2017-2018上学期六年级期末复习卷一(答案及解析) 下载本文

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一. 听音,选出应答句。(5分)

( B ) 1. A. We can get food. B. They can get wood. C. They can get trees. ( A ) 2. A. Sure.

班级: 姓名: 学号:

B. That’s important. B. Tokyo.

C. You’re welcome. C. Paris.

( C ) 3. A. London.

( B ) 4. A. A lot of fresh flowers.

C. They can get trees.

( A ) 5. A. It’s a funny book.

C. It’s about five yuan.

二. 听音,填空完成海报。(5分)

B. A lot of modern cars.

B. It’s about wild animals.

Keep the air clean The air in Garden City is 1. dirty. The 2. smoke from cars and factories makes the air terrible. ·We should ride bicycle 3. more often. ·We should 4. plant more trees. Air is important to all of us. It keeps us 5. alive.

三. 听音,把小朋友和他们的网友及网友所在的国家连线。(6分)

Peter Ella Joe Kevin Sally Jerry 四. 听音,为人物选择相应的事物。(4分)

A. chicken B. soup E. a sandwich F. chips Breakfast: C E Dinner: D A

C. milk D. noodles G. a salad I. a hamburger Breakfast: I B Dinner: G F 笔试部分(80分)

一. 选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一个。(5分) ( B ) 1. A. he ( B ) 2. A. list

B. men B. hi

C. she C. sit C. free C. sad

D. me D. it D. coffee D. apple D. very ( D ) 3. A. sweet B. three ( A ) 4. A. many B. black ( C ) 5. A. easy

B. happy C. cry

二. 按照要求写词。(10分) 1. toy (复数) toys

2. healthy (反义词) unhealthy 4. pick (过去式) picked 6. careful (副词) carefully 8. drive (名词) driver 10. eat (过去式) ate

3. sandwich (复数) sandwiches 5. go (过去式) went

7. spend (过去式) spent

9. you (反身代词) yourself 三. 单项选择。(20分)

( C ) 1. ______years ago, there were not so many people.

A. Hundred of

B. Hundred

C. Hundreds of

( C ) 2. I get your email ______the E-friend Club.

A. to

B. for

C. from

( A ) 3. Would you like to have e-friends in ______ countries? A. other

B. the other

C. another

( A ) 4. Please write back soon and tell me about _______. A. yourself

B. you C. your

( A ) 5. ________there any water in the fridge? A. Is

B. Are

C. Were

( A ) 6. We are good friends. We often help _______. A. each other

B. other each

C. each

( B ) 7. I’m Sun Li from the _______ floor. A. six

B. sixth

C. seven

( ( ( : 号学 ( ( ( : 名姓 ( ( :( 级班( (

C ) 8. Do you have_______ e-friends in the UK? A. some

B. a

C. any

A ) 9. I ______ my keys everywhere, but I couldn't find them.

A. looked for B. looked at C. looked up

A ) 10. We all need fruit and vegetables _________ us healthy. A. to keep

B. keeps

C. keep

A ) 11. _______ we go and see a film this weekend? A. Shall

B. shall

C. Do

A ) 12. What would you like _______ see? A. to B. for C. in

C ) 13. It is a story _______ a beautiful princess. A. of

B. with

C. about A ) 14. Who’s _______ fairest of all? A. the

B. a

C. /

A ) 15. Jim is _______ with David about his birthday party. A. talking

B. talked

C. talks

C ) 16. We should stop _______ down so many trees. A. cut

B. cuting

C. cutting

C ) 17. We get wood _______ trees. A. of

B. to

C. from

A ) 18. Air keeps people_______. A. alive

B. lived C. life