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all nature poets, and he’s in top form in \entry about the day in question, Wordsworth's sister Dorothy wrote about their surprise at finding so many daffodils in such a strange place, next to a lake and under some trees. \those get there?\she wondered, even guessing that maybe the seeds floated across the lake. The event is one of the minor miracles that nature produces all the time, as anyone who has seen the documentary Planet Earth or the Disney movie Earth knows. Wordsworth’s nature is full of life and vitality. He appreciates its wildness and unpredictability, but he humanizes the landscape and fits it to his own mind. Theme of Happiness

\that even when you are by yourself and lonely and missing your friends, you can use your imagination to fine new friends in the world around you. As John Milton famously wrote, \The speaker of this poem makes a heaven out of a windy day and a bunch of daffodils. His happiness does not last forever – he’s not that unrealistic – but the daffodils give him a little boost of joy whenever he needs it, like recharging his batteries. Theme of Spirituality

The 19th century Scottish writer Thomas Carlyle coined the phrase \supernaturalism,\which has been used by later critics to describe how the Romantic poets, and especially Wordsworth, viewed the natural world as a spiritual realm. The idea is that Heaven comes down to earth and is viewed as part of the world. This poem illustrates the principle of natural supernaturalism. The daffodils are like angels and twinkling stars, and the \of heaven occurs in speaker’s imagination. He uses Christian ideas and images to make an ode to nature without any reference to God. Theme of Memory and the Past

\of Wordsworth’s other most famous works. In both poems, the memory of beautiful things serves as a comfort to the speaker even after the experience of viewing them has ended. He can always draw on his imagination to reproduce the joy of the event and to remember the spiritual wisdom that it provided. In the case of \Cloud,%until the fourth stanza, when he describes just how often the daffodils have comforted him.

2. Do you think nature can have healing effect on mind?

I think nature can have healing effect on mind, but the precondition is that the nature should be peaceful and earthly. Let’s imagine a scene. At the very beginning, we felt a little sad. Then, we place ourselves at a peaceful and clean lake. We sit on the comfortable and green grass. There are several wild flowers on the grass. Some little birds are walking near us with chirp. We can breathe the smell of the earth. When we are watching it glistening in the sunshine, there may be a smile on our face again. Nobody will be not touched in this condition unless there is something wrong with his mind. It is just like a picture. Or it is just like a clean bracing and ethereal melody. We can close our eyes to listen to it without any distracting thoughts. It always can comfort our hearts, and we will not feel that desperate. Every time I feel not happy I will listen to a piece of piano music. That makes me good, all my fidgeting will go away from me. Sometimes I will reflect where the problem is. Peaceful music is just like the nature. Both they can give me a kind of feeling like mother. Do not be scared at all. Sometimes I suppose if the criminal can live in the nature and experience it, they will not do that evil. In another hand, those


artists maybe can not create the works. As the author said, a host of golden daffodils beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze. The memory made him excited and brought his lonely heart happiness. If a writer does not watch any beautiful scenery, I believe he or she can’t be a good writer. Peaceful nature is a place people can release themselves and remove the unhappiness. In this circumstance, the writer digs their inspiration.

Yes, I think so. Some people may think that our nature has been highly polluted by our human beings. And it won’t have any effects on us. The others may think the nature has bad influence on our bodies because of the contamination. But I think nature must have a lot of healing effect on mind. As the development of the society, people may meet more and more difficulties, and it may lead to more stress. For example, when a person has worked for a long time, it is hard for him to do more. He would like to spend sometime travelling to somewhere. The place is best to be beautiful, clean, comfortable, with clear sky and green grass. People can breathe the fresh air there. When he lies on the grass and watches the sky, he may forget all the stress on work. The only thing he can do is to enjoy the charming scenery and great nature.

Nature also can affect people when they are ill especially serious disease. The patient may feel their life meaningless. At that time, their families will take them to a remote place. They may also let the patient have a pet. During the feeding period, the patient may feel that a life is so difficult to bring up. He will heal the spirit to live. Different people have different ideas. I can’t say that nature doesn’t have mischief, but in my opinion, its good effects are more.

