牛津译林版英语九上9AUnit1Knowyourself单元检测卷(B) 下载本文

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9A Unit1 Know yourself单元检测卷(B)

(满分:100分 时间:90分钟)

班级:_________ 姓名:__________ 得分:_________


( )1. Bring these flowers into a warm room______ they'll soon open.

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. for

( )2.- Amy, you wear a new sweater today!

-It fits me well, ______the colour is not my favourites. A. and

B. so

C. but

D. or

( )3-Helen, I've failed in the Chinese exam again.

-Don't______. Work hard and you'll be good at Chinese some day. A. give out

B. give off

C. give up it

D. give up

( )4.-Can you tell the differences between the twins?

-Differences? Oh, no, They look quite______. A. different

B. similar

C. strange

D. interesting

( )5.-Why don't you buy the camera, Mary?

-It's too expensive. I can't_____ it. A. sell

B. lend

C. keep

D. afford

( )6. After a while, he_____ good ideas to solve the problems.

A. caught up with C. came up with A. sometime

B. ended up with D. followed up with

C some times

D. some times

( )7. He said he would come to see us_____ the next afternoon.

B. some time

( )8. I feel_____ hot because I've drunk______ beer.

A. too much; much too C. too much; too much

B. much too; much too D. much too; too much

( )9.-Tell us something about Singapore, OK?

-I'm sorry. ______Jack_____ I have ever been there. A. Either; or C. Both; and

B Not only; but also D. Neither; nor

( )10.-Did you get the points at the meeting?

-Yes, of course. I listened ______ all the time. A. careful enough C. enough careful

B. carefully enough D. enough carefully

( )11.Basketball has a history of nearly 300 years. Today it is still loved by____ the

_____young _____the old. A. both; and A. stands for C. lives on

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B. either; or

C. not; but, D. neither; nor

( )12.I'm not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air, because it___ the weather.

B. depends on D: agrees with


( )13. He is too heavy. He has decided_____ some exercise to keep healthy.

A. to take C. take

B. not to take D. taking

( )14. Zhong Nanshan, the famous medial scientist, has devoted most his life_____

Useful ways in treating cough diseases. A. to finding A. shows up

B. find

C. to find B. shows off D. shows through

D. finding

( )15. She is very modest. She never _____ .

C. shows around


On my first job, I worked as a sports editor for a small newspaper. I never got a letter from my readers, so I was___1__ that there was envelope on my desk one morning. From the envelope, I could see it was from a most popular newspaper.

When I opened it, I found a note and it read, \

The note was signed by Mr. John, a famous sports editor. As I was a green hand, his words made me__2__. After that, I kept the note in my desk drawer. Whenever I doubted __3___ I had the ability to be a good editor, I would read John's note and become ___4___ again. Later, when I made friends with Mr. John, the note writer, I learned that he often wrote notes to __5__young people in many fields. \told me, “I feel happy, too.”

__7___, why are there few note writers like John in our life? In my opinion, many people are afraid that they cannot be well understood. Also, writing takes more time and it is __ 8__to pick up the phone. The problem with phone that they cannot_ 9__ a long time, but a note is a good way of record and our words can be read more than once.

So, when you find people around you need help, please write a note of encouragement to bring them more confidence. Maybe, you are not sure what will__10__, but remember Mr. John's words--making others feel happy makes you happy, too. ( )1.A. certain ( )3.A. why ( )4.A. serious ( )5.A. expect ( )6.A. other ( )7.A. But ( )9.A. wait

B. sure B. sleepy B. that

C. surprised C. excited C. what C. strict C. others C. harder C. stop C. turn

D. frightened D. sad D. whether D. humorous D. encourage D. the others D. Actually D. easier D. rest D. hold

( )2.A, unhappy

B. confident B. describe B. the other B. weaker B. last

B. matter

C. introduce

B. However C.Therefore

( )8.A. stronger ( )10.A. happen

三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A

Dragons are not real animals, but look like combination(组合体)of many animals such as

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snakes, fish and deer. They have two horns(角)and a long moustache(胡子).With fantastic powers, they fly in the sky or swim in the sea. They can make rain, too. The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and good luck. The emperors of ancient China loved dragons. Their clothes were covered with pictures of dragons.

We are proud to call ourselves the “descendants(传人) of the dragon”, In Chinese, \people are often called \example, \one’s child will become a dragon”, which means hoping he or she will be successful.

It is said that people born in the Year of the Dragons have certain characteristics. They are creative, confident, brave and quick-tempered. There are some Famous “dragons” who have done excellent things, for example, the great man Deng Xiaoping, the famous businessman Li Jiacheng and the movie star Zhao Wei. They are all very successful.

There are also some traditional festivals about dragons in China. Such as Dragon Head- Raising Day and Dragon Boat Festival .We have different kinds of activities to celebrate them. These two festivals come every year, but the Year of the Dragon comes every twelve years.

The dragon is very important in Chinese culture. As the “descendants of dragon”, it is necessary for us to know the views on dragons in our culture. It can help us understand why our parents always want us to be \

( )1. What does the Chinese dragon symbolize?

A. A combination of many animals. C. Traditional festivals. means____ in Chinese. A.龙马精神




( )3. What characteristics may the people born in the Year of the Dragon have? They may be______.

A. creative, confident, brave and powerful B. creative, confident, brave and quick-tempered C. lovely, confident, brave and quick tempered D. lucky, confident, creative and successful

( )4. Which of the following years is the Year of the Dragon?

A. 1988.

B. 1998.

C. 2008.

D. 2018.

( )5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Dragons are real animals.

B. There are many Chinese sayings and idioms about dragons C. People born in the Year of the Dragon must be successful. D. The “descendants of the dragon” are often called “dragons”. B

Now many people like the game Angry Birds. Here is a piece of good news for the---soon there will be a lot of Angry Birds-themed activity parks around the world.

B. Chinese sayings and idioms. D. Strength and good luck.

( )2. In the passage, the underlined sentence “Hoping one's child will become a dragon”

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