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Problems and Countermeasures in the Flight Attendant
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ABSTRACT: With the continuous development of China's economy, China's civil aviation industry has entered a track with a rapid development. Meanwhile it has also led to the rapid development of the local flight attendant service industries. As the core elements of the civil aviation development, human resources as well as the personal qualities has become the key of further promoting the civil aviation development and achieving the civil aviation strategy. Thus, how to train qualified flight attendants becomes much more important. Therefore, after briefly introducing the historical development of flight attendant service, this paper mainly analyzes the existing problems in the course of its development. For example, it explores the quality of service, the application of knowledge and so on. Finally, it presents countermeasures and suggestions for improving the employment system and the quality of flight attendants.
KEY WORDS: Flight Attendant Service, Civil Aviation Flight Attendants in Reality, Development, Problems and Countermeasures