高一英语下册模块三单词拼写练习题及答案 下载本文

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Unit 1

1. My a________ came from Spain hundreds of years ago. 2. India gained i________ from Britain in 1947.

3. The Olympic games began with a p________ of all the competing nations.

4. We talked about various s________ questions, such as unemployment and education. 5. Life on other planets is a p________.

6. This is not a copy but an o________ painting by Picasso. 7. This key is o________ the wrong one. It didn’t work. 8. A web is being w________ by a spider under the roof.

9. I will never f________ you for what you said to me last night.

10. They have the computer on trial for thirty days to find out whether it is s________. Unit 2

11. This fatty food is bad for your d________.

12. In order to b________ their trade, they would have to buy more goods in the United States. 13. We were burning with c________ to know what had happened.

14. He achieved a worldwide reputation by his pioneer r________ in physics and astronomy. 15. They s________ the wall with metal supports yesterday. 16. Large a________ of money were spent on the bridge.

17. He found his English was so l________ that he couldn’t make himself understood by the foreign customers in the shop.

18. The new hospital will be a great b________ to the town.

19. The two old schools are to c________ to form one big new school. 20. He bought a p________ of cigarettes. Unit 3

21. The s________ of this play is laid in Ireland.

22. The eyewitness gave an a________ of the traffic accident. 23. The singer made her first a________ in a concert in Boston.

24. If other men spoke to his wife intimately (亲密地) he was immediately j________. 25. She s________ as if she had seen a snake.

26. On her small income they live very s________. 27. I didn’t mine. I________, I was pleased.

28. Prices have risen steadily in the past d________. 29. We were all entertained by his h________ stories. 30. They are the two main c________ in the play. Unit 4

31. The a________ of the city is very much polluted.

32. The terrorists e________ a bomb in a store the other day. 33. Beneath his rough s________ he is really a very kind person. 34. Have you heard of the latest d________ in the murder trial? 35. Mom s________ a new table-cloth on the table.

36. She was so quiet that her p________ was hardly noticed. 37. My parents will be d________ with me if I fail the exam.

38. Anything that is dropped falls towards the ground because of the force of g________. 39. G________, he began to realize how stupid he was at school.

40. He was e________ after a long walk. Unit 5

41. There are 5 to 7 c________ in the world, depending on how you count them. 42. Though it was an e________ difficult task, they finished it in time. 43. The s________ here are quiet.

44. You must go through customs in order to pass across the b________. 45. The cost was f________ out at $ 530.

46. Premier Wen Jiabao is paying an o________ visit to Japan.

47. Since 1965, the m________ leaf has been the centerpiece of the National Flag of Canada 48. The country’s w________ comes from its oil.

49. It is a long d________ from New York to Hongkong. 50. The river is about 20 feet b________.

答 题 卷

1.______________ 2.______________ 3.______________ 4.______________ 5.______________ 6.______________ 7.______________ 8.______________

9.______________ 10.______________ 11.______________ 12.______________ 13.______________ 14.______________ 15.______________ 16.______________ 17.______________ 18.______________ 19.______________ 20.______________

21.______________ 22.______________ 23.______________ 24.______________

25.______________ 26.______________ 27.______________ 28.______________

29.______________ 30.______________ 31.______________ 32.______________ 33.______________ 34.______________ 35.______________ 36.______________ 37.______________ 38.______________ 39.______________ 40.______________

41.______________ 42.______________ 43.______________ 44.______________

45.______________ 46.______________ 47.______________ 48.______________

49.______________ 50.______________

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参 考 答 案

Unit 1

ancestors independence parade social possibility original obviously woven forgive satisfactory/satisfying Unit 2

digestion balance curiosity researches strengthened amounts limited benefit combine packet Unit 3

scene account appearance jealous screamed simply Indeed decade humorous characters Unit 4

atmosphere exploded surface development spread presence disappointed gravity Gradually exhausted Unit 5

continents extremely surroundings border figured official maple wealth distance broad