2017-2018学年度七年级上英语期末试卷(兴化市带答案含听力mp3) 下载本文

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2017-2018学年度七年级上英语期末试卷(兴化市带答案含听力mp3) 2017年秋学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 (考试用时:120分钟 满分:150分) (友情提醒:所有答案都须填写到答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。)

一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) A) 根据听到的内容, 选择正确的图片或正确的答案,听两遍。 1. Which festival are they talking about? A. B. C.

2. What does Daniel like? A. B. C. 3. What does Millie like to do after class? A. B. C. 4. What is Miss Wang? A. B. C. 5.What is the time now? A. 6:00 B. 6:15 C. 5:45 6. What is Jack doing? A. He’s doing homework. B. He’s watching matches. C. He’s doing housework. 7. What would John like to do after school? A. To watch TV. B. To listen to music. C. To play music. 8. How often does the girl go swimming? A. Every day. B. Every week. C. Twice a week. 9. What day is it today? A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. 10. What does Sally like doing? A. Drawing. B. Reading. C. Singing. B. 听下面3段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或短文读两遍) 听一段对话,回答第11~12小题。 11. What is the yellow hat made of? A. Wool. B. Silk. C. Cotton. 12. Which hat would the man take at last(最后)? A. The pink one. B. The yellow one. C. We don’t know. 听第一篇短文,回答第13~15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 How to have a healthy supper Before it Drink some 13.___________. During it Eat some 14.__________ _, meat and rice After it Take a walk for about 15.___________ Have some fruit 13. A. water B. soup C. milk 14. A. fruit B. vegetables C. bread 15. A. half an hour B. an hour C. one and a half hours 听第二篇短文,回答第16~20小题。 16. How old is Sandy? A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 17. Where does Sandy hold (举办) her birthday party ? A. At home B. In the park C. In the restaurant 18. What isn’t


Sandy’s present? A. Toys B. Chocolate C. Photos 19. Who gives Sandy a music CD? A. Her friends B. Her uncle C. Her parents 20. What do they do after the party? A. They chat with each other. B. They listen to music. C. They go to the park to fly kites. 二、单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 21. ―Lucy, ______ apple on the table is for you. Remember to eat it. ―Thank you, Mum. We all know ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. an; an B. an; the C. the; a D. the; an 22.― ______ do most students do their homework every weekday? ―About two hours. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much 23. It ______ Nick two hours ______ the room. Now it is clean and tidy. A. takes; to clean B. takes; cleaning C. spends; to clean D. spends; cleaning 24. These _______ come from NO. 1 Middle School and they all work hard . A. women teachers B. woman teachers C. women teacher D. woman teacher 25.―Can I borrow your new bike and keep it for two days? ―Yes, but you can't _____ other people. A. borrow it from B. lend it from C. lend it to D. borrow it to 26.―This yellow skirt looks nice. How much is it? ―It ______ me one hundred and twenty yuan. A. spends B. costs C. shops D. buys 27. ―Is there a ______ near here? I want to buy a football. ―Oh, yes! It’s next to the bookshop. A. clothes shop B. flower shop C. shoe shop D. sports shop 28. The library at 2 every afternoon,so I think it now. A. opens; opens B. opens; is open C. is open; opens D. is open; open 29.―The light blue jeans look so cool. Could I ? ―Of course. A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them 30. Mrs. Green, let me show you ______ our school. A. to B. around C. for D. with 31.―Can I have ______ water, Mum? I'm so thirsty(口渴的). ―Sorry, there isn't ______, but we still have some green tea. A. any; any B. any; some C. some; any D. some; some 32. We need to buy some _____ and two ______ for supper today. A. potatoes; kilos


of meats B. potatos; kilos of meat C. potatoes; kilos of meat D. potatos; kilos of meats 33. Sandy looks beautiful ______ blue, and red clothes also look nice ______ her. A. on; on B. in; in C. on; in D. in; on 34. There ______ some sheep and a dog at the foot of the hill. A. are B. is C. have D. has 35.Lily is________ in her room because she wants to be the most beautiful girl at the fashion show tonight. A. getting together B. playing tricks C. dressing up D. having fun 36. Sweet snacks ________ bad for your health because there is too much ________ in them. A. are; sugar B. is; cola C. is; salt D. are; candies 37. ― Wow! Your hairstyle looks so modern! ― ________. It’s my mother’s design! A. Thank you B. Sounds great C. Good idea D. Very good 38.The dress fits you well,and your hat the dress. A. watches B. matches C. matchs D. fits[ 39.―Why Daniel look happy today? ―He happy because he can’t do well in Music today. A. doesn't; doesn't B. isn't; isn't C. isn't; doesn't D. doesn't; isn't 40. ― How often do you do exercise? ― ________. A. In two hours B. Three hours C. At three o’clock D. Sometimes 三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) The Black family come to a new big city. Mrs Black’s son, Bob, is not 41 . He doesn’t have any friends to play 42 . “Don’t worry!” says his mother. “You will soon make friends here.” One 43 , there is a knock at the door. Bob’s 44 , Mrs Black, opens it. There stands a woman with brown hair. It is Mrs White. She comes to 45 some eggs. She wants to 46 cakes. Mrs Black lends her two. In the afternoon, there is another knock at the door. Mrs Black opens it and sees a 47 standing there. “My name is Jack White,” he says. “My mother sends(送) 48 this cake and the two eggs.” “Well, thank you, Jack,” says Mrs Black. “ 49 and meet my son Bob.” Look! Bob and Jack are 50 the cake and milk. They are playing football. Now they are 51 ! Jack says, “I’m glad