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Which of the following are true regarding bridges and switches? (Choose two.)(BC) A . Bridges are faster than switches because they have fewer ports. B . A switch is a multiport bridge.
C . Bridges and switches learn MAC addresses by examining the source MAC address of each frame received.
D . A bridge will forward a broadcast but a switch will not.
E . Bridges and switches increase the size of a collision domain. 8
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与集线器相比较,二层以太网交换机的优势是什么?(选择2项)(BC) A . 降低冲突域的数量
B . 过滤基于MAC地址的帧 C . 允许同时传输数据帧 D . 增加广播域的大小
E . 增加两台设备间UTP电缆线的最大长度 9
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二层交换机的每个端口都在独立的(B)中 A . Access B . 冲突域 C . Trunk D . 广播域 E . Hybrid F . VLAN 10
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为实现属于同一VLAN的网络终端跨交换机通信,交换机之间的级联端口类型是(C )或( E)类型。 A . Access B . 冲突域 C . Trunk D . 广播域 E . Hybrid F . VLAN 11
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Refer to the exhibit. SW1 and SW2 have default configurations. What will happen if host 1 sends a broadcast?
A . Hosts 2, 3 and 4 will receive the broadcast. B . Hosts 1, 2, 3 and 4 will receive the broadcast.
C . Host 2 and the Fa0/0 interface of R1 will receive the broadcast. D . Hosts 1, 2 and the Fa0/0 interface of R1 will receive the broadcast. E . Hosts 1, 2, 3, 4 and interface Fa0/0 of R1 will receive the broadcast.
F . Hosts 2, 3, 4 and interfaces Fa0/0 and Fa0/1 of R1 will receive the broadcast. 12
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What are two advantages of Layer 2 Ethernet switches over hubs? (Choose two.)(BE) A . decreasing the number of collision domains B . filtering frames based on MAC addresses C . allowing simultaneous frame transmissions D . increasing the size of broadcast domains
E . increasing the maximum length of UTP cabling between devices 13
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Which of the following statements are true regarding bridges and switches? (Choose three.)(BDF) A . Switches are primarily software based while bridges are hardware based. B . Both bridges and switches forward Layer 2 broadcasts. C . Bridges are frequently faster than switches.
D . Switches have a higher number of ports than most bridges.
E . Bridges define broadcast domains while switches define collision domains.
F . Both bridges and switches make forwarding decisions based on Layer 2 addresses. 14
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当电脑终端连接在属于不同VLAN的网络连接设备的端口上,要实现网络层数据传输时,需要哪种设备组合才能实现( AC )。 A . 二层交换机+路由器 B . 二层交换机+集线器 C . 三层交换机
D . 路由器+网桥 E . 二层交换机+网桥 F . 集线器+网桥
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How many broadcast domains are shown in the graphic assuming only the default vlan is configured on the switches?
A . one B . six C . twelve D . two 16
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一般连接PC终端的二层交换机端口类型为(A )类型。 A . Access B . 冲突域 C . Trunk
D . 广播域 E . Hybrid F . VLAN 17
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关于VLAN下面说法错误的是(D )。 A . 隔离广播域
B . 连接不同VLAN的计算机,如果要实现应用层通信,要通过路由器或具有三层交换功能的交换机
C . 可以在链路层限制计算机互相访问的权限
D . 只能在同一个物理网络上的进行VLAN的逻辑分组 18
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以下四种描述,说法错误的是( C )。
A . 同一Vlan下不同网段下的主机不能互相ping通 B . 不同Vlan下相同网段下的主机不能互相ping通 C . 同一Vlan下不同网段下的主机可以互相ping通 D . 同一Vlan下同一网段下的主机可以互相ping通 19
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当交换机的Access端口没有配置VLAN ID时,其默认的VLAN ID是(B) A . 0 B . 1 C . 100 D . 1024 E . 10 F . 20 20
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下列关于VLAN的描述中,错误选项为( C )。
A . 一个VLAN形成一个小的广播域,同一个VLAN成员都在由所属VLAN确定的广播域内 B . 基于端口的VLAN技术用于解决大型网络的链路层问题 C . VLAN的划分必须基于用户地理位置,受到物理设备的限制
D . 基于端口的VLAN技术在网络中的应用增强了通讯的链路层安全性 21
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“采用VLAN技术,可将某交换机的端口划到某个VLAN中,该端口接收到的数据帧不会从属于其他VLAN的交换机端口中广播出去”此描述是否正确?(A) A . 正确 B . 不正确 C . 不确定 22
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二层交换机的每个VLAN都在一个独立的( B)中, A . Access B . 冲突域 C . Trunk D . 广播域 E . Hybrid F . VLAN 23
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“交换机的Trunk端口发送数据帧时,不检查数据帧中携带的VLAN ID标签,直接将数据帧透明传输。”此描述是否正确?(B) A . 正确 B . 不正确 C . 不确定 24
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集线器的各个端口在一个(BD)中(多选); A . Access B . 冲突域 C . Trunk
D . 广播域 E . Hybrid F . VLAN 25
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关于使用VLAN分割网络的用途,以下哪两个陈述是正确的?(选择2项)(BD) A . VLAN增加了冲突域大小 B . VLAN允许用户逻辑组功能 C . VLAN简化交换机的管理 D . VLAN增强了网络的安全性 26
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A . 在路由器的物理接口上配置子接口,并连接到交换机 B . 在路由器的物理接口上配置IP地址,并连接到交换机 C . 在两台交换机上配置接入链路 D . 在两台交换机上配置干道 27
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For what two purposes does the Ethernet protocol use physical addresses? (Choose two.)(AE) A . to uniquely identify devices at Layer 2
B . to allow communication with devices on a different network C . to differentiate a Layer 2 frame from a Layer 3 packet
D . to establish a priority system to determine which device gets to transmit first E . to allow communication between different devices on the same network F . to allow detection of a remote device when its physical address is unknown 28
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A . host A IP address: B . host A IP address:
C . host A default gateway: D . host B IP address: