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1—5 BBCCA 6—10 CAACC 11—15 BBAAC 16—20 AABBC 21-25 BACAD 26-30 CBCCA 31-35 DABAB

36-40 BCBCB 41-45 DACDC 46-50 ABCAB 51-55 CADBC 56-57 CB 58-60 DBA 61-64 CDDB 65-70 DBACBB 71.common/standard 72.skills 73.encouragement/inspiration

74.Requirements/Conditions/Qualifications 75.Benefits/Advantages/Effects 76.recognizing 77.pass 78.skipping 79.relationship(s) 80.job 81. 书面表达

One possible version :

The picture gives us a view of a popular phenomenon: some playwrights and scriptwriters beat their brains to adapt the classics to cater to the tastes of some readers and viewers. As a result, the traditional characters become so strange and the plots are totally different.

What the picture reflects is thought-provoking. It is so ridiculous that the precious literary treasures are allowed to be ruined so much. As we all know, classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation and on no account should we spoil our literary treasures for economic benefit. Moreover, such adaptations may have negative effects on the average audience, especially children, whose outlook on life will be affected.

Therefore, measures should be taken to restrict these sorts of adaptation. For instance, the real classics are supposed to be presented on the bookshelves for appreciation. In addition, readers had better resist those inferior adaptations. To sum up, it's our joint efforts that count when it comes to the rescue of our traditional cultural treasure. ( 162words)

附:听力材料 Text 1

M: What do you want to watch tonight? It looks like there are a few good thrillers that just came out. W: I’m kind of sick of thrillers. We just saw an action movie last week. What about a comedy this time?

M: Sure, I’m in the mood for something funny. (1) Text 2

M: Do we have any more milk in the fridge? I can’t find any for my breakfast. W: We did have some, but I poured it in the sink because it smelled awful.

M: Well, I’ll get some from the grocery store around the corner. (2) Breakfast without milk would make my whole day incomplete. Text 3

W: How was fishing today, honey? You’ve been out all day. How many did you catch this time? M: We caught three different kinds of fish, two of each of them. (3) The fishing laws only allow you to take back a certain amount, so we kept one of each and let the rest go.

Text 4

M: Why do you have all these pictures and words stuck to your wall? It looks like the wall of a detective’s bedroom.

W: Whenever I learn a new word, I put it up along with its picture so I can remember it. (4) M: Oh. I thought you were trying to decorate… Text 5

W: Looking for jeans? Our “slim” styles are our tightest. We also have “straight”, which are a little looser around the ankles.

M: I think I am wearing a “boot” style now, but they are too loose in the legs. I also have a very small waist. (5) Text 6

W: Welcome to Applebee’s. Party of four? Would that be smoking or non-smoking?

M: Non-smoking, please. We do have another person who will be arriving shortly. What about the big table by the window?

W: Unfortunately, that table is reserved. We have a larger table in the smoking section, or we can put two non-smoking tables together for you.

M: You know what? I think we’ll just have a seat at the bar and wait until a bigger table becomes available. (6) Could you bring us a drink menu? (7)

W: Certainly. I’ll put you down for the next available table. Would you like to order some small plates to start?

M: We’ll order some at the table. Thanks. Text 7

W: Good news, Mr. Holiday. You’re hired! There are just a couple of things we need to get out of the way. (8)

M: Great! (8) I was starting to get nervous when I didn’t hear from you right away.

W: That’s pretty standard here. We had a lot of different applicants. All of them had relevant

experience for the job. In the end, we relied mostly on letters of recommendation. It seems you come pretty highly recommended. (9)

M: Well, thank you. So, what is it you need from me?

W: You need to have a criminal background check, fill out a form for your medical benefits, and provide us with all your banking details.

M: That shouldn’t be a problem. I can have all that information to you in a couple of weeks. When can I start? (10)

W: Training is this coming Monday, and you’ll be paid on the first of next month. (10) M: Perfect. Thanks for calling! Text 8

W: I am deeply concerned about the environment.

M: So am I. Just yesterday, I watched a news report on water pollution. (11) Our oceans are in very bad shape, and the situation is not optimistic. W: I agree. That’s why I have made a huge decision. M: Uh? Really? What is it?

W: I am going to change my lifestyle.

M: Are you serious? I mean...it’s very difficult for people to change the way they live. What exactly are you planning to do?

W: I want to make my lifestyle green. (12) You know, more environmentally friendly. M: How?

W: By consuming less, recycling more, and traveling around town by bicycle. (12) I would suggest you try to make similar changes. M: I would like to, but I am too busy.

W: But Eric, if you truly want to help protect the environment, you need to actually do something. First let’s save paper in our office. (13)

M: You’re right. I’ll start with the little things, like not using plastic bags when I go shopping. Text 9

W: I don’t like what I’ve seen the last couple of hours. Something needs to change around here. produce section:指超市或杂货店的农产M: I agree. We have a lot of new staff, and they need to 品区,包括大批量的新鲜蔬菜和水果。 be trained properly. I’ve already set up a required

staff meeting tomorrow, an hour before the store opens. (14)

W: Good, the sooner the better. The girls in the clothes department need to be more helpful with the customers in the changing rooms.

M: Absolutely. In the shoe department, the prices aren’t displayed properly. Often, there is no one even there.

W: That is unacceptable. I also noticed the bag and jewelry department is a complete mess. (15)

M: It’s not the first time. Last week, I stayed an hour after closing to clean everything up.

W: Okay. I want your sales reports for the last three months, and we need to get the proper prices displayed throughout the store. I also want you to hire three new people. (16) M: The reports are in my office, and the new prices are being put up as we speak. (16) W: Good. I’ll be back just before closing to go over those reports with you.

Text 10

Attention, all Thrifty Foods customers, thank you for shopping at Thrifty Foods. As always, we value your business, and are committed to providing you with the freshest, high-quality foods. Check out our new produce section! All our fruits and vegetables are grown at our local farms and without the use of harmful chemicals. Head on over to section six to catch our weekly deal on frozen foods. (17) In section five, we have a special offer on our very own Fairfield Farm jam. It is made with only the best fruit and no artificial flavors or colors. Our award-winning strawberry jam is available at our taste testing station. All our Alfredo’s pizzas are at new low prices with your

membership card. Get a special toy when you purchase one of our new large-sized boxes of rice in section four. (18) Don’t forget to pick up our cloth shopping bags. (19) One bag is now just $4.99. They are made of 100% recycled material. Our cloth bags are just one example of how Thrifty Foods is doing our part to protect the environment. (19) We’d also like to remind you of our new recycling center, where you can drop off your used plastic bottles, glass containers, and juice boxes for cash. (20) Thanks for shopping at Thrifty’s!