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专题限时检测(十二) 完形填空之夹叙夹议文体(一)



(2017·南通市高三三模)My brother had distrusted my driving skill since the day I smashed his car against a wooden pole at the garage of our small compound. “You are too __1__!” he said sharply. I could offer no __2__ at the moment, although any expert could have made the same silly mistake — trust me. At first, I was quite __3__ in myself for having damaged the new car. I found myself building a story in my head: It's so __4__.“Why could it have been me in this __5__?”

Then I dug a little __6___ to realize why I was feeling so upset. I realized I was making something __7__into a big deal. I was merely building a story that made no __8__ to me at all. I was too __9__ to the current situation. I just taught myself, “I may as well __10__ this and move on!”

__11__ looking at where you are and start looking at what you can be. We are sure to be__12__ when we quarrel with ourselves; it is civil war.

Your future depends on many things, but __13__ on you. You may succeed if __14__ else believes in you, but you will never succeed if you don't believe in __15__. A focus on the past causes us to miss opportunities in the __16__.

Don't spend half your __17__ telling what you are going to do and the other half explaining why you __18__ do it. Forgive yourself for past __19__ and hurts. Reach out to the wonderful things that lie __20__ of you. A man is not what he's called; a man is what he responds to.


1.A.absent-minded C.fierce

B.self-confident D.ridiculous

解析:选A absent-minded在此相当于careless,是对作者撞坏车的责怪之辞。absent-minded“心不在焉的”;self-confident“自信的”;fierce“激烈的”;ridiculous“可笑的”。

2.A.assistance C.advice

B.excuse D.compensation

解析:选B 句意:尽管任何一个专家都有可能犯相同的愚蠢的错误,但是我一时也找



3.A.confused C.annoyed

B.amazed D.disappointed

解析:选D 根据上下文可知,作者对自己撞坏新车感到失望。confused“困惑的”;amazed“惊奇的”;annoyed“恼怒的”;disappointed“失望的”。

4.A.unusual C.unfair

B.unclear D.uncertain

解析:选C 由下一句“怎么是我遇到这种(蠢事)”,可推断作者想的是老天待自己不公平(unfair)。

5.A.mess C.trap

B.adventure D.conflict

解析:选A 参见上一题解析。in a mess“乱七八糟,处境狼狈”。 6.A.faster C.harder

B.deeper D.further

解析:选B dig的本意是“挖”,常与副词deep连用,表示“深挖”;此处用其引申意义,dig a little deeper意为“稍作深思”。

7.A.abnormal C.challenging

B.bitter D.unimportant

解析:选D 由下文可知,作者意识到自己在“小题大做”。abnormal“不正常的”;bitter“痛苦的”;challenging“具有挑战性的”;unimportant“不重要的”。

8.A.reply C.apology

B.sense D.difference

解析:选B 根据上下文可知,作者认为原先的想法对于自己而言其实毫无意义。make no sense“没有意义”。

9.A.accustomed C.attached

B.exposed D.limited

解析:选C 此处表示“使自己过于专注眼前之事”,即不能轻易摆脱它们。accustomed“习惯于,通常的”;exposed“无遮蔽的”;attached“依恋的,爱慕的”;limited“有限的”。

10.A.accept C.check

B.maintain D.improve

解析:选A 此句是对上一句的说明:不能摆脱掉,那就接受,继续前行。 11.A.Keep C.Enjoy

B.Practise D.Stop


解析:选D 作者在反省之后,亮出自己的观点:不要再专注自己身在何处(指遇到什么事情),而要开始审视自己能做什么。

12.A.fighters C.losers

B.judges D.observers

解析:选C 根据上文作者所持态度来推断,作者认为没有必要自己跟自己过不去,不然输者(loser)只会是我们自己。

13.A.currently C.gradually

B.mostly D.actually

解析:选B 根据下文可知,人要成功主要靠自己。mostly“大部分地,主要地”。currently“目前,当前”;gradually“逐渐地”;actually“真实地,事实上”。

14.A.somebody C.anybody

B.everybody D.nobody

解析:选D 句意:如果没有一个人相信你,你也可能会成功,但是如果你不相信你自己,你将永远不会成功。

15.A.yourself C.luck

解析:选A 参见上一题解析。 16.A.dark C.present

B.course D.competition B.others D.education

解析:选C in the present意为“现在”,与句中的the past(过去)相对应。 17.A.fortune C.minute

B.energy D.penny

解析:选B 此处指不要多花精力去说将来要做什么或解释所做之事。 18.A.didn't C.eventually

B.shouldn't D.frequently

解析:选A 参见上一题解析。didn't与前面的将来时态相对应。 19.A.experiences C.failures

B.memories D.difficulties

解析:选C failures与hurts属于同一范畴,表示“失败和伤痛”。 20.A.instead C.right

B.out D.ahead

解析:选D 上一句讲过去的不快,本句与之相对,讲向前看美好的事物。


(2017·苏北四市高三一模)Once a wise man and his student traveled to a remote,