仁爱版英语七年级上册 Unit3 Topic3 SectionB 教学设计 下载本文

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Unit3 Topic3 SectionB 教学设计

I. Material analysis

本课是第三单元话题三的第二课时,主要活动是1a和3a。通过康康和迈克尔之间的对话,在复习和巩固关于食物和饮料的词汇的同时,学习谈论一日三餐饮食习惯的用语。此外,通过看图完成对话,学习顾客在饭店点餐时和服务员对话的常用语。本课的主要句型有:“What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?”,“May I take your order, sir?”等。在本课中,生词量不多,因此教师应该在Section A已有的词汇基础上创设情景,让学生在情景对话中自然感知并熟练掌握关于一日三餐饮食习惯及饭店点餐的用语。 II. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims


usually, breakfast, lunch, dinner, food, may, take, order, sir, something, glass, mm;


(1)—What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael? —I usually have milk and bread for breakfast. (2)—May I take your order, sir?

—Some fish with vegetables and a bowl of rice, please.

在教师的帮助与指引下,通过对话操练、听力训练等活动, 能掌握for+breakfast/lunch/dinner的用法。 2. Skill aims

能听懂有关一日三餐饮食习惯及饭店点餐等的简单对话; 能就一日三餐饮食习惯及饭店点餐话题进行交流;


能根据图文完成有关就餐的对话填空。 3. Emotional aims



使学生乐于接触并了解中西方餐饮习惯的差别,同时养成良好的饮食习惯。 III. The key points and difficult points

1.学生能在情景对话中,熟练运用谈论日常饮食及点餐的表达法。 2.学生能结合课堂调查将同伴的饮食习惯用第三人称进行陈述。 IV. Learning strategies


2.能够逐渐养成进行预习和复习的好习惯。 V. Teaching aids


VI. Teaching procedures Interaction pattern Introduction 1.The whole (5 minutes) class work. 2.Group work. 3.Individual work and pair work. Step Student activity 1.Focus their attention on the teacher. 2.Do duty report. Do brainstorming. Sit in groups. Discuss in groups first. Then write down the words of food and drinks as many as you can on the blackboard.The group which can write the most words in certain time is the winner in this competition. After that, the whole class separate the words of food and drinks into two groups: countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns: bananas, vegetables, eggs, hamburgers, bananas Uncountable nouns: water, milk, juice, rice, bread, chicken, fish 3.Match the sentences in Column A with the ones in Column B. Then check the answers with your partners. Column A: Teacher activity 1.Greet students ready for learning. 2.Help the students to revise the words of food and drinks in Section A. 3.Check the answers. Walk around and offer help if the students need. 4. Check the answers. Correct the students’