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Topic: 136

Everyone has the experience of palying games with others. Why we play games? One obvious reason is that we want to relax, to enjoy our life, to have fun. Anyway, some games , including tennis or badminton, will produce the winner and the loser. In my opinion, I disagree that only the winner has got fun.

The first and farmost reason is that the purpose of playing games is to escape from your boring data, or office to smell flowers. Wining or losing has nothing to do with your fun, because it is not your job, it is just a game. For example, we students have to spend ten to fifteen hours in lab or in reading textbook, when we have a chance to play football with our friends, who will really emphasis on the results. Everyone has got fun.

Another reason why I contradict the title statement is that we can learn something useful by playing games. We may take long running as an example. As we know, the last part of long running is hard to stand. Even though you lost the game, you also learn that persistence can lead to victory, which will do good to your career.

Finally, some games such as football help shap your body in spite of loss. So, why not depress? Taking into account all of these factors, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that both wining and losing in paly games give us fun. (Essay ID: 511. This is a 5 point essay) Topic: 136

I agree with the old saying, \\learn new things, and work as a team.

Tennis is one game that I enjoy. It's a great opportunity to socialize. Of course, you can't carry on a conversation while you're playing, but my tennis partner and I talk a lot before the game. Since we have to reserve a court, we have to talk to one another to find a convenient time to meet. Then we have to make sure that the court is available at that time. This often


takes many phone calls and, of course, we talk about many other things during the same conversation. Once we get to the court, we often have to wait. That gives us another opportunity to chat. After the game, we usually go out for a soda or a meal and talk some more. We don't even talk about h6w well or how poorly we played. Tennis is just an excuse for us to get together. The board game Scrabble, on the other hand, is a real skill builder. It's a challenge to form words from the letters in front of you and on the board. I always learn a new word from my opponent, although sometimes I'm suspicious whether the word really exists. Often we don't even keep score. We just do it because it's fun and we learn new English words.

Soccer is the most competitive sport I'm involved in. I do my best, but it doesn't matter to me if my team loses. I enjoy just being with my friends and traveling to different schools in different cities to play. I learn a lot about teamwork when we practice. Our coach tells us the most important thing is to play well as a team. It seems she just wants us to have fun and not worry about winning.

All in all, I just enjoy having a good time. Presumably that's our purpose in life. Isn't that better than worrying about who wins and who loses all the time? (Essay ID: 10 ) Topic: 136

The statement in the direction is a long term consideration of many people including me. Many people will argue that playing a game is only fun when you win. I, however, after thinking about it on many occasions, decide to stand up against this view for the following reasons. The first and the most important reason for my opposing the idea is that playing a game, no matter you win or lose, helps release a person from the heavy pressure, in most cases, resulted from intellectual activities. There is no better example than myself when i was trying so hard to enter the university. At that time, when i was too exhausted to memorize any single incident in the history book, a play of badminton would refill me with fresh energy to goback to my studies,though i hardly won anyy of these badminton games as my partner is an excellent player. Therefore, the biggest advantage of playing games lies in the fact that it helps people relaxed.

Another reason for my disagreement is that one will find out his or her capacity of making progress while playing a game. When learning a new game, if your opponent is a more mature player than you are, it is for sure that you will not win him or her at the beginning, but in the process of the game, if you are a conscientious player, you will definitely learn to grasp the basic


skills of a certain game, which enable you to play better and better. Consequently, the awareness of your ability in learning new things is the best award you can find in game playing. Therefore, i will conclude by saying that playing a game iteslf is worthwhile and to win or not to win is not a matter to concern since you could get rid of the feeling of exhaustion and confirm your confidence as a learning-capable being. (Essay ID: 481 ) Topic: 136

Recently, many people argue as if it is a general truth that playing a game is fun only when you win. In various games and matchs, the main aim of players from both sides seems to be winning.

And winning is not only for the players themselves, but also for the honor of their team, and even for that of their nation. But to be frankly, I can not agree with them. There are numerous reasons, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

The main problem with this argument is that the real meaning of a game is to enjoy the process of the game; the result, whether it is win or lose, does not seem matter. Think of the original games of our ancestors, the goal is to show their love of sports, their physical strength and celebrating the hunting. And the true intention of their game is for relaxation and amusement. Another good example is that children enjoy playing games more than adults. When we watch children play, we can understand that they are more concentrate on the game itself, and do not care for the result.

There are to young to realize the importance of winning the game, therefore they enjoy it more.

If the players play a game for winning, they will concentrate on scores to much, and forget to enjoy the game. In this society, everyone want to be winner, for they will not only win the honor, but also win fame, money, and so on. In the same way, the loser will lose everything. It seemed that playing a game become a way to get material comfort, but not fulfillment of spirit. Furthermore, when palyers play a game for winning, they face the stress from the team, even for the nation, and they struggle to win. Sometimes, players do everything by fair means or foul in order to win. They may use illegal drugs, or bribe the judges. There are various scandals about athelte almost in every international game, and this thing become more and more serious. These are all because the results of games have been linked to money and the honor of a country.