Jane Austin Pride and Prejudice 1. Do you agree with the statement “it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What’s the relationship between money and marriage? I do not agree with the statement. I think it is wrong to get married for money and position, but at the same time it is idiot to do not consider money and position. In this novel, we can see the hero Darcy proposed marriage to Eliza but failed every time. Because Eliza has prejudice on Darcy and hated his pride actually. This kind of pride is a reaction from position’s differences. Unless the pride disappears, it will be possible that they could get married. Then Eliza observed Darcy’s doing, especially found his changing on his pride. She removed her prejudice and got married with Darcy. From the distinct attitudes to Darcy, It’s not difficult to find Eliza maintained women should pursue their right of personality independence and fairness. And this attitude reflected Austen’s view of marriage as well. Therefore, she maintained that we can not get married for money and see marriage as a game. She stressed the significance of ideal marriage, and love is the cornerstone. Through this novel Jane Austen tried to tell people must take some action and reflect, then there will be hope. Because respection is not native, we can only get it from our action and reflection. Here, we can easily discover author thought women should have self respect and be independent. What women want is not just money, they also need the respect and right. Marriage is not a trade. It is impossible that I give you money, then you will marry me. There is a third thing——love. If two people love each other, they will not break up because of how much money he own.

In my point of view, I think this statement is partial. This is only a truth


acknowledged by a few families in the neighborhood of Long bourn. The opening sentence is ironically stated and has a subtle, unstated meaning. In its declaration that a wealthy bachelor must be looking for a wife, it hides just beneath its surface the real truth : A single woman, especially the one not in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a (wealthy) husband. We see in Jane Austen’s society, eighteenth and nineteenth century, marriage is the status all the women strive to achieve, while money plays a important role in marriage. It was extremely sensible and common to take a prospective partner's financial situation and status into consideration, especially for people of a less fortunate background or inheritance. Marriage was considered to be the only way, for women in particular, to live a comfortable life, free of financial worries. If a woman never got married, because of lacking money or looks, she would go and live with a married sister or brother. If she did not have any brothers or sisters to live with, she would become a governess.

2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her? Mrs. Bennet’s mind was less difficult to understand. She was a woman of poor understanding, little information and uncertain temper. When she was discontented, she imagined herself nervous. The business of her life was to get her daughters married, the solace of her life was visiting and news. We can see from these examples.

―…for Mrs. Long…all about it.‖: from this sentences we can see that her important source of information is neighboring women’s gossip. (she was a woman of poor information)

―Is he married or single?‖: For a future son-in-law, this is the most important qualification which Mrs. B didn’t mention. From this we can see she pay a great attention on money.

―four or five thousand (pounds of income) a year. What a fine thing for our girls! ‖: Her thoughts skipped quickly and wildly: maybe was thinking already of a big house, beautiful garden, expensive clothes, etc.)

―How so? how can it affect them?‖: pretended to be na?ve by using apparently innocent questions so as to tease / make fun of her.

When Mr. Bennet said;―... or you may send them by themselves which perhaps will be still better; for, as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party‖: This was said in obvious irony, but the irony was completely missed by his wife / beyond her understanding. She took it for his sincere praise of her beauty. But in eighteenth and nineteenth century, she had no idea but had to crazy about these things. Because in Britain at that time only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.

Mrs. Bennet is a woman who cares for nothing more than to have her daughters married off. A reference from the last chapter book which supports this statement is \her two most deserving daughters.\

I also see that Mrs. Bennet is extremely fickle and changes her mind quickly. In the course of the book we see two examples of this; the first one is in the


beginning of the book after the foolish Mr. Collins chooses to marry Jane instead of Elizabeth. \was now high in her good graces\

called Mr. Darcy a \their friends, the Lucas’s and later on in the last few chapters of the book called him \her daughter, Elizabeth, was to marry him.

Mrs. Bennet is a woman who thrives on gossip. It is almost all she cares about. Even the guidance of her daughters is not on the top of her priority list, and this bad decision is shown to us by the flirtatious daughter that is Lydia. What she doesn't realize is how the 18th century society looks down upon her. She is quite unaware of her class and is downright silly. In her eyes Lydia, the shallow

and insensitive daughter of the five is her favorite because of her liveliness and good humor. Lydia marries Wickham who at first is a charmer having all the good qualities a man should have: good looks, humor, liveliness and is instantly accepted into the society. However, later it will be found out that Wickham is

insinuating and sly. And yet, when Mrs Bennet finds out that Lydia is marrying him, she is absolutely ecstatic and her main focus is on the dress that Lydia will wear on her wedding. These are the most obvious points of Mrs Bennet.

