2016-2017学年第二学期徐汇区初三模拟考英语试题(附答案) 下载本文

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project was the Joneses: parents Paul and Eve and their two sons, Jimmy (16) and Harry (13). They have just spent two months living in a specially designed hi-tech future house, where cameras recorded everything they did. TV while you bathe

So what?s in this modern house? It boasts (夸耀) five bedrooms and five bathrooms. The sitting area has a huge TV and a digital picture frame---you can decide which photos you want to appear and change the picture as often as you like. The baths all have waterproof TV screens and DVD players. There is a remote control(遥控器) in every room which controls everything in the house from the lights to the cooker. The floors are all made of glass and all have underfloor heating. The windows clean themselves and there is even a robot called “Iron Man ” to do the ironing. Dirty washing goes into a lift which takes the clothes automatically to the washing machine. The “Iron Man” then does all the ironing.

So how did it go?

The Jones family were over the moon to be chosen to spend some time in the house. Here?s what they said:

Paul: It was great. The house was so comfortable. One day our friends called round with their dog. The dog felt so warm and comfortable; he even slept on the floor! Oh, but there was one problem. One night we were all in bed and all the lights switched themselves on for no reason. It was a bit frightening!

Jimmy:I loved it, but I wish there had been a robot to help me with my homework. Harry: Staying in was as much fun as going out!

Eve:Iloved the TV in the bath but I never watched it before going to work in the morning. If I did, I don?t

think I?d ever get out!

The Jones family are now back in their very ordinary home, but planning some hi-tech additions as soon as they can afford them!

The experts hope that results from their project will help developers meet the needs of a 21st-century family. One of the experts wrote a few sentences about his findings on this project:

After watching what the Jones family did in the house and listening to how they felt about their life there, we learn that _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 13 页 第 9 页

88. Who carried out this interesting project? (1分)

__________________________________________________________________________________. 89. Why was the project carried out in a specially designed hi-tech future house? (2分)

__________________________________________________________________________________. 90. What does the remote control in every room enable people to do? (2分)

__________________________________________________________________________________. 91. Which does the washing in this future house, the robot or the washing machine?

__________________________________________________________________________________. 92. How did the Jones family feel about their experience in the house? (2 分)

__________________________________________________________________________________. 93. What will the expert possible write about his findings? Please help him complete his note. (3 分)

After watching what the Jones family did in the house and listening to how they felt about their life there, we learn that _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

VII. Writing: (20分)

94. Write a passage on the topic “A party for/to ________” in at least 60 words. 请设计一个主题派对,并以“_________ 派对”为题介绍派对主题、对象及活动内容等,写一篇至少60个字的短文,(标点符号不占格)

(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) ............................

The following is for reference only.(以下内容仅供参考) ? organize ? it is to… ? invite…to… ? be able to…

徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 13 页 第 10 页

2016学年第二学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷 初三英语学科 2017.4


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) 1. Monkey King is one of the children?s favorite cartoon characters. 2. Chef Jeff has made a big pizza for little Tom?s birthday party. 3. Look! Fang Ming is introducing the book he likes in the reading club. 4. I was born in a small peaceful village at the foot of big mountains. 5. Sharks are known as one of the dangerous animals living in the sea. 6. How happily the children were playing outside in the snow!

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8分)

7. M: Mum, I made a new friend in our building today. W: Is that Mike, the lovely boy on the third floor? M: No. He lives on the eighth floor. His name?s Leo. Q: On which floor does Leo live?

8. W: A ticket for the next train to Hangzhou, please. M: 73 yuan. The next train leaves at 3:00.

Q: Where does this dialogue probably take place?

9. W: Dan, it?s raining outside. I?m afraid we can?t go to Grandma?s home by bike. Shall I call a taxi? M: It would be really hard to get us a taxi on rainy days. Let?s take the bus. Q: How will they go to their Grandma?s home?

10. W: John, come and meet us in Jenny?s house. We are going to have a barbecue there.

M: All right! I?ll see you there in a minute right after I finish cleaning my room. I?ll get you some cold drinks.

W: Ok. See you then. Don?t keep us waiting too long. Q: What is the man doing now?

11. M: Madam, will it be fine to deliver your order of milk this Thursday?

W: I am not at home this Thursday or Friday. You?d better get my order delivered on Saturday. Q: When will the woman probably get her order of milk?

12. M: Come and have a look at these raincoats for dogs. How about this green one? Or this cute blue one

for our TinTin?

W: I suggest buying that orange one. It?s easy for me to find him in the dark. Q: What raincoat would they probably buy for their dog?

徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 13 页 第 11 页

13. W: Hey, look at you! Are you on a diet or using some kind of magic? You look perfect in shape.

M: I purchased a three-month yoga course and work myself out one hour a day in the gym. See, I am not Tim, the fat man now.

Q: How can the man successfully lose weight?

14. M: How did your parents feel about your performance last night? You are a born actress.

W: They couldn?t believe it was me at first. They enjoyed every minute of the play and were so proud

of me.

Q: Why were the woman?s parents so proud of her?

C. Listen to the letter and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示): (共6分) Dear Daisy,

I?m so glad that the day is over. I was so worried that my first day at my new school would be terrible, but it went well.

I was very nervous because my primary school only had 300 pupils but in the secondary school there are about 1,300. What a difference! I didn?t know anyone here. So now I have to try to make some new friends. My class teacher is called Mrs. Black. She is quite young and friendly. I met a boy who also didn?t know anyone. He moved here from Hong Kong over the summer. He seemed really nice so we sat together when we got to the classroom.

Everyone in the school has a different timetable. Half of the school learns Spanish as a second language and the other half learns French. I?m in the Spanish group, which sounds like fun.

After lunch we started lessons. I had maths, which was difficult and then history. We learn about ancient Greece this year. I have to do some homework tonight to find out how the ancient Greek people lived, so I?m going to do an Internet search and look it up in the library. So far so good. I?m quite looking forward to tomorrow. I?ll write to you soon. Yours Jason

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共10分)

Ronald Dahl was a British short-story writer and poet. He was born on September 13th, 1916 in South Wales. When Dahl was young, one of his hobbies was reading.

Young Dahl first attended school in England, but he didn?t enjoy school because many teachers were very strict.When Dahl was thirteen, his family moved house and he was sent to Repton Public School. Sadly, the teachers there were even worse than those at his old school. However, there was one good thing about the school. Every few months, a chocolate company, Cadburys, sent boxes of chocolate to Repton for the students to test. This happy memory gave Dahl the idea for his most famous novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

In 1939, when the Second World War started, Dahl joined the Royal Air Force and learned to fly warplanes. Unluckily, on his first flight, the warplane ran out of fuel (燃料) and crashed in a desert. He almost died in the burning plane.

Dahl started writing in the 1940s. In 1945 he moved to America. He lived happily during the last years of his life and he wrote his best books during the period.

徐汇区初三英语 本卷共 13 页 第 12 页