工程热力学基本概念 下载本文

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1.准静态过程(Quasi-static Process)

过程中热力学系统经历的是一系列平衡状态并在每次状态变化时仅无限小地偏离平衡状态。 A quasi-static process is one in which the departure from thermodynamic equilibrium is at most infinitesimal.

2.外界(Surroundings):系统之外的一切其它物质。 边界(Boundary):系统与外界之间的分界面。

闭口系统(Closed System) ←→控制质量(Control Mass):系统与外界之间没有物质交换,但有能量交换。?m?0;?E?0

开口系统(Open System)←→控制体积(Control Volume):系统与外界之间不仅有物质交换,还有能量交换。?m?0;?E?0 孤立系统(Isolated System):系统与外界之间既无质量交换又无能量交换。?m?0;?E?0 3.热力学第一定律(First Law of Thermodynamics):


It is found by experiment that for all adiabatic processes between two states the value of the net work done by or on the system is the same. That is, the value of the net work done by or on a closed system undergoing an adiabatic process between two given states depends solely on the end states and not on the details of the adiabatic process.

??W? dE??Q??W→dE?Qdt4.第二定律的陈述(Statements of the Second Law)

克劳修斯陈述: ① 热能不可能单独地从低温物体传向高温物体。(It is impossible for any system to operate in such a

way that the sole result would be an energy transfer by heat from a cooler to a hotter body.) ② 热能可以单独地从高温物体传向低温物体。 ③ 在外界作用下,热能可以从低温物体传向高温物体。 开尔文-普朗克陈述: ① 任何系统不可能从单一热库吸收热能在经历一个热循环之后使之完全转变为功。(It is impossible

for any system to operate in a thermodynamic cycle and deliver a net amount of work to its surroundings while receiving energy by heat transfer from a single thermal reservoir.) ② 热力系统可以从一个热库吸热同时向另一个热库放热并在经历一个热循环之后使剩余热能完全

转变为功。 ③ 外界对热力系统作功并在其经历一个热循环之后使之完全转变为热能。 5.不可逆和可逆过程(Irreversible and Reversible Processes) 不可逆过程:


A process is called irreversible if the system and all parts of its surroundings cannot be exactly restored to their respective initial states after the process has occurred.

不可逆过程主要有:热交换过程;自由膨胀过程;燃烧过程;混合过程;粘性流动过程;非弹性变形过程; 可逆过程:


A process is called reversible if the system and all parts of its surroundings can be exactly restored to their respective initial states after the process has occurred.



6.相 (phase ):


The term phase refers to a quantity of matter that is homo- geneous throughout in both chemical composition and physical structure. 7.相变(Phase Change):

干度(Quality): x?mvapourmliquid?mvapour

8.纯物质 (pure substance):


A pure substance is one that is uniform and invariable in chemical composition. 9.状态公理(State Principle):


There is one independent property for each way a system’s energy can be varied independently. 10.简单系统(Simple System) :

如果一个系统在经历准平衡过程时除热交换形式之外只有一种功形式能改变系统的能量。简单系统独立的状态参数:1+1=2 11.功、热量:


不同点:①功是热力学系统和环境之间通过边界而转移的能量,且其全部效果可表现为举起重物。(Work is done by a system on its surroundings if the sole effect on everything external to the system could have been the raising of a weight.)热量是由于热交换而通过边界传递的能量,且部分效果可表现为举起重物。功的能量品质高于热量。②W > 0 : work done by the systemW < 0 : work done on the system 而Q > 0 : heat transfer to the systemQ < 0 : heat transfer from the system。

12.P-V图和T-V图、饱和蒸汽线、饱和液体线、过热蒸汽、过冷液体、临界点 13.理想气体模型(Ideal Gas Model):

pv?RT;u?u(T);h?h(T)?u(T)?RT;cv(T)?14. 控制体积:

质量守恒(Conservation of Mass):

能量守恒(Conservation of Energy):

dudh;cp(T)? dTdTdmCV?i??m?e ??mdtie????dECV?Vi2Ve2??i?hi??e?he??QCV?WCV??m?gzi???m?gze?dt22i??e?? ? ? ? ? ?能量积累 热量 功量 伴随质量输入的能量 伴随质量输出的能量

注意:对于稳定状态(Steady State):dmcv?0;dEcv?0 15.温标:

如果一个可逆循环系统从温度为TH的高温热库吸收的热量为QH,向温度为TC的低温热库放出的热量为QC,则有:(QCT)rev?C QHcycleTH一个系统工作于两个热库之间,对外输出净功Wcycle,循环热效率 ??WcycleQ?1?c即Wcycle=QH-QC QHQH16.熵方程

①闭口系统(Closed Systems):

??,当内部可逆时,熵产???Q?微分形式为: ? 又由: ? Q ? int ? dU W ; ? W ? int ? pdV ; dS? ?? ? ????intintrevrevrev?T?rev

1S2?S1??2?QT?2?Q?S?S?=0,即 21??1T?int??rev dH?d?U?pV??dU?Vdp?pdV从而引出TdS方程(TdS Equation): TdS ? dU ? pdV 和 TdS?dH?Vdp?du?pdvTds?dh?vdp单位质量形式:Tds

单位摩尔形式: Tds?du?pdvTds?dh?vdp注意:TdS方程适合于可逆或不可逆过程的闭口系统,以及开口系统稳态流入流出的流体。 ②开口系统(控制体积)(Control Volumes):

在闭口系统的基础上再引入质量的流进流出引起的熵变。 QjSt??t?St??misi?mese??????CV CVjTj?两边除以△t并取极限可得: QdSCVj?isi?m?ese?????m dtTjj对于多个入口和出口情况 :

???QdSCVj?isi??m?ese???????mdtjTjierateofentropychangeratesofentropytransfer rateofentropyproduction④ 理想气体的熵变(Entropy Change of an Ideal Gas):


ds??dvds??dp TTTT du T ? dT dh ? c p ? T ? dT pv ? RT ? c v??ds?cv?T?dTdv?RTvds?cp?T?dTdp?RTp