3. What makes Elizabeth feel so grateful to Darcy? How does Darcy respond to her.( P71) Elizabeth’s sister Lydia has always been frivolous and she runs away with Wayne, who is poor and hypocritical. This behavior is not recognized at that time which destroys the Bennet’s reputation. The whole family feels ashamed, especially Elizabeth. Although Lydia has the plan to marry Wayne, Wayne, as a playboy, considers everything as a game. Elizabeth is so worried with her poor sister, so she decides to leave her hometown to find her sister. Fortunately, Darcy gives a helping hand. He finds them and tries his best to convince Lydia to come back. Faced with Wayne’s greedy, he doesn’t flinch. He pays the debts for Wayne and gives Lydia a large amount of money. In order to help them, he also buys an official post for Wayne. Besides these, Darcy is also very gentle, he doesn’t expose Wayne so as to protect the whole family’s reputation. He does everything for Elizabeth; he doesn’t want her to be harmed. Darcy is proud at the beginning, which makes Elizabeth hate him so much, but after he has done so many things, Elizabeth’s prejudice is eliminated and she feels so grateful to Darcy.

Darcy feels sorry at the beginning. He is also surprised and excited. Originally, Darcy doesn’t want Elizabeth to know everything. He doesn’t help her sister for certain purpose. Generally, he is delighted that Elizabeth is not so indifferent to him as before. He has never wanted to get her gratitude, but this time he feels hopeful. He tells Elizabeth that all his done was for her only, because it’s only her in his heart. He shows his affections to her again which makes Elizabeth so embarrassed. Darcy also apologizes for his pride in the past time. Now, they have cleared up the misunderstanding. It’s a turning point of their emotional journey.

George Gordon Byron She Walks in Beauty她在美中行 1. What is the colour of the lady’s dress? How do you know?

Black. The poet compared the lady to the night (...like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies).


2. What does “their dwelling place” refer to in the last line of the second stanza? Their dwelling place refers to the lady's mind or soul. This lady had not only physical beauty but also inner beauty.

3. Where are the lady’s winning smiles? How do they appear to the poet? They are in the poet's imagination. They appear serene, sweet, pure, and perfect.

Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode to the West Wind P78 1. In what way is the West Wind both a destroyer and a preserver?

West wind is the destroyer as it is turbulent and strong and destroys the wide spread vegetation. It is a destroyer of the old, decaying and valueless things (such as dead

leaves), blowing over the land, drives away the dead leaves. Shelly shows the irony of the wind that acts in a contradictory manner.(use and Describe the words that show the

potential strength and use effective language)It is the preserver as it brings life to the dead atmosphere, it spreads the seeds and they lie two inches beneath the ground and eventually sprout into seedlings.

2. What is the relation between the West Wind and the poet?

In \The natural world is especially powerful because it contains elements like the West Wind and the Spring Wind, which can travel invisibly across the globe, affecting every cloud, leaf, and wave as they go. Man may be able to increase his status by allowing Nature to channel itself through him. The speaker of the poem appeals to the West Wind to infuse(灌输,影响) him with a new spirit and a new power to spread his ideas.

3. As “the trumpet of prophecy”, what does the west wind predict in physical reality? How do you understand it symbolically?

As the speaker of \the wind to use him as an instrument, inhabit him, distribute his ideas, or prophesy through his mouth. He hopes to transform himself by uniting his own spirit with the larger \

The speaker wishes that the wind could affect him the way it does leaves and clouds and waves. Because it can’t, he asks the wind to play him like an instrument, bringing out his sadness in its own musical lament. Maybe the wind can even help him to send his ideas all over the world; even if they’re not powerful in their own right, his ideas might inspire others. The sad music that the wind will play on him will become a prophecy. The West Wind of autumn brings on a cold, barren period of winter, but isn’t winter always followed by a spring?

John Keats

Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古翁颂 3. Comment on the epigram “beauty is truth, truth beauty”.

The poet point out the relation between art and reality: Beauty is truth, truth beauty.The conclusion of this stanza is praising the greatness and eternity of art. That is to say people consider truth is beautiful because it is true. Just owing to the affective bias, in people’s mind true things are really beautiful, while false things are just seemingly beautiful. Therefore, only truth is real beauty.

Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre P88