popular soon after it was launched.

3) The Chinese Delegation expressed the hope which the two sides would soon stop fighting in the area. 4) I suggest that you first read the novel which the film is based. 5)1 don't like the way which he speaks to his patients. 6) Is there someone in the office?

7)1 think it was the director's fault, and nobody is responsible for the disaster. 8) Has anyone got important something to say? 9) Li Ying mustn't be in the library.

10) People don‘t need to understand how does their brain work to be able to talk, write, etc. IV. Written work

Describe the plane crash briefly in about 130 words, with emphasis on the behavior of \water\

Key to the exercises II.Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words \im-\ The prefix \ in- + capable -- incapable = not capable

The prefix \ im- + possible -- impossible = not possible

2) Turn the following words into the opposite by adding either \

words to the list. (1) unable (2) inadequate (3) unavailable (4) unavoidable (5) imbalance (6) unbelievable (7) uncomfortable (8) incompetent

(9) incomplete (10) unconditional (11) uncountable (12) incredible (13) incurable (14) indirect (15) unequal (16) informal (17) unfortunate (18) unimportant (19) unjust (20) immaterial (21) immeasurable (22) impatient (23) imperfect (24) impersonal (25) unpleasant (26) unpopular (27) impossible (28) insignificant (29) invaluable (30) invisible

3) Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets in their proper forms. (1) creativity (2) imagination (3) achievement (4) original (5) beginning (6) wisdom (7) present (8) silent, happiness (9) fails (10) Confidence (11) sunny, brightness

2. Give the opposites of the following.

1) employer 2) to unfasten 3) evil 4) unidentified 5) interested

6) immovable 7) impersonal 8) irresponsible 9) selfishness 10) particular 11) shallow 12) to undress 13) incompletely 14) to deny 15) bridegroom 16) cheap 17) clever

3. Completely the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. 1) known as 2) accounts for/is responsible for 3) stick in, mind 4) refer to 5) came to the conclusion 6) On behalf of 7) care, about 8) account for 9) refer to 10) was responsible for, account for

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs. 1) as 2) to 3) to 4) In, under 5) out of 60 at, at, at 7) against 8) to 9) to 10) In, of 5. Put the Chinese into English. 1) air crash

2) human nature/human character 3) tail section of the airplane 4) chunks of ice 5) flotation ring 6) seat belt

7) cultural clash 8) Flight 911

9) mechanical failure 10) injured people 11) harsh remark

12) distinction of good and evil 13) presidential monument

14) classic circumstance/typical situation 15) universal character

16) acknowledged hero 17) emotional impact

18) a moment of high traffic 19) enduring wonder 20) Air Florida

21) in the line of duty 22) in a mass casualty

6. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese in the brackets. 1) hit the bridge 8) losing the fight

2) risked their lives 9) lowered the interests

3) fasten your seat belt 10) make a clear distinction 4) make stupid remarks 11) freezes the water 5) test their loyalty 12) regret this move

6) made a beautiful speech 13) tested this medicine 7) challenge death

7. Complete the sentences, using the idiomatic expressions of ―hand‖ listed below. 1) off hand 6) out of my hands

2) on the other hand 7) on our hands 3) give him a free hand 8) in the hands

4) got the upper hand 9) On the one hand, on the other hand 5) out of hand

8. Give the meanings of the underlined parts in the sentences below. Note how the meanings are different in different contexts.

(1) 按 (2) 熨烫 (3) 加劲干 (4) 搭 (5) 漆黑 (6)投 (7)一起使劲 (8) (按)磅(卖) (9) 猛锤 (10) 剧烈的跳动 (11) 英镑 (12) 奇怪 (13) 零(工) (14) 单(日)

9. Give the verb pattern of the underlined part in the sentence below, list other possible verbs, and then put the Chinese into English, using the pattern and the verbs in the brackets.

Verb pattern: vt. + n. /pron. + preposition + n. /pron. /gerund (phrase) Other possible verbs: accuse, assure, charge, cheat, convince, cure, deprive, inform, per?suade, rob, save, suspect, trick, warn, etc. 1) Have you informed his family of his health condition?

2) The story of the leading character in the play reminded me of my childhood. 3) He died shortly after he had cheated his uncle of his property. 4) She believes that massage can cure her of her headache.

5) The police presented convincing evidence to accuse him of killing his own father. 6) Finally we convinced him of the problems that would crop up.

7) On my way home, I helped to catch a thief who had robbed an old man of his wallet. 8) Robert was suspected of being involved in the plot. 10. Put in the missing words.

(1) learn (2) joined (3) taught (5) so (6) had

(7) When (8) would (9) That‘s (10) of (11) come (12) wrote (13) fell (14) tree (15) eager (16) Tears (17) as (18) an (19) every (20) at (21) happened (22) not (23) right III. Grammar

1. Complete each of the sentences with an indefinite pronoun beginning with any/some/every/no, add ―‘s‖ or ―else(?s)‖ where necessary.

1) anybody/anyone, somebody/someone, everybody/everyone, nobody/no one (1) somebody (8) no one else

(2) anybody (usually in questions) / (9) No one

somebody (when you expect a \ (3) anybody else's (11) anyjone

(4) Everybody (12) nothing, Nothing

(5) everyone, Nobody (13) Everyone, nothing (6) anyone (14) someone else

(7) someone (15) Everyone, no one

2) anything, something, everything, nothing