辽宁省阜新实验中学2019届九年级上学期12月月考英语试卷(无答案) 下载本文

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2018, 12,6

I. 单项选择(15’)

1. I wasn’t good at math and I wasn’t to get the bad report from

my math teacher.

A.sure B.surprised C.excited D.interested 2. Success is hard work than good luck.

A.little B.more C.few D.many 3. --Hey, Zhao Hong, you know so much about Shenyang. --Well, I lived there .

A.at times B.for a time C.at a time D.at all times 4. --Zhao Hong is asked by his parents once a week. --Yeah. They are very strict with her.

A.read B.to read C.reading D.to reading 5. I think everyone should their bad actions in public places.

A.pay for B.tidy up C.die for D.turn off 6. --Our class will play Class There.

--Really? Well,you’ve got no chance of winning the match.

A.for B.into C.on D.against 7. --Zhao Hong, what’s your for taking this afternoon off? --Well, I’ll have to take care of my sick mother at home. A.point B.decision C.excuse D.action

8. The Browns love their son so much that they always want to stop him from

into trouble.

A.gets B.to get C.getting D.will get 9. It was dark outside. Mother decided to the bank alone.

A.not going B.going not C.not to go D.to not go 10. The young woman was often seen by the lake.

A.to draw B.to drawing C.draw D.drew

11. Toys in this store are very expensive because they are all made hand.

A.by B.for C.in D.with 12. --Zhao Hong, can you tell me how to use this camera?

--Read the on it. They’re not difficult to understand. A.websites B.mails C.forms D.instructions 13. The old man died and left his daughter a huge of money.

A.pocket B.envelope C.amount D.purse 14. Tom is lazy and he doesn’t work hard.

, hr didn’t pass the exam.

A.However B.Because C.As a result D.So that 15. He promised his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.

A.see B.seeing C.saw D.to see

II. 补全对话(15’)

(A)从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,有两项多余。 A: Where are you going, Tony?

B: The library. I want to borrow some books. A: 16

B: About inventions. You know I have to prepare for the science lesson. A: 17 And we humans are really great. B: That’s true. People have made lots of inventions. A: 18

B: Sorry. I’m not sure. 19

A: I don’t agree. In my opinion, cars are the most useful. B: 20

A: Because I can go anywhere quickly and conveniently in my car.

A. Maybe light bulbs(灯泡) are the most useful invention. B. I don’t think bulbs are useful. C. Great inventions have changed the world a lot. D. Why do you think so? E. What do you think the most useful invention is? F. Why do you want to borrow it? G. What kind of books do you want to borrow? (B) 根据对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话完整、正确。 A: Hi Betty. What are you doing? B: I’m reading a book. A: 21 ?

B: It’s about a boy called Tom Sawyer. A: 22 ? B: It’s written by Mark Twin. A: 23 ?

B: I think it’s interesting because it’s written in everyday English and it’s 24 wonderful dialogues. A: By the way, 25 ? B: In the bookshop in front of our school. A: I see. I’ll buy one to read. Thank you.

III. 英汉互译(10’) (A) 汉译英(6’)

26. 奥运会每4年举行一次。

The Olympic Games every four years. 27.请查一下这个纪录谁打破的。

Please find out who the record . 28.昨天我受邀和教练一起共进晚餐。


(B) 英译汉(4’) 将划线的句子译成汉语。

Please help the museum protect works of art on show in the galleries by following the rules below. 30. We hope you can keep the art safe so that it may be enjoyed by more people!

No food or drink. Both of them aren’t allowed in the galleries. 31. The art in the museum will provide plenty of food for your thought as well as your eyes!

30. 31.

IV. 完形填空(20’)


My name is Mike. I did shrink(缩小)myself!

Yes, it is true. It happened last night while I was working on my 32 experiment. I thought it would be 33 to make a shrinking ray to bring in the school on Monday. I never knew that I would shrink myself 34 ! I had just completed the shrinking ray and was going to test it when it went off my hands. You see,the phone rang and it scared(惊吓)me, so I pushed the button(按钮). The ray bounced off(反弹) a mirror and 35 me.

Now I am 36 than a fly(苍蝇). In fact, I saw a fly only a moment ago. It seemed like a plane to me. The sound of its wings was so loud to my 37 . Pieces of dust(灰尘) are big enough to fit my hand. My sports shoes are like skyscrapers(摩天大楼), and my desk is as tall as a mountain. 38 is difficult now.