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第十三章 状语 Adverbials

13.0 Introduction

1. 形式:状语可以是副词形容词名词,介词词组,副词词组,形容词&名词词组,分句等。 2. 位置:可在句首,句中和句末。

3. 语法结构:1)结合性状语(integrated)。2)分离性状语(peripheral)。 判断方法:把整句带入:“It’s true that…“ 里可以明显看出。 E.g.: John drove slowly.

-- it’s true that John drove slowly. (integrated,adjuncts )

Fortunately, he came back just in time.

--Fortunately,It’s true that he came back just in time. (Peripheral, disjuncts )

However, it was a good meeting.

-- However, it’s true that it was a good meeting. (Peripheral, conjuncts) * Adjuncts: 修饰性状语,主要修饰动词 * Disjuncts: 评注性状语, 对分句内容的评价。

* Conjuncts: 连接性状语, 逻辑粘合剂,把新句子加入文章中。 Integrated adverbial(结合性状语) Adjuncts修饰性状语

Adverbials 状语 Disjuncts: 评注性状语 Peripheral adverbial (分离性状语)

Conjuncts: 连接性状语

13.1 Adjuncts 修饰性状语

分时间状语(Time Adjuncts),地点状语(Place Adjuncts),过程状语(Process Adjuncts),因果状语(Contingency Adjuncts)。

13.1.1时间状语 Time Adjuncts

a. Types of Time Adjuncts When-Adjuncts(何时状语) Duration-Adjuncts(持续状语) Frequency-Adjuncts(频度状语) We are going to the theatre tomorrow. (When adjuncts) They have lived here for 20 years.( Duration-Adjuncts) She sees the doctor twice a month.( Frequency-Adjuncts) ? When-Adjuncts(何时状语) 1. 可被When-question提问。(when are you going to the theater?) 2. 特指的时间点或者时间段。(they arrived at 10 o’clock. / The war started on May 4,1952) 3. 非特指的时间点或者时间段,在交谈中默认的时间。(they’ll be back soon. / See you later.) 4. 常以分句形式出现。被以下连词连接: after, as, before, once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while, now, as long as, as soon as… I will call you as soon as I hear the news. 5. 或者被名词从句作为连词链接。The moment, the minute, the instant, the first time, the next time… He went to bed the moment he finished his homework.

-- No sooner…than, Hardly 表示一件事接着另一件,第一个从句要用过去完成时,如果放在句首则要倒装. He had no sooner asked the question than the answer came to him. No sooner had he asked the question than the answer came to him. ? Duration-Adjuncts(持续状语) 1. 可被“how long”提问。How long have they been lived here? 2. 有多种形式,最常见的形式是: for + 名词词组:for ten years, for a short while… ? Frequency-Adjuncts(频度状语) 1. 可被“How often, How many times”提问。 2. 可由副词组成。(daily, weekly. Monthly, often, frequently, always, never…) I pay my bills monthly. My father never goes to the cinema. 3. 或者名词词组,介词词组或者分局组成。 My uncle brought me gifts whenever he came. She visits her parents as often as she can. b. Position of Time Adjuncts 1. 最好放在句首或者句中。 2. 2个when-adjuncts在一起时,顺序是 specific + general He was born on the morning of May 4, 1997. 3. Duration Adjuncts + Frequency Adjuncts + When Adjuncts She would stay with her parentsfor a couple of daysonce a month after she got married. 13.1.2地点状语 Place Adjuncts

a. Types of Place Adjuncts Where Adjuncts (何地状语) Direction Adjuncts(方向状语) Distance Adjuncts(距离状语), Source Adjuncts(来源状语), Goal Adjuncts(目标状语) Outside the village Where Adjuncts (何地状语) Down the hill Direction Adjuncts(方向状语) The ran a long away Distance Adjuncts(距离状语) From the school Source Adjuncts(来源状语) To the school bus. Goal Adjuncts(目标状语) ? 最常见的是介词词组形式,其他形式有副词,名词词组,从句等。 The children are playing outside.(adverb) The school is located 10 miles from downtown.(clause) She found her umbrellawhere she left it. (infinite clause) b. Position of Place Adjuncts 1. 一般句末。 2. 如果在句首,则1) 设定场景;2) 着重强调反义;3)避免句末过于繁琐。 In Los Angeles, a hot dry wind will remind people of forest fires. In the ring, two men were killing each other, and in the hall, men and women were screaming. In the garden the children were playing with their newly-arrived uncle. 3. 2个place adjunct同时出现时,按高低顺序排列。 *注意, 不可以把低级的地点状语移到别处只留下高级时间状语,但是移动高级地点状语时不受这个规则的约束。 She saton a table in a restaurant. In a restaurantshe saton a table. *On the tableshe sat in a restaurant. ××× 4. Distance + Direction + Source + Goal + Position They ran a long waydown the hill from the schoolto the restaurant.

13.1.3过程状语 Process Adjuncts

a. Types of Process Adjuncts Manner Adjuncts (方式状语) Instruments Adjuncts(工具状语) Agentive Adjuncts(执行者状语) ? Manner Adjuncts 方式状语 1. Definition: 描述事情如何完成的状语。They plan the project carefully. 2. 可被 How, In what way/manner 来提问。How do they plan the project? 3. 一般用副词来当方式状语,其他方式显得比较繁琐。 ? Instruments Adjuncts工具状语 1. 方式状语指某事如何完成的,主观描述,而工具状语则指在外部帮助下某事如何完成,很客观。 Why not cut the bread with a knife? I used to go to work by bike. You can start the machine by pressing the button. 2. 最常见的形式是 with + 方式 Agentive Adjuncts(执行者状语) 1. 指执行动作的人,by + performer, 特别会出现在被动语态中,执行者一般是人,或者把物体拟人化。 The flying object was seen by many people. The work can be easily done by a machine. 当过程状语,时间状语,地点状语同时出现时,按以下规律排列: Process + Place + Time He told me in personat the meetingyesterday. (Process + Place + Time) 13.1.4因果状语 Contingency Adjuncts

Reason Adjunct(原因状语) Result Adjunct(结果状语) Purpose Adjunct(目的状语) Concession Adjunct(让步状语) Condition Adjunct(条件状语) ? Reason Adjunct(原因状语) 1. 当想表示事物或某一行为的原因时,用原因状语从句 2. 一般以because引导从句,或者since,as,for… I asked her to stay, for I have something important to tell her. Because of his bad leg, he couldn’t walk as fast as others. 3. 也可出现在不定从句中,省略连接词。 Being unable to concentrate at home, he went to the library. Situated at the foot of the mountain, the village was very quiet. 4. As结构的的原因状语从句。 Foolish as he was, he would defy any advice and continue to make the same mistakes